Chapter 55: Pidgeotto Goes Into Battle

Ash felt a jolt of panic wash over him as he witnessed Beedrill's struggle against Onix. The towering rock snake was moving swiftly, preparing to tie Beedrill up in a vice-like grip. "Not good!" he muttered, heart racing.

Brock wasted no time, giving the command decisively. "Now, Onix, use Bind!" 

With a powerful roar, Onix swung its massive tail, wrapping around Beedrill with unyielding force.

"Bee—!" Beedrill let out a painful cry, squirming futilely against the constriction. The pressure was overwhelming; Onix's strength was far beyond Beedrill's.

From the sidelines, Misty, who had been watching anxiously, shouted out, "Ash, quickly take back Beedrill!" She tried to remind him of his right as a challenger to recall his Pokémon.

Ash hesitated. He respected the rules and the integrity of the battle, but he could see Beedrill suffering. Nevertheless, he wasn't willing to return Beedrill yet; he wanted to fight until the end.

His eyes were filled with determination, refusing to give in. "No, Beedrill can still fight!" 

Beedrill's strength waned under Onix's pressure, but something flickered in its eyes—a fierce will to continue. The Pokémon focused all its energy, feeling Ash's resolve seep into it.

Suddenly, a spark ignited within Beedrill. "Rage!" Ash shouted, recognizing the move as a path to salvation.

As rage coursed through Beedrill, it broke free from Onix's Bind, its determination driving it to muster one last burst of strength.

Beedrill unleashed an astonishing surge of energy, the crimson glow enveloping its body.

Fueled by the adrenaline and its own spirit, it shook off the massive tail constricting it, surprising both Brock and Ash.

"What?!" Brock exclaimed, taken aback. He hadn't anticipated that Beedrill could rally like this under such dire circumstances. 

However, the relief was short-lived. Though Beedrill had freed itself, it collapsed, clearly drained of energy. 

"Beedrill loses its ability to fight! Onix wins!" the referee announced, noting the aftermath of the struggle. 

"Thank you, Beedrill…" Ash said quietly, recalling his Pokémon with a heavy heart. "You did amazing." He took a moment to appreciate the struggle Beedrill had fought, knowing it had laid everything on the line.

Brock stood in silence, his expression contemplative. Beedrill's refusal to give up struck a chord with him, igniting a flicker of inspiration.

He couldn't help but admire the spirit Ash and his Pokémon embodied. "Can I... be like Beedrill, chasing my dreams with relentless determination?" he mused internally.

Resolute, Ash took a deep breath, adjusting his cap before calling forth his next Pokémon. "Next up, it's you, Pidgeotto!" He tossed the Poké Ball, releasing his elegant Flying-type Pokémon onto the battlefield.

"Bi———!" Pidgeotto screeched, soaring high above Onix. The high-pitched cry resonated through the arena, reaffirming Ash's confidence as it stood boldly against the massive snake.

On paper, Pidgeotto was at a disadvantage. But if Ash had learned anything, it was to never underestimate the potential of his Pokémon. "Pidgeotto, use Sand Attack!"

With a swift flap of its wings, Pidgeotto stirred up a frenzy of dust and debris, creating a cloud that swirled around Onix, obscuring its vision. 

"Onix, Rock Slide!" Brock commanded without hesitation, unfazed by the distraction. He had trained with Onix for years and was well-versed in its tactics.

"Rock Snake!" Onix roared, undeterred by the dust swirling around it. Despite the assault on its senses, it gathered its energy and launched a barrage of massive rocks downward, aiming to crush Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto, Quick Attack! Dodge and close in on it!" Ash's voice was a calm but urgent command. He needed to seize the initiative before Onix could land a hit. The sound of falling boulders filled the air as Pidgeotto, cloaked in Normal-type energy, darted through the storm of debris.

Pidgeotto zipped under the falling rocks, narrowly avoiding them. Its agility kept it safe, each high-velocity move bringing it closer to Onix. 

Brock, feeling the pressure, countered quickly. "Onix, use Screech!" 

"Yan———!" Onix emitted a chilling roar, sending oppressive sound waves toward Pidgeotto. The sound surged forward, crashing against Pidgeotto and forcing it to momentarily falter. The energy cracked like thunder in the arena.

Ash felt a momentary pang of fear as Pidgeotto hesitated, but he was prepared. "Don't let up, Pidgeotto! Keep going!" 

Pidgeotto shook off the effects of the attack, albeit a bit slower due to the loss in defense. The stakes of the battle were high, but Ash believed that with strategy and heart, they could find a way to win this fight.

As Pidgeotto propelled itself forward, Ash's confidence grew. They had faced challenges before, and together, they were ready to overcome this trial, just as Beedrill had. The battle raged on, and Ash's determination burned brighter with each passing moment.

