Chapter 62: Mt. Moon

"It's really delicious!" Ash exclaimed, his mouth full of Brock's flavorful lunch.

Between bites, he pondered how—aside from his mother's cooking—Brock's culinary skills certainly ranked among the best he had experienced.

"Honestly, it's way better than Ash's!" Misty teased, giggling as she took another hearty bite. Ash didn't mind; he had to admit that it was true and was grateful to enjoy a meal this satisfying.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu chimed in agreement, happily munching on his specially prepared Pokémon food, which was as delicious as it was nutritious.

Nearby, Ash's other Pokémon, Beedrill and Pidgeotto, were enjoying their meals as well.

Watching his friends enjoy the meal brought a warm satisfaction to Brock's heart. He was glad to see everyone so happy.

He had also prepared food for his own Pokémon, including GeoDude and Onix.

While GeoDude had a moderate appetite, Onix posed a challenge with his insatiable hunger.

Although he didn't need three meals a day, he certainly required more food than the average Pokémon due to his massive size.

"If only I had developed a high-compression nutrition recipe," Brock mused to himself, an edge of disappointment lacing his voice.

His mind wandered to the concept of energy cubes, small compressed food items containing rich nutrients for Pokémon—something he had read about but had yet to master.

Once lunch concluded, they decided to search for a suitable spot for camping instead of continuing their journey through Mt. Moon that day.

Instead, they focused on training and getting ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

Brock took on the role of mentor, providing valuable suggestions for Ash and Misty's training while reminding them to avoid overexerting themselves.

"Training too intensely can be counterproductive," he advised, helping them find a balance in their efforts.

For the rest of the afternoon, Ash devised plans for his Pokémon to learn new moves.

Beedrill greatly needed Agility to swiftly approach opponents, giving him a fighting chance in battles.

Meanwhile, Pidgeotto required a powerful long-range move, so Ash aimed for him to learn Twister, which would provide greater versatility against Rock-type Pokémon.

Pikachu also had room for improvement. With only Electric-type and Normal-type moves under his belt, he needed to broaden his skill set—particularly to counter Ground-type Pokémon.

Ash decided he wanted Pikachu to learn Iron Tail. While Pikachu didn't naturally possess this move, it could be taught, albeit with more difficulty.

The rest of the afternoon was spent training vigorously, with Brock guiding their efforts. By evening, the sun began to set, and Brock prepared another delightful dinner.

The three friends laughed and exchanged stories, enjoying a hearty meal filled with camaraderie.

As night fell, they settled down, feeling content after a productive day. Mt. Moon loomed ahead of them, a significant place famed for its unique connection to trainers.

Nestled between Route 3 and Route 4, Mt. Moon served as a vital passage between Pewter City and Cerulean City.

With wild Clefairy roaming the area and Moon Stones often found among meteorites, this location was steeped in mystery and allure.

However, traversing Mt. Moon wasn't without its challenges.

Many trainers opted to explore the caves marked by the League due to the difficult terrain that the mountain presented—only adept mountaineers would tackle its sheer cliffs.

When Ash, Misty, and Brock finally reached the base of Mt. Moon at around three o'clock in the afternoon, they found themselves amidst a bustling scene.

Numerous trainers were gathered outside the Pokémon Center, engaged in battles or planning their next moves, the excitement palpable.

"It seems like this is a training ground for many trainers," Ash observed as they navigated through the throngs of eager contenders.

Brock nodded, explaining, "There's a Pokémon Center here, which makes it more convenient for trainers to treat their Pokémon. Plus, the competition here is decent."

He had visited Mt. Moon a few times in his travels but never for prolonged periods.

Brock shared a dorm with Ash, while Misty remained in her own room since their arrangements allowed them to stay close to each other. Plans were made for the foray into the cave the next day. 

"If we're lucky, we could get through the cave in a single day," Brock suggested. "But if not, we might find ourselves stuck for two or three days."

"Stuck?" Ash blinked. "You mean getting lost?"

"Exactly," Brock said with a playful grin. "It happens more often than you'd think."

Recalling the original series and the many times he and his friends had wandered into dead ends, Ash hoped they wouldn't share that same misfortune on their journey.

Later, after dinner, the group chose to linger in the Hall of the Pokémon Center instead of retreating to their dorms.

Naturally, conversations circled around Pokémon battles, strategies, and aspirations. Brock and Ash clicked remarkably well, sharing theories and stories that kept Misty entertained—and slightly exasperated.

"By the way, Brock, we once saw a legendary Pokémon—Ho-Oh!" Ash suddenly remembered the feather he had stashed in his backpack and shared the exciting news with childlike glee.

"Ho-Oh?!" Brock's eyes widened, disbelief washing over him. His excitement was palpable, yet he managed to keep his voice low to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Nearby, some individuals overheard the mention of Ho-Oh. A boy, dressed in children's wear and a cap, perked up with a glimmer in his eye.

"If we got a hold of that feather, we could get promoted and raise our salary. We could become executives!" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with ambition.

A glamorous woman beside him grinned slyly. "I didn't expect those kids to encounter Ho-Oh's feather. We absolutely have to get it from them!"

"But is it going to be that easy? They seem tough," a nearby young man murmured, a frown crossing his face, recognizing Ash and his friends weren't to be underestimated.

Unbeknownst to them, Ash, Misty, and Brock remained oblivious to the plotting happening just a few feet away as they chatted about their dreams and adventures ahead.

Creatures of legend and trials of friendship awaited them within the caves of Mt. Moon.

