Chapter 44: A Humiliated Battle

"What?!" Hearing this, Asen was furious, staring at Ash with a ferocious face, and gritted his teeth, "I hope that after the battle is over, you still have the courage to say this!"

"You too..." Ash didn't want to waste words with Asen, and after responding casually, he distanced himself.

A Sen still wanted to say something, but seeing that Ash ignored him and distanced himself, he turned around and walked away with a gloomy face, and also distanced himself, he wanted to let this person understand that offending himself is not just as simple as humiliation!

The surrounding Trainers have graDually gathered around. Asen obviously has a certain reputation here. With Electabuzz's Species Strength, among this group of Trainers who are not strong and have just left the range of Beginner, Asen can be said to be the most powerful. Part of it.

Some Trainers looked at Ash with pity, because Ashen's favorite thing to do was to humiliate some Trainers who passed by or came here for training, and Ash seemed to be carrying a cute Pikachu, and his strength didn't feel very powerful.

"The rule of the battle is two-on-two. When one of the parties loses two Pokémon, the battle is over!" After standing still, Ash shouted loudly to Ash, the voice should not be too loud, after all, the distance is so far.

Ash nodded slightly, even if it was a six-on-six all-hands Duel, he was not afraid. Even if there were only three Pokémon now, he was confident that he could defeat Asen's six Pokémon.

"Then go first and I'll take it! Spearow, the first battle is up to you!"

Because there is no referee, there is no guessing, and A Sen's character, directly grabs the first strike and throws the Poké Ball , send out the first Pokémon to fight, Spearow!


Attribute: Normal, Flying

Category: Bird Pokémon

Ability: Keen Eyes; Hidden Ability: Snipe Shot Hand

Keen Eyes: A Pokémon with this Ability can still see Rival clearly in any situation, and will not be confused by any form.

Strength: ordinary level

Ash took a look at Spearow's appearance. Compared with the ordinary wild Spearow, it looked more ferocious, apparently well-trained.

But... after seeing that he has Pikachu, the other party dared to send out Spearow first. Was it too confident, or... wanted to humiliate himself?

Ash's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Asen. Seeing the playful smile on Asen's face, he knew what Asen was thinking.

Since the other party was so rude, of course he would not be polite to the other party!

"Kakuna, it's up to you!" Ash straightened his hat slightly, threw a Poké Ball, and sent out the Pokémon to fight, Kakuna!

"What?!" Seeing Kakuna appearing in front of Ash, Asen's face suddenly turned gloomy. He just wanted to use Spearow to humiliate Ash, but Ash actually sent Kakuna to humiliate himself in turn!

Misty and the surrounding Trainers didn't expect Ash to use Kakuna to fight, but compared with the appearance of the surrounding Trainers, Misty is full of confidence in Ash.

"Damn it, I'll make you pay! Spearow, attack, peck!"

Asen unceremoniously launched an attack. In his opinion, Pokémon like Kakuna have no combat power, and his Spearow can easily beat each other.

A Sen even saw Ash showing a regretful expression, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Lie——!" Spearow swooped down from the air, and the Flying Type condensed on its sharp hooked beak and rushed towards Kakuna. The ferocious appearance caused some Trainers around to exclaim.

"Kakuna, use String Shot!" When the distance between the two was less than five meters, Ash finally gave the order for Kakuna to fight back.

"Iron..." Kakuna responded in a low voice, the energy of the Bug Type was stimulated, and a large number of silk threads spewed out from its mouth, attacking Sperow at an extremely fast speed.

Spearow obviously didn't expect the opponent to counterattack.

After all, Kakuna is too confusing. Few Trainers will use Kakuna to fight, so they have never experienced this kind of thing, resulting in a slow reaction, which made the silk thread entangled on themselves. !

A layer of descending blue flames flashed across Spearow's body, which meant that a certain Stat Modifiers on it had been reduced, and what was reDuced was naturally its speed!

The effect of String Shot reduced Spearow's speed by one level, slowing it down, and because of the entangled silk thread, it was worth noting that its movements could not be fully stretched, but it still continued to attack Kakuna by virtue of the inertia of the dive.

"Harden!" And as Spearow slowed, Ash ordered again for Kakuna to take the blow with Harden.

"Iron—!" Kakuna's eyes lit up slightly, the white translucent Normal Type energy flickered on the surface of the body, the red rising flames flickered, the defense level increased by one, and then the shell of his body became smoother , and looks more rigid.

"Bang!" Just as Harden finished, Spearow's attack had also arrived, and it slammed into Kakuna's body without reservation, knocking Kakuna several meters away!

Kakuna's eyes showed pain. Although after passing Harden, the defensive ability was improved by one level, but the restraint power of Attribute still made it consume a lot of physical strength.

This blow reDuced it by at least one-third, nearly one-half physical strength.

"Hahahaha, you see, you want to use Kakuna to humiliate me? It's simply impossible!"

Seeing that Spearow's attack hit, Asen burst out laughing, and then issued another order for Spearow to pursue, "Encore, make Peck out!"

Spearow soared above the Soaring in the sky again, and after receiving the order, he swooped down again, pecked, and rushed towards Kakuna again!

But at this time, Spearow was no longer the speed of last time, and was disturbed by the silk thread, and his movements were slightly deformed, which gave Ash a lot of room for manipulation!

"Kakuna, use String Shot, pull yourself out, dodge the attack!" Ash's face remained unchanged, and he issued an order calmly.

"Iron Shell—!" After Ash's training, Kakuna understood Ash's meaning very well.

When Spearow was less than five meters away from him, Kakuna launched String Shot. The target was not Spearow, but the open space beside him!

After spitting out the silk thread, the thread sticks to the Ground, and then Kakuna shrinks the thread and pulls himself over.

With this technique, he makes up for his weakness of being unable to move!

Spearow obviously didn't think about this, even though he had already reacted, but because of the silk thread, it couldn't adjust its direction, and it hit Kakuna directly on the original position.

"Boom!" Ground was knocked out of a small dent by Spearow, and the surrounding soil was blown up. Although the blow didn't hurt Spearow, it also made Spearow feel a little dizzy.

The performance of Ash and Kakuna made the surrounding Trainers exclaim, which made Misty show a proud expression and feel proud.

