Chapter 52: Geodude vs. Beedrill

Beedrill took off immediately, wings buzzing as it sped toward the battle. Even with a distance of about 80 meters between them, Ash knew that Beedrill needed to get closer for a successful attack.

The range of Beedrill's String Shot was insufficient from that far, so the Pokémon continued to close the distance.

In just a few seconds, Beedrill had dashed about 50 meters forward, its energy concentrating as Ash shouted,

"String Shot!" Thread after thread of sticky silk shot forth from Beedrill, aiming directly at Geodude.

"It's not that simple!" Brock, remaining composed, ordered Geodude, "Hide behind the Rock!" 

Though Geodude's speed was lacking, it utilized the large rock beside it as cover.

The rocky barrier blocked the incoming silk, causing the threads to scatter harmlessly across the stone surface while Geodude remained hidden.

"GeoDude, Rock Slide!" Seizing this opportunity, Brock commanded, and Geodude roared, its body infused with Rock-type energy.

It launched a barrage of rocks high into the air, each one set to rain down on Beedrill.

"Beedrill, dodge the attack!" Ash's voice rang out, his focus sharpening. With the odds stacked against them, Beedrill had to rely on its agility and training to avoid the falling rocks.

With a calm determination, Beedrill deftly maneuvered through the air. It fluttered its wings to access the gaps between the chunks of rock, expertly dodging the downpour.

As a few rocks narrowly missed, Beedrill sprinted forward, channeling its speed to stay just ahead of the falling debris. 

"Very precise moves, no unnecessary actions!" Brock noted, impressed. Beedrill's athletic prowess showcased remarkable finesse and drew admiration from Brock despite the competition.

As the dust settled from the rock assault, Ash saw his chance. "Beedrill, charge Geodude and use Twineedle!" He felt that the poison effect from the attack could sway the battle in his favor.

"Bee—!" Beedrill emitted a battle cry, powered by Bug-type energy. It launched itself from its cover, bursting forth from the dust with its stingers primed for attack.

Brock, however, was prepared. "That attack won't work against my Geodude!" he declared, his confidence unwavering. He had anticipated Ash's move and shot back, "Use Rollout!"

In an instant, GeoDude curled into a ball, utilizing Rock-type energy to propel itself forward at high speed, aiming directly for Beedrill.

Seeing this approach make Ash smile; he sensed an opening. Beedrill was perfect for countering a direct, slow-moving attack. Staying calm, Ash watched as Beedrill timed its movements perfectly, tensing its body. As GeoDude barreled closer, Beedrill executed a swift sidestep, avoiding the charge by mere centimeters.

"What?!" Brock exclaimed, taken aback by Beedrill's agility. Ash seized the moment, clenching his fists with determination.

"The advantage of Beedrill," he thought, "lies in its speed and flexibility!" 

With GeoDude missing its mark and crashing hard into a nearby rock, Beedrill wasted no time. Turning sharply, it honed in on its opponent. 

"Now, Beedrill!" Ash commanded. In rapid succession, Beedrill struck with two quick stabs using Twineedle, the sharp tips aimed directly at the exposed GeoDude. 

"Bang—bang—!" The piercing energy sunk into GeoDude, sending it flying several meters backward, the shock from the attack evident on the audience's faces.

The critical blow from Beedrill didn't just deliver damage; it activated its ability, Snipe Shot, amplifying the impact. Despite Geodude's strong defenses, even it could not withstand such a well-timed hit, resulting in a noticeable drop in its stamina.

A purple hue flickered around GeoDude as purple bubbles began to rise from its body, signaling that it was now poisoned. 

"That was impressive... You really are a Poké Ball-level trainer!" Brock admitted, his respect for Ash growing as he processed the battle's unexpected turn. Though he still found himself on the defensive, he couldn't dismiss Ash's capabilities.

"But we still have a chance, GeoDude!" Brock said, his resolve hardening. He understood the strength and experience he had, which were advantages he could leverage. "GeoDude, use Bulldoze!"

With a rallying roar, Geodude activated Ground-type energy, directing it downward and slamming its fist into the earth. "Boom!" A shockwave erupted from underfoot, radiating outwards with formidable force.

Bulldoze was a powerful, area-effect attack. Ash figured that, without a Flying-type or Levitate ability, it would be difficult for Beedrill to dodge this onslaught. 

"What will Ash do now?" the crowd whispered, anticipation thick in the air, as they waited to see how Beedrill would respond to the impending attack from Geodude.

