Truth's out

In an underground facility in the middle of a forest, two people appeared out of thin air in the hallway.

"Virgil, where are we?" Raven asked

"It's a training facility some friend of mine made for us to get ready," Virgil replied

"Oh, I see. But this makes me more serious about what happened to you," Raven said

"I will tell you soon enough but right now we have a lot to worry about," Virgil said guiding her down the hall

Soon they reached a large living area with a kitchen, living room, and other basic household needs.

"This is the living area. Your room is over there and mine will be one door over. The training area is one level lower. Right now it's made out of metal but soon I will have it replaced with a stronger material so you can train without holding back," Virgil explained

"Thank you think I could go to my room now," Raven asked

"Sure go ahead. I will start making lunch do you have anything you would like to eat?" Virgil asked

"No; I'm not a picky eater so you can make what you would like," Raven replied walking into her room

"Alright," Virgil said walking into the kitchen 

As he made dinner Virgil made sure to infuse it with mana to help your recovery speed for when they begin training. Once he was done making spaghetti he called her to eat. 

"Thank you," she said taking a seat across from Virgil

Sitting down Virgil began eating when Raven stopped and called out to him.


Stopping he looked up to see Raven playing around with her food.

"Is something wrong?" 

"N-no...Nothing is wrong but I have a question that has been sitting in my mind for a while," Raven said

"Go ahead ask me,"

"Is the reason why you are helping me because y-you like me?" Raven asked with a flushed face

Hearing that Virgil's face went wide with surprise. Coughing on his food he took a sip of water before looking back up at her.

"W-what made you think that?" Virgil asked 

"Well, Wally heard you....He overheard you and Zatanna speaking and he said that you were helping me because you liked me," Raven said shyly

(God damn it Wally what happened to watching from the background) Virgil sighed to himself 

"...Yeah; it's true that I have feelings for you. I know what your father can do and I don't want to see you getting hurt trying to deal with him alone," Virgil replied with a red-face

Hearing that Raven's face became beet red and she shyly looked down at her food.

"I'm...I'm going to need some time to think," she said in a low voice

"Of course, I don't mean to force anything on you," Virgil quickly replied

{Smooth} Sabastian laughed watching the scene play out

(Shut up) Virgil thought his face still red

After they both finished eating dinner Raven excused herself and went into her room.

"God damn it Wally why didn't you keep your damn mouth shut," Virgil sighed cleaning the table

{Why do you go train to blow off some steam} Sabastian suggested

"You're right," Virgil responded going to the training room

Opening his inventory he grabbed the martial arts book given to him by Chrisphtoer. Reading the book he realized that he had given him something more useful than most weapons

[Renewal Taekwondo]

"System did you bring this book to this world?" Virgil asked

[Yes I had useful things from already lost works to create this world]

"I see I'm glad you did," Virgil said with a grin opening the book

As he read he could not help but become excited at the dozens of moves that were written. Thanks to the twin thought skill being so high he was able to memorize everything the book had. All he had to do now was put it into practice. 

But unlike twin thought which made learning easy the physical movements were not easy to mimic. He had the strength to use the attacks but it was still wrong. His body could not move as the book intended. Virgil realized that he was not flexible enough to even begin mastering the renewal of taekwondo. 

With a sigh, Virgil began at the basics. He stretched every part of his body. Unlike what he expected it was not easy. Some of the most basic stretching caused him pain, but it would all be worth it once he mastered renewal.

As minutes turned to hours, Virgil continued to stretch until his body felt unbelievably loose. Satisfied he left the training room but he was surprised to bump into Raven who was wearing shorts and a plain white t-shirt.

"Oh...hey; did you need something?" Virgil asked memories of dinner still fresh in his head

"Sorry...I just wanted to get some practice in since I haven't today," she replied her face still a tint of pink

"Okay...I just finished I will leave you to it," Virgil said moving to the side

Leaving the training room Virgil could not help but sigh as he made his way back to his room.

(Damn this is going to be more awkward that I thought)