Justice League

Standing before the group Virgil activated his flames and healed them of all of their wounds.

"Are you alright," Virgil said helping Raven stand up

"Over a month..." Raven said in a low voice

"For over a month you went missing gone, and just like that no one could find you. Do you know what we went through? I thought somehow my father got to you!!!" Raven yelled at Virgil surprising everyone

"Seriously man where did you go? What happened to you?" Wally asked

"I know Raven...I'm sorry I didn't not expect that to happen. It was something I had no control over," Virgil replied ignoring Wally

"Is he ignoring me?" Wally asked confused

"Tell me was it my father...did he do something to you?" Raven asked pointing at the section of white hair

"Don't worry it wasn't you're father. But good news I found out how to get to Azarath. I will find a way to stop your father believe me," Virgil said with a grin

"Hello...I think he is ignoring me," Wally continued

"Enough with you catch-up speak where the hell have you been," Damian said grabbing Virgil's collar 

"Move your hand before I break it a friend made this for me," Virgil said with bloodlust in his voice

Staring into his eyes Damian knew that he wasn't joking and released his collar. He then grabbed his phone a called a number.

"...Father yes. He has returned he is in front of me as we speak...Yes Father," Damian said hanging up the phone

"You, we must return to the Tower," Damian ordered

"Do you mean it did you really find a way back to Azarath?" Raven asked

"Yes I did I will come to you when everything is ready," Virgil replied

"Wait what do you mean are you leaving again?" Raven asked

"No, not yet. But I still have things to get ready before we can go" 

"Then let me come with you. This is my father, my problem I shouldn't leave this to you," Raven said

"That's why I came back but before that, I need to speak with Batman and the others. I know they won't just let me go this that," Virgil sighed

"Alright...but promise me something...Never just leave again I wouldn't know what to do if my father was to hurt you while you tried to save me," Raven said her hand slightly shaking

"Don't worry I won't go down that easily. But we should get going before the Batman loses his temper," Virgil sighed before carving a rune circle for him and raven 

"Hey what about us," Wally asked looking at the small circle

"You have super speed and Jaime can fly I think you guys will figure something out," Virgil said 

The next moment he and Raven were transported to the Justice League tower where the main members of the Justice League were already waiting including Nightwing and Starfire.

"Virgil it's true y-your alive and well," Clark said with a smile on his face

"What happened to you? Where you are taken by someone. A god maybe a Demon?" Wonder woman asked

"Hello let's skip all of this. I wasn't taking things that I could not control happened I am fine and alive now let's get to the business at hand," Virgil sighed

"Before that where are the rest?" Starfire asked

"I don't know. They should be on their way," Virgil replied

"Look we are not skipping past anything I want you to tell us everything that happened to you in the past month and a half," Batman said malice in his voice 

"I don't need to tell you everything. Sorry, you can't be a control freak when it comes to me. I was going to stay but things have changed and I need to work on my own," Virgil replied to Batman

"What are you talking about what things?" Barry asked

"See this show. Do any of you know that truth about Raven?" Virgil asked

"W-wait d-don't tell them. I...I have to," Raven said pulling Virgil's sleeve

"What do you mean what happened to the girl," Aquaman asked

"I fucking knew it. That's all you do batman just brings powerful people in. Never even tried to figure out the truth about why she can do what she does,"

"Raven, what's wrong what is he talking about?" Starfire asked

"M-my father is Trigon and on my birthday he will use me as a gate to escape his prison and enslave Earth," Raven said nervously

"What...why haven't you told us this?" Dick asked

"Trigon...I remember Constantine spoke about that name before. Isn't he an all-powerful demon?" asked Green Arrow

"Yes...he has been trapped since my birth but when I turn eighteen he will use my body as a conduit to escape, and complete his mission of enslaving all living beings," Raven said with slight horror on her face

"When is your birthday?" Diana asked

"In a month and a half," Raven replied

"A month and a half why didn't you say anything earlier we could have helped you," Clark said

"I feared he would send his servants after you I-I'm sorry," Raven replied

"See know of you knew. But I did and I'm working on a way to stop him. But before that I just wanted to let you know that Raven will have to come with me for the plan to work," Virgil added

"We can't let a kid deal with something this serious," Aquaman said

"Shut up all of you can barely handle your enemies now and you want to fight a demon that is millions of years old. For crying out loud Batman doesn't have the ball to kill a damn clown," Virgil yelled

"Watch your tone boy," Dianna said

"Watch my tone. You are constantly fighting a bitch with the powers of a cheetah when you could have killed her ages ago," Virgil continued his mana leaking out

"Calm down Virgil. We don't kill," Clark said

"Ah yes, you don't you just stop them and put them in jail. Then they escape and kill hundreds, thousands if not more people then you just capture them again and the cycle repeats. You guys do nothing but play cat and mouse. Until it affects you and someone you love gets hurt you won't make the decision that has to be made," 

As Virgil yelled the mana around them became denser causing the gravity in the room to increase.

"But that doesn't give us the right to kill," Batman said

"Shut the hell up. The Joker has killed hundreds of thousands but you say if you kill him another would appear. News fucking flash there have already been three fucking jokers you just haven't realized!!" 

"What are you talking about?" Nightwing asked

"I'm done speaking with you idiots. Maybe when you realize how little you help; maybe you can start to do some real good. Until then goodbye," Virgil said speaking the runes and disappearing

[A/N: Sorry had to vent]