Chapter 58: Brock

"Congratulations..." Brock said, stepping forward with a small, octagonal Badge held in his hand. It resembled a rock, its gray color symbolizing Pewter City.

This was the coveted Boulder Badge—an emblem of success for those who triumphed in the Pewter Gym Trials.

"Thank you!" Ash replied enthusiastically as he took the Badge, eyes gleaming with excitement.

This was his first gym challenge, secured through his own strength! It was a significant milestone on his journey to becoming a Pokémon Master.

As he admired the Badge, a voice echoed in his mind.


Achievement unlocked: [Get the first Badge].

Lucky draw: +1.*

A smile spread across Ash's face; this was affirmation that he was on the right path.

"You are very strong, very strong!" Brock said seriously, looking Ash in the eyes.

"I believe your future will be bright. I look forward to seeing you on the field at the League competition one day, and even... at the pinnacle of the game!" 

"I will!" Ash responded with determination. Achieving that level was one of his grandest goals, and he would not stumble at the foot of the mountain.

"Your next destination is Cerulean City, right?"

Brock continued, genuinely curious about this new Trainer in front of him. There was something different about Ash, a spark that intrigued him.

"That's right!" Ash affirmed, grateful for Brock's guidance and knowledge.

As the conversation unfolded, Misty's expression shifted uneasily at the mention of Cerulean City. She could feel the discomfort welling up inside her. 

"If you want to go to Cerulean City, you need to pass through Mt. Moon, so make sure you're prepared.

While Mt. Moon is manageable due to League exploration, it can still be dangerous. Make sure to bring lighting—it's quite dark inside..."

Brock went on, eager to share his knowledge as if Ash were a budding trainer ready to make a mark.

Ash listened intently, recognizing the value in Brock's advice.

This wasn't just animation; Ash sensed Brock's wisdom stemmed from personal experience, borne from fond dreams of adventures beyond the gym.

After a few minutes of doting recommendations, Brock finally fell silent, though it was clear he could urge Ash onward with more thoughts.

The overwhelming desire to relay his insights stemmed from his own unrealized dreams of adventure, and he found hope in Ash's journey.

"Um, the owner..." a staff member interrupted through a nervous tone, causing Brock to blink. "It's been five minutes. You need to take on the next challenger."

"Right…" Brock faltered, reality washing over him. This was his duty, to be the Pewter Gym Leader, to guide and prepare challengers.

He was still responsible for his younger siblings who depended on him back home.

"Then Ash... Come on!" he rallied, trying to muster enthusiasm but feeling an underlying heaviness in his heart.

"You too! Be sure to work hard!" Ash replied, sensing Brock's introspection. After a final nod, Ash and Misty left the battle hall, eager to focus on their next steps.

Brock stood watching them leave, a deep breath escaping his lips.

Part of him wanted to join them and seek adventures beyond the gym walls, but his responsibilities tethered him here.

"Brock… he seems to want to see the outside world…" Misty broke the silence as they trekked back to the Pokémon Center after saying their goodbyes.

She had a sense of understanding for Brock's internal struggle. But she didn't grasp why he continued to remain at Pewter Gym when there was so much beyond those walls.

"It might be family-related, or some other reason…" Ash postulated, knowing Brock's background was complex.

However, revealing too much about Brock's family issues felt inappropriate, as he didn't wish to breach any bounds of trust. 

"Is there… a family problem?" Misty pondered aloud, her own memories surfacing.

They mirrored her fears about her own family's struggles with maintaining the Cerulean Gym, a burden too sluggish to release despite it being a legacy left behind by loved ones.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Ash sent Beedrill and Pidgeotto to Nurse Joy for care.

Misty's spirits seemed dimmed, so Ash decided to head outside with Pikachu to gather supplies for their impending journey to Mt. Moon, knowing it was crucial to be prepared.

Later that night, a small home nestled behind the Pewter Gym housed Brock and his siblings. This place was a refuge and a foundation for Brock's responsibilities.

"Forrest, please set the food on the dining table, then gather your siblings for dinner," Brock instructed with a warm smile to his younger brother, Forrest, who was helping him.

"No problem, big brother!" Forrest responded energetically, eager to help as he carried plates to the table.

Once the table was set, Brock joined, removing his apron with a familiar motion.

Serving a family of ten was no small feat, yet Brock was well-versed in the routine, feeling a sense of satisfaction in providing for his loved ones.

As the children poured into the dining room, they looked a lot like Brock but carried a youthful charm that made them all the more endearing. 

"Dinner is ready!" Brock announced, and the children echoed his words in unison, "Let's eat!"

"Big brother's cooking skills are really good!" a boy, who had a slight edge in looks over Forrest, piped up while devouring some fried chicken.

"Yeah!" came the chorus of affirmations from his siblings.

Brock smiled at the sight of his brothers and sisters enjoying the meal. It filled his heart—a sharp contrast to the distractions swirling in his mind. 

Yet, even amid the merriment, Brock felt disconnected. His thoughts drifted back to his earlier conversation with Ash; a yearning churning within him.

Forrest, ever attuned to his brother's moods, watched Brock quietly, noting his distraction. Leaning in, he asked lowly, "Big brother, what's wrong?"

Caught off guard, Brock shook himself out of contemplation. "It's nothing, really. Just... too many challengers today. I'm a bit tired," he replied, deflecting.

Forrest studied him for a moment, knowing from experience that his brother was not being entirely honest, but he sensed Brock didn't want to share more and respected his silence.

Dinner continued, but Brock remained pensive, reflecting on the adventures he longed for, the dreams that felt so distant yet tantalizingly close.

