Chapter 57: The Winner

"Onix——!" Brock exclaimed in disbelief, watching as Pidgeotto managed to repel the enormous rock snake, sending it tumbling back three or four meters.

The impact clearly inflicted significant damage, and Brock was at a loss as to how this had happened.

Pidgeotto's strength remained at a normal level, yet its attack had suddenly surged. Was this truly a breakthrough to elite capabilities?

The audience was equally stunned. Gasps of amazement filled the air as spectators jumped to their feet, some gripping their heads in astonishment, while others stared wide-eyed.

Misty's expression shifted from shock to joy. "If Pidgeotto can deliver such powerful hits, there's a real chance Ash can win this!"

"Sure enough… it can be done!" Ash cried out, a proud smile lighting up his face as he regarded Pidgeotto, who was panting heavily but still standing tall.

The power of the last attack had taken its toll, but Pidgeotto was not ready to give in.

The exhilaration of the moment made both trainer and Pokémon revel in their sudden momentum.

Pidgeotto processed its previous action, reflecting on how it had followed Ash's instructions to combine Quick Attack and Wing Attack seamlessly. The newfound synergy between the moves had surprised even Pidgeotto itself.

Meanwhile, Onix bucked its head, still dazed from the powerful blow. Don't get careless, Brock thought, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

There was a method to Pidgeotto's newfound strength, and as long as he could identify it, he still had a chance to turn the tide.

"Onix, use Rock Slide!" Brock commanded, intent on regrouping. The moment he issued the order, he felt a flicker of doubt—had he underestimated the full potential of Ash and Pidgeotto?

But it was too late. Onix unleashed its Rock Slide, summoning a massive rock that shattered into smaller boulders, tumbling down toward Pidgeotto.

"The opportunity is here!"

Ash recognized Brock's momentary lapse in focus and sprang into action. "Pidgeotto, use Quick Attack and Wing Attack at the same time!"

"Bi————!" Pidgeotto responded with determination, channeling energy into both moves simultaneously.

The white translucent energy of Quick Attack mixed with the brilliant blue of Wing Attack, creating a dazzling display as it sped past the falling rocks and surged toward Onix.

"Bang!" The collision reverberated through the arena, and once again, Onix staggered backward, lifted slightly off the ground by the sheer force of the blow. 

Brock watched in disbelief. What was happening? Pidgeotto was utilizing two different energies at once?

He couldn't comprehend it, but there was no time to analyze as Ash quickly directed Pidgeotto to press its advantage.

"Onix, use Smack Down!" Brock yelled, desperation creeping into his voice.

His Pokémon couldn't afford to falter now, but as Onix swung its tail down, Pidgeotto nimbly dodged to the side, slipping past the attack with ease.

"Now, Pidgeotto! Again!" Ash shouted, and with a quick turn, Pidgeotto aimed for Onix once more, launching another double-powered Quick Attack and Wing Attack.

"Bang!" Pidgeotto's energy-covered wings struck Onix repeatedly, hammering into the same vulnerable spot on its head.

After a third decisive hit, Onix was visibly weary, swaying on its feet as exhaustion took hold.

Ash felt a slight twinge of disappointment. Despite targeting Onix's weak point, it hadn't been enough to secure a critical hit. Still, he pressed on.

"But this is enough! Just a little more, Pidgeotto! We can do this!"

"Bang..." After a few more anxious moments, the mighty Onix finally succumbed, collapsing onto the battlefield as dust and debris filled the arena.

The ground shook slightly under its weight as silence fell over the crowd.

"Onix is unable to battle! Pidgeotto wins!" The referee's announcement broke the stillness, and after a brief pause, the spectators erupted into ecstatic cheers. 

"Since the gym has lost two Pokémon, the winner of this gym challenge is player Ash!" The referee's words rang out with authority, causing the crowd to explode with excitement.

They had witnessed a thrilling contest of perseverance and strategy.

"I lost…" Brock exhaled slowly, a sense of calm washing over him. Although he had been defeated, he felt surprisingly content.

"This was a battle fought with all his heart", reminiscent of when he was a child, leading Onix in a similar duel for the first time.

"Great job, Pidgeotto!" Ash grinned, rushing over to embrace his hard-fought companion. Pidgeotto, though exhausted, returned Ash's affection with a triumphant cry.

Pikachu climbed onto Ash's shoulder, sharing in the joy of victory.

"Bi——!" Pidgeotto's tired but happy expression reflected the immense growth it had experienced through the battle.

Misty, watching Ash celebrate, felt a wave of inspiration surge within her.

This was the Ash she had come to admire—the undeterred trainer who kept pushing not just himself, but also his Pokémon beyond their limits.

She stood back for a moment, her eyes glistening with a mix of pride and admiration.

In that moment of victory, Ash knew that together with his Pokémon, they could overcome any challenge.

They had not just won a badge; they had woven their bond stronger in the heat of battle. And as he celebrated with his friends, he couldn't help but feel that their journey was just beginning.

