Chapter 42: The Last Night in the Forest

After a night's rest, Ash and Misty resumed their journey through Viridian Forest. Along the way, Ash took every opportunity to let Weedle battle any lone Caterpie they encountered.

After several intense battles, Weedle's strength had improved, and, much to Ash's excitement, it finally evolved into Kakuna.

Kakuna was still a Bug and Poison type, but its Ability had changed from Shield Dust to Shed Skin.

This new Ability gave Kakuna a 1/3 chance of recovering from any status condition after each turn. Its physical appearance had also undergone a significant transformation.

Kakuna now had a hard, light-yellow shell with snake-like patterns etched into it.

The head was smooth and round, with two triangular eyes and small, sickle-like arms protruding from the middle of its body.

There was a slight warmth emanating from its shell, a sign that something powerful was developing within.

In its Kakuna form, however, it could barely move, relying mainly on its Harden move. Despite this, it could still use Poison Sting and String Shot from its days as Weedle.

"The Bug-type Pokémon sure evolve quickly..." Misty commented as they stopped for lunch, setting up camp for a brief break.

She glanced at Kakuna, who sat quietly, unmoving, and without any fear, she curiously poked at its hard shell.

Kakuna merely shifted its eyes toward her, not bothered by the interaction. It seemed content to remain still, waiting patiently for its next and final evolution.

Ash watched in mild surprise. "You're not scared of Bug-type Pokémon anymore?" he asked, remembering how Misty had initially been terrified of them.

"I'm still a little scared," Misty admitted, "but not as much as before. I guess spending all this time with them has helped."

"Facing your fears is the best way to overcome them," Ash said, offering her a nod of approval.

The afternoon was spent in training as usual. Pikachu and Pidgeotto were continuing to adjust to their newfound strength.

Ash had them focus on stabilizing their current abilities rather than learning new moves just yet.

Once they were ready, Ash planned to teach Pidgeotto *Aerial Ace*, a move known for its swift, almost guaranteed hit.

As evening fell, Ash and Misty realized that their time in the Viridian Forest was drawing to a close. This was their fourth day in the forest, and they were now near its outskirts, close to Pewter City.

"Finally! We should reach Pewter City by tomorrow," Misty said with a sigh of relief, sipping on some simple broth by the campfire.

As much as she had enjoyed the journey, she was beginning to miss the comforts of city life.

Ash, on the other hand, was brimming with excitement.

"Once we get there, I'm going to challenge the Pewter City Gym and earn my first Badge!" he declared, taking a hearty gulp of his broth.

"Gym battles aren't easy, you know," Misty warned, recalling her own experiences with gym challenges.

Ash grinned playfully. "What about you? Aren't you going to challenge the Gym?"

Misty looked flustered. "Me? N-no... I'm not ready yet..." she stammered, laughing nervously. It was true that Misty had no interest in gym challenges at the moment.

As one of the heirs to the Cerulean Gym, she would eventually take on the role of Gym Leader herself, but for now, she was content to travel with Ash.

As the night deepened, the Pokémon had finished their meals and settled down to rest. Pikachu and Pidgeotto were visibly tired from their training, and Ash had put them away for the night.

Only Kakuna remained outside, gazing up at the sky, as if longing to fly.

Ash noticed Kakuna's expression and walked over.

"Don't worry, Kakuna. Once you evolve into Beedrill, you'll be able to soar through the sky," he said, gently patting Kakuna's smooth head.

Kakuna let out a soft, contented noise, its voice now deeper and more mature than when it was Weedle. It had grown up, and soon it would experience its final evolution.

"Rest up," Ash told Kakuna. "You'll need to gather all your strength for the big transformation."

Ash carefully picked up Kakuna, feeling the warmth emanating from its shell.

Kakuna seemed to enjoy the comfort of being carried, and it rubbed itself slightly against Ash's arms.

knowing that this might be one of the last times it would experience such closeness before evolving into a fierce Beedrill.

Later, after Misty had taken her turn to shower, Ash put Kakuna inside the tent with her.

Misty was still getting used to being around Bug-types, but she no longer flinched in fear like she once did.

When Ash returned to the tent after washing up, he found Misty and Kakuna locked in a staring contest.

They were barely half a meter apart, and Misty's eyelids were unwavering, as if trying to prove herself in some silent competition with the Pokémon.

"Really, Misty?" Ash laughed softly. "Competing with Kakuna now?"

Misty grinned without breaking her concentration. "I'll win this time, just watch!"

Kakuna blinked in response, and Misty immediately perked up. "Ha! See? I told you I'd win!"

Ash could only shake his head, chuckling at the scene. He was glad to see Misty becoming more comfortable with Kakuna and Bug-types in general. It was a small victory, but an important one.

"Alright, alright," Ash said, "let's get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day—we're going to Pewter City!"

Misty shot Kakuna one last proud look before snuggling into her sleeping bag. Kakuna, despite wanting to compete a little longer, had no choice but to settle down as well.

Ash, smiling at their antics, climbed into his sleeping bag. As he closed his eyes, he felt the excitement bubbling up inside him for the gym battle awaiting him in Pewter City.

Soon, he drifted off into a peaceful sleep, his Pokémon resting by his side, ready for whatever tomorrow would bring.

