Chapter 54: Onix

GeoDude, struck hard by Beedrill's Twineedle, stopped its Rollout, gliding along the ground before colliding with a raised rock.

Purple bubbles floated from its body, indicating further degradation in its condition; it lay weakened in the small pit it had created. GeoDude had reached its limit.

"GeoDude is unable to battle! Beedrill wins!" the referee announced, and the excitement that erupted from the audience reflected Ash's own exhilaration.

Misty cheered from the sidelines, her voice almost drowned out by the applause and shouts from the crowd.

"You did great, Ash!" she exclaimed, her excitement evident. Even in defeat, the audience marveled at the intensity and skill displayed by both trainers.

Meanwhile, Brock calmly recalled Geodude into its Poké Ball, staring at Ash with a mix of respect and determination.

"You really are something, Ash," he acknowledged, not showing a hint of disappointment despite his Pokémon's defeat. "But you should know that GeoDude was just the beginning."

Despite the joy of victory, Ash knew he couldn't let his guard down. Brock's Trump Card was waiting in the wings.

"Be careful, Beedrill," he warned, remembering the powerful Pokémon Brock had mentioned before. He couldn't afford any more mistakes.

With a deep breath, Brock raised his voice, ready to unleash his next Pokémon. "Onix, go!" He threw the Poké Ball onto the battlefield, and in an instant, a massive, serpent-like Pokémon emerged. 

The crowd gasped in unison, eyes widening as Onix materialized, its length stretching at least eight meters.

The rock snake was an imposing sight, its body composed of gigantic boulders that formed a powerful and steadfast figure.


- **Type:** Rock, Ground

- **Category:** Rock Snake Pokémon

- **Ability:** Rock head or Sturdy; Hidden Ability: Weak Armor

- **Strength:** Bronze

Ash felt a familiar thrill of excitement mixed with pressure as he faced Onix.

He had anticipated Brock's strong second Pokémon, but witnessing it firsthand was another matter altogether. There was no way to underestimate Brock now.

"Beedrill, use String Shot!" Ash commanded, regaining his focus despite the intimidation of Onix's presence. 

"Bee!" Beedrill sprang into action, swiftly unleashing a barrage of sticky silk threads toward Onix. 

Brock, however, wasn't fazed. "Onix, Dragon Breath!" he ordered, determined to counter Beedrill's attack. 

As Onix opened its mouth, a sapphire blue energy began to gather, pulsing menacingly. Moments later, a thick, vibrant breath blasted forward, consuming Beedrill's String Shot before continuing on its trajectory directly towards the Bug-type Pokémon.

Beedrill's eyes widened in fear as the Dragon-type energy bore down on it—a stark reminder of the raw power associated with Dragon moves, even if Onix itself wasn't a true Dragon-type Pokémon.

"Beedrill, dodge!" Ash shouted, yanking Beedrill from the haze of fear.

The Bug Pokémon responded just in time, narrowly avoiding the blast, which detonated against the ground and created a massive crater.

After dodging, Beedrill quickly adjusted direction and charged toward Onix, determined to close the distance and evade Onix's long-range attacks. It was a risky maneuver, but Ash figured it was their best chance against the behemoth.

Brock, anticipating Beedrill's approach, smirked slightly, already formulating his next move. "You underestimate me,

Ash; I know Onix better than anyone." He could see Ash's strategy forming and was ready to counter it. "Onix, Screech!"

The ground trembled as Onix unleashed a bone-chilling roar, sending waves of sound crashing over Beedrill. The screech was excruciating, and its effects were immediate. Beedrill staggered, clutching its head in pain as its defenses were drastically lowered.

The effect of Screech was magnified by Onix's massive size and unique resonance. Onix's sudden and overwhelming hostility halted Beedrill, leaving it vulnerable just as it was nearing the formidable Pokémon.

"Now, Beedrill!" Ash shouted quickly, but it was too late; Beedrill's momentum was halted by the painful effects of Onix's attack. 

Brock took advantage of Beedrill's halted progress, commanding, "Onix, use Rock Slide!"

Onix reared its head back, gathering data on the field with precision. Tons of rocks shattered from its body, falling like meteors onto Beedrill. Ash's heart sank; it was a dire situation.

"Beedrill, move!" Ash yelled, desperate for a response, but Beedrill, still reeling from the Screech, found it difficult to respond in time.

The barrage of rocks descended upon Beedrill, and Ash could do little but watch as his trusty Pokémon was engulfed by the onslaught. Dust and debris clouded the arena, and the air was thick with tension as the audience held its breath.

Yet Ash knew that he and Beedrill had fought valiantly thus far. The stakes were high, and there was no backing down now. As the dust settled, he prepared for the next move, heart racing with determination to continue the fight.

