Chapter 64: Pokémon in the Shadows

Jessie's voice jolted Meowth back to reality, breaking the spell of his fear. He stumbled backward in a panic, tripping over his own feet as he pointed an unsteady finger into the dark.

"Y-yes! Y-you're not gonna believe this! There's... there's a Will-O-Wisp, Meow!"

"Will-O-Wisp?!" Jessie and James exchanged a quick glance of alarm, both turning their heads in the direction Meowth was pointing.

They soon spotted an eerie orange flame flickering in the shadows, and a cold sweat trickled down James's back.

"I-it's real... it really is a Will-O-Wisp!" James stuttered, horror dawning on his face as he realized that he was facing something beyond his comprehension.

He had heard many tales, but this was the first time he had encountered such a phenomenon.

"Will-O-Wisp or whatever!" Jessie, known for her tenacity, refused to let fear take control. "I don't believe in ghosts.

I believe they're just Pokémon causing a scene!" With determination shining in her eyes, Jessie prepared to command her Ekans. 

"Ekans, go find that ghost!" she ordered, her voice brimming with bravado, though inwardly, she could feel her heart pounding.

As Ekans slithered forward to investigate, something shifted in the shadows—there was more to the 'Will-O-Wisp' than just a harmless flame.

It transformed into a concentrated sphere of ghostly energy, forming an attack that was poised to strike.

In an instant, the attack flew at Ekans with such speed that it was nearly impossible to react.

The Energy Ball hit Ekans squarely, sending him spiraling backward and crashing into the Rocket trio. 

"What—?!" Before any of them could process, the overwhelming force propelled them off the roof, launching them unceremoniously into the air. 

In a startling twist, the Energy Ball continued to push them upward and collided with their hot air balloon, igniting an explosion that illuminated the night sky.

The blast echoed across the valley, stirring up a cacophony of wakeful Pokémon and trainers inside the Pokémon Center.

"What the hell was that?!" Jessie shouted as they tumbled, barely grasping what had just transpired. 

"Get it off! What is this feeling?!" The trio found themselves swept away, the shadows of the surrounding night consuming them as they flew farther and farther from the Pokémon Center.

Just as abruptly as they were assaulted, the entity responsible—hidden in the background—watched with keen eyes like flickering candle flames.

Sensing no more immediate threats, it faded back into the shadows, disappearing from sight.

The staff of the Pokémon Center soon climbed to the roof in response to the commotion, but they found nothing amiss aside from an open ventilation duct and the muffled sounds of startled Pokémon.


The next morning, the restaurant buzzed with chatter about the previous night's bizarre incident. Trainers discussed the rumors, and Ash, Misty, and Brock were no exceptions.

"I heard someone tried to sneak into the Pokémon Center but got chased off by a trainer's Pokémon,"

Brock recounted, having gotten the scoop from Nurse Joy. Memories of her made him smile foolishly, dreaming of an imaginary family.

"Someone really tried to sneak in?" Ash and Misty exchanged glances, a sense of déjà vu washing over them.

"Maybe it was Team Rocket," Ash mused, recalling how the trio often tried to steal his Pikachu. His mind raced with the implications. It struck him as odd that they didn't just confront him head-on.

"They might have been trying to take your Pikachu while you were sleeping," Misty added, her eyes narrowing in contemplation, recalling countless escapades with Team Rocket.

"Who could have repelled them?" Ash wondered aloud, eager to learn more about the situation at the roof.

"It couldn't have been some random trainer; they must have had a strong Pokémon."

Brock shrugged, "Ms. Joy didn't find anything unusual when the staff arrived. They just reported a loud noise."

As the conversation flowed, Ash pondered the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the event. The movements in the shadows, the peculiar encounter—everything felt connected, yet elusive.

After breakfast, it was time to leave the Pokémon Center.

They packed their things and ambled toward the caverns of Mt. Moon, but Ash couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something unseen was watching him.

In the shadows outside, a pair of orange flame-like eyes blinked quietly, lingering in Ash's silhouette.

They observed him closely, then vanished once more into darkness, keeping their distance.

"Pika?" Pikachu sensed something amiss, casting his gaze toward the rhythmic shadows. He nudged Ash, who stopped and looked around.

"What's up, Pikachu?" Ash queried, a tinge of worry beneath his otherwise calm demeanor.

"Pika-pikachu..." Pikachu shook his head, finding nothing out of the ordinary, yet his instincts were on high alert.

Seeing Pikachu's concern, Ash relaxed slightly but glanced over his shoulder, the unease from earlier settling in like an unwelcome chill.

The lingering sense of being followed weighed on him, but he brushed it aside.

They had a journey to focus on—adventures awaiting them in the depths of Mt. Moon.

With their spirits high and hearts set, Ash, Misty, and Brock ventured deeper into the mysteries that awaited, unaware of the silent watcher lurking just beyond their sight, ever-curious about the path that lay ahead.

