Chapter 47: Pewter City

After his defeat, Asen had no face to stay any longer. He hastily recalled his Electabuzz and, embarrassed, slipped away from the crowd, disappearing from sight.

But no one paid him any mind. The audience's attention was focused on Ash and Beedrill.

The battle they had witnessed was both thrilling and impressive.

"Hey, I'm Doni from Rainbow City. That was incredible! You're not just a Beginner Trainer, are you?" A trainer approached Ash, still in awe of Beedrill's strength and agility.

Ash smiled humbly. "Hi, I'm Ash, from Pallet Town. Actually, I am a Beginner Trainer."

"Really?!" Doni exclaimed in disbelief, and the other trainers standing nearby were equally shocked.

To see such skill and power from a Beginner Trainer was extraordinary. It was clear that this trainer from Pallet Town had immense potential.

"Pallet Town... you mean the place where Professor Oak lives?" another trainer asked, recognizing the name because of the famous professor.

"That's right," Ash replied, happy to engage in conversation. For a little while, he exchanged stories with the trainers, learning a bit about them as well.

Misty, standing nearby, couldn't help but smile. She even felt a sense of pride in Ash's accomplishments, as if his success somehow reflected on her as well.

"Sorry, it's getting late, and we're heading to Pewter City today," Ash eventually said, politely excusing himself. As much as he enjoyed talking to them, he was eager to reach Pewter City.

"Are you challenging the Pewter Gym tomorrow?" one trainer asked excitedly.

"If all goes well, I'll challenge it in the morning," Ash confirmed.

"Awesome! I'm definitely going to the gym to watch your challenge!" another trainer said, and several others quickly echoed their intent to watch the battle.

After bidding farewell to the trainers, Ash and Misty resumed their journey towards Pewter City.

Misty seemed to be in high spirits, her smile never fading, and she practically skipped along the path.

"You're awfully cheerful," Ash observed, confused but amused by her mood.

"Of course I am!" Misty replied, puffing up with pride. "I've watched you grow stronger, and seeing everyone praise you makes me proud too!"

Ash laughed, though he wasn't entirely sure why Misty felt so connected to his achievements. But seeing her so happy, he decided to let it go and simply enjoyed the moment.


Pewter City lay nestled in the shadows of the Rock Mountains, its towering gray peaks surrounding the city like natural guardians.

As Ash and Misty approached, Ash couldn't help but be impressed by the unique, rugged beauty of the place.

"Pewter City is amazing..." Ash marveled, taking in the sight of the rock formations that framed the city. This was unlike any place he had ever seen before.

Misty, who had passed through Pewter City on her way from Cerulean, smiled at Ash's awe.

She began pointing out landmarks and interesting facts about the city, such as the famous Pewter Museum of Science, which housed ancient fossils, including complete skeletons of **Aerodactyl** and **Dragonite**.

Pewter City had a certain weight to it, Ash thought, a grounded feeling that made it seem solid and dependable.

As they walked through the streets, he noticed how peaceful and content the residents appeared, lending the city an air of stability and calm.

Eventually, they arrived at the Pokémon Center, which, unlike the one in Viridian City, looked more like a stone structure carved directly out of a rock. Its rough-hewn, gray exterior gave the building an almost ancient feel, as if it had been there as long as the mountains themselves.

Trainers crowded around the battle arena outside the Center, battling in the afternoon sun.

Ash and Misty didn't linger. They checked in, handed over their Pokémon to Nurse Joy for healing, and were shown to their dormitory room.

"Finally, I can lie down!" Misty exclaimed, throwing her bag down by the window and then flopping onto the bed. She sighed contentedly.

"I know what you mean," Ash agreed, leaning back on his bed.

As much as he loved adventuring, there was nothing quite like the comfort of a soft mattress after a long day of travel.

The outdoors had its charm, but nothing compared to a warm bed and a room with air conditioning.

Misty propped herself up on one elbow and looked at Ash with a mischievous smile. "Any plans later? I want to explore the city!"

Ash thought for a moment. "I was thinking the same. After we pick up Pikachu and the others, we can go check out Pewter City tonight. Maybe even grab dinner outside."

"Sounds great!" Misty's eyes sparkled with excitement.

She had been hoping to spend some time with Ash outside of their regular routine, and the idea of a night out in Pewter City made her smile even more.


After resting for a bit, Ash and Misty gathered their things and returned to the Pokémon Center lobby to retrieve their Pokémon.

Pikachu and the others were in much better shape after their treatment. Though they weren't fully rested, they were in much better condition.

Nurse Joy took a moment to give Ash some advice.

"Training your Pokémon is important, but make sure they don't overdo it. Fatigue can build up over time, and if it goes unchecked, it can make your Pokémon sick."

Ash nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. No wonder there are Pokémon breeders and masseurs. I'll have to keep that in mind moving forward."

He thought about how lucky he'd be if Brock joined him on his journey.

Brock, with his knowledge and dedication to becoming a top breeder, would certainly be able to help with those finer details of Pokémon care.

With their Pokémon in good health, Ash and Misty set out to explore Pewter City at night. The adventure was just beginning, and tomorrow's gym challenge loomed ahead.

