Chapter 53: Difficult Battle

Ash's focus sharpened as he saw Geodude prepare to unleash another Bulldoze.

His pupils constricted slightly; he knew this was exactly the type of attack that Beedrill struggled to handle. The stakes were high, and Ash's mind raced, looking for a way to minimize the impact.

"Beedrill, back up and hide behind the rock!"

Ash commanded, his voice steady. He understood that while this strategy wouldn't change the tide of the battle immediately, it would buy him time to find an opening for a decisive strike. 

Beedrill obeyed hurriedly, retreating to take cover behind a large rock as the shockwave from GeoDude's attack erupted across the battlefield.

The impact trembled the ground, shattering nearby rocks and sending debris flying, but the barrier provided enough shelter to lessen the blow.

Ash watched anxiously as the shockwave rushed past the rock, its power diminished to half by the time it reached Beedrill, but it still knocked the Pokémon back a short distance, taking a toll on its stamina.

"Bee…" Beedrill winced, its vibrant eyes showing hints of fear.

The raw power of GeoDude was evident, and Ash knew that if they took any more hits like that, it could be over.

Meanwhile, Geodude struggled against the effects of poison, purple bubbles forming around its body, indicating that the attack's toll was starting to add up. Despite its elite status, the continuous damage affected both its physical prowess and morale.

Ash understood that he couldn't stall indefinitely.

Brock wasn't going to let up, and neither could he. "GeoDude, Bulldoze!" Brock shouted, his voice firm as he directed his Pokémon for another strike.

"Punch!" GeoDude slammed its fist into the ground once more, creating a fresh shockwave that swept across the arena. 

"Keep going back, Beedrill! Hide behind the rock!" Ash instructed urgently.

He noted the previous range of GeoDude's attack and recognized that Beedrill needed to remain at least thirty meters away from its source of power to completely evade the attack's effects.

Beedrill darted backward, hiding behind a different rock, but not completely escaping the Bulldoze.

The attack still grazed Beedrill, causing fatigue but not as significantly as before thanks to the distance and the barrier.

"Have you found the flaws in my strategy so quickly?" Brock noted, surprised that Ash adapted so rapidly. The range of GeoDude's attacks wasn't infinite, but Ash had used his insights well. 

As the battle progressed, it started to turn unfavorable for Brock and GeoDude. Both Pokémon were feeling the strain:

Beedrill from dodging powerful attacks, while Geodude's own attacks had taken a toll on its health due to the poisoning.

"Think, Brock, think…" he muttered, trying to formulate a new strategy.

Observing the battlefield, Ash suddenly had an idea. "Beedrill, use String Shot as you retreat!" He needed to delay the inevitable while he searched for a winning strategy.

And while Beedrill lacked long-range offensive capabilities, String Shot could still hinder GeoDude's movement.

Beedrill summoned new energy, continuously spitting silk threads as it backed away. Brock frowned—he had been hoping to capitalize on Geodude's ground advantage, but had to refocus on avoiding Beedrill's harassment.

"GeoDude, dodge!" Brock shouted, but he couldn't provide an effective counter while worrying about the creeping poisoning effects on GeoDude.

The rocky terrain offered reduced cover, having taken damage from both their earlier attacks, making it harder for GeoDude to evade.

Though the String Shot darts zipped through the air with speed, GeoDude was still able to sidestep. However, the dodging movement exacerbated GeoDude's already declining strength, triggering further poisoning effects.

"GeoDude, use Rollout and get close to Beedrill!" Brock commanded, knowing he had to compress the space and force a confrontation if he hoped to reclaim the upper hand. 

Here, Ash recognized an opportunity. "Now, Beedrill, go up!" he shouted with newfound energy. This unexpected command surprised Brock.

What Ash had in mind was entirely different from what Brock anticipated. Instead of retreating further, Beedrill adjusted its attack. "Use Twineedle!"

Beedrill shifted direction instantly, charging forward with a surge of speed toward the rolling GeoDude. 

"Oops!" Brock's eyes widened; he had anticipated better timing on Ash's part. GeoDude, enveloped in a roll, had no hope of changing course in time.

But Beedrill's agility paid off. It evaded GeoDude's charge with a swift sidestep, and in the same motion, it lunged with Twineedle, its stingers glowing with energy. The movement was quick and fluid.

"Bang—bang—!" The sharp strikes connected with GeoDude, pushing its sturdy form back even as the energy of the attack absorbed much of the impact.

While not a critical hit, the strike dealt considerable damage, and Ash felt the momentum of the battle shift. The crowd gasped as they witnessed the back-and-forth exchange of skill and tactics.

Misty cheered from the sidelines. "You got this, Ash! Keep going!"

In the face of the battle's accelerating pace, Brock gritted his teeth. He had to regain control. The pressure of the match weighed heavily on both trainers, and each moment counted as they strived for victory.

