Chapter 43: Taunt

The morning sun filtered through the trees as Ash rose early, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. He tiptoed out of the tent, careful not to wake Misty or her Pokémon, who were still asleep.

Stepping outside, he took a moment to enjoy the crisp morning air before setting to work on breakfast.

The fire from the previous night had smoldered down to a few glowing embers, but Ash had learned how to make fire in the wild from numerous camping trips.

He quickly gathered dry grass and twigs, and soon, flames flickered back to life.

They had limited drinking water, a fact that hung in the back of his mind; they had purchased just enough to last six days, and with the added Pokémon, it was critical to conserve every drop.

With breakfast in mind, Ash made a simple pot of porridge. The savory aroma wafted into the air, and it wasn't long before the peaceful campsite began to stir.

"Pikapika..." Pikachu emerged, rubbing its eyes sleepily. Spotting Ash, it dashed over and hopped onto his shoulder, a position it loved to occupy.

"Good morning, Pikachu!" Ash greeted, turning to the supplies to ready Pokémon food he had set aside the night before. "Time to eat!"

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped in excitement, jumping down to dive into its meal with enthusiasm.

The taste of the Tamato Berry was a delightful surprise for the small Pokémon, who practically danced around with joy.

After ensuring Pikachu was content, Ash moved into the tent to wake Misty, along with Kakuna and Pidgeotto, who were still nestled close in their sleeping bags.

"Misty, it's time for breakfast! Wake up and wash your face," he called gently.

"Good morning… Ash…" Misty mumbled, sitting up groggily, still wrapped in her sleeping bag like a little cocoon. The sight made Ash chuckle; she looked adorable even in her sleepy state.

With a smile, Ash encouraged her to hurry out; there was still much to do before they set off again. They had a long trek ahead of them to reach Pewter City, scheduled for the afternoon.

Once breakfast was finished and the campsite cleaned, the group packed up and continued their journey.

The path lined with tall grass stretched before them, the scenery gradually shifting as they moved away from the Viridian Forest.

As they traveled through the grassy expanse, Pokémon were abundant, though mostly weak and harmless.

This area was frequented by rookie Trainers, and Ash felt a sense of reassurance knowing that they were in a safe environment.

The diglett cave that Ash had heard about resided to the east, connecting the second and eleventh routes, but he had no intention of traversing it.

Instead, he focused on the well-marked path to Pewter City, characterized by the towering Rock Mountains looming in the distance, serving as a prominent guidepost.

After a solid morning of hiking, Misty began to show signs of fatigue. "Let's take a break," she suggested, the strain of walking wearing on her compared to her usual bike rides.

"Sure, it's almost noon anyway," Ash replied, glancing at the sun. They sought refuge under a large tree, unpacking their bento boxes prepared that morning.

With many other Trainers also stopping for lunch, the atmosphere was buzzing with chatter and laughter.

As they enjoyed their meal, Ash noticed that most Trainers around them had ordinary Pokémon, though a few possessed relatively rare ones like Scyther and Electabuzz, catching the attention of those nearby.

After lunch, as they prepared to hit the road again, they encountered a Trainer standing in their path. 

"Hello! My name is Asen, and I'm from Pewter City," the Trainer introduced himself, about Ash and Misty's age but a little taller. 

"Hi there," Ash and Misty replied, cautious yet polite.

"Are you two headed to Pewter City?" Asen asked, eyeing Pikachu perched on Ash's shoulder with a smirk. "Are you planning to challenge the Pewter Gym?"

"Yeah, why?" Ash responded, curious about Asen's sudden shift in demeanor.

"You know, the Pokémon you brought aren't exactly suited for taking on the Pewter Gym," Asen remarked, confidence lacing his words.

Misty's frown deepened. His arrogance was palpable, and it was evident he was one of those Trainers with an Electabuzz, often viewed as strong among their peers.

Surrounding Trainers began to take notice of the conversation, fidgeting with their Pokémon as they exchanged glances, some looking slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't think you're really qualified to challenge the Pewter Gym!" Asen sneered, an expression of condescending confidence plastered across his face. "

Actually, you probably aren't qualified to challenge the Kanto Alliance at all! Not everyone gets to battle."

Ash's calm demeanor remained, even while anger simmered beneath the surface at Asen's blatant disrespect.

Misty clenched her fists, visibly upset, but Ash caught her eyes and held a steady gaze to keep her from retaliating.

"So, you're trying to stop me, huh?" Ash asked, his voice steady but with an undercurrent of annoyance.

"Stop? You think you're worth me using the word 'stop'?"

Asen laughed, a mocking tone echoing through the air. The laughter rang hollow, especially after Ash's cold stare that made him squirm uncomfortably.

"If you're a Trainer, then you should step up and fight me!" Asen snapped, his earlier arrogance returning along with a hint of desperation.

"Of course!" Ash replied, a smirk creeping onto his face as he leaned forward. "And I'll gladly give you a counter to what you just said."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asen's brow furrowed in confusion.

"It's not about being a cat or a dog," Ash retorted, his voice rising slightly, "because everyone is qualified to challenge the Alliance! You don't get to decide who's worthy!"

The surrounding Trainers buzzed with whispers ignited by Ash's defiance.

Asen's confidence faltered as he realized his error; he had underestimated the resolve of Ash, a lesser-known but still formidable Trainer.

"I'll show you what it means to be worthy, then," Asen spat, fists balled and a competitive fire igniting in his eyes. 

Ash stepped forward, feeling the adrenaline rise. "Then let's settle this! Show me what you've got!" 

Both Trainers faced each other, the tension between them palpable as Misty watched, a mixture of anxiety and excitement bubbling within her.

It was a test of strength, passion, and determination—a moment that would set the tone for their journey ahead.

