Chapter 63: The True Protagonist Reappears

The shadowy figures lurking nearby were none other than the notorious Team Rocket trio—Jessie, James, and Meowth.

After their failure in Viridian City, they had faced some punishment from the organization, but it wasn't severe enough to deter them from seeking revenge.

They had been scouting for Ash and Misty ever since they spotted them in Pewter City, finally tracking them to the base of Mt. Moon.

When they overheard Ash mention the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh, their interest piqued.

What a prize it would be if they could acquire anything related to such a powerful creature! Ho-Oh, known as the "King of Soaring in the Sky," was considered divine; possessing its feather could bring them closer to the power they craved within Team Rocket.

They began plotting how to steal the feather from Ash, dreaming of promotion and better salaries.

"We'll wait until they sleep," Jessie suggested, her eyes gleaming with scheming excitement.

Meanwhile, Ash and his friends returned to their dormitory, unaware of the machinations unfolding mere feet away from them.

Brock had his own excitement as they settled in for the night, with Ash pulling out the Ho-Oh feather.

To him, it didn't just represent a legendary Pokémon; it was evidence of Ash's extraordinary journey.

"Wow, this feather... it really is a symbol of something remarkable," Brock said, admiration filling his voice. "Ho-Oh hasn't appeared to humanity in years. For you to have a feather means something special."

"As long as I'm with all of you, I know we're destined for great things," Ash replied, determination shining in his eyes.

As the night enveloped Mt. Moon, the Pokémon Center fell into a peaceful silence.

Most trainers and staff had turned in for the night, and only a few remained awake, tending to late-night duties.

Suspended high above the center, in a hot air balloon shaped like Meowth, Team Rocket plotted their approach.

"We can't afford another failure like in Viridian City," James said, his voice steady despite the anxiousness bubbling beneath. 

"That little devil's Pikachu is tougher than he looks, Meowth," Meowth agreed, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"Why don't we just sneak in, grab the Pikachu, and get out?"

Jessie suggested, noticeably impatient. She wasn't one to back down easily, but even she knew they needed a better strategy.

"Jessie, it's not that simple! Right now, our strength isn't enough to take on Pikachu head-on," Meowth cautioned, shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah... I know!" Jessie huffed, crossing her arms.

Déciding it was time to act, James expertly maneuvered the balloon downwards until they were hovering just ten meters above the Pokémon Center.

He lowered a rope, and the trio prepared to make their descent to the roof.

Once on the ground, the three Rocket members crept toward the dormitory. They spied through a window, observing only a couple of trainers and staff awake—none of whom posed any immediate threat.

James gestured toward the north side of the Pokémon Center, aware of the layout and Ash's dorm location.

Quietly, Jessie and Meowth followed James as he led them toward the dormitory. However, an unsettling sensation crept over Meowth.

"I can't shake the feeling that something's off..." he muttered, glancing back uneasily.

"Quit being so paranoid! Just focus!" James urged, frustration creeping into his tone. 

Jessie shot Meowth an annoyed look, not wanting to waste time. "If you think too much, you'll end up hindering us, Meowth!"

"Yeah, yeah... I got it," Meowth replied, scratching his head and glancing back one last time. Silence met his gaze, which only amplified his apprehension.

As they found their way to the roof of the dormitory, the trio located a ventilation duct—perfect for sneaking into the building.

Trying to maintain their stealth, they shifted into action. "Remember, no noise!" Meowth whispered, leading the charge.

Carefully, Jessie and James climbed into the vent with Meowth closely following.

Just as they started crawling, Meowth felt that familiar prickle of being watched again. He turned around swiftly, and what he saw made his fur stand on end.

Floating ominously in the dark, glowing eyes glinted back at Meowth—two pairs of eyes like flickering flames.

"Wha—?!?" Meowth gasped, tension flooding his every nerve. His mouth fell open, but no sounds escaped.

Meanwhile, Jessie and James, noticing Meowth's sudden disturbance, exchanged worried glances. "What are you doing, Meowth?" Jessie asked, annoyed but concerned.

"Yeah, we're on a mission here!" James added, trying to peer past Meowth. 

The air felt thick with anticipation, each of them suspended in time, heightened senses at play.

Unknown to them, hidden in the shadows, a figure observed the trio closely, a Pokémon reflecting a captivating glimmer within its fiery eyes.

Though Team Rocket was upon them, Ash, Misty, and Brock remained carefree, blissfully unaware of the dangers lurking outside their walls, their eyes turned toward the adventures that awaited them with dawn.

Little did they know, the true protagonist of this unfolding story was merely quiet and observant; a mystery waiting to reveal itself.

