Chapter 70: Outside The Gym

As Ash, Misty, and Brock approached the Cerulean Gym, its grand structure loomed before them.

The exterior was adorned with aquatic elements, an aesthetic that captured the essence of water Pokémon.

The large sign featuring Dewgong stood proudly, inviting challengers and visitors alike—though Ash couldn't shake the feeling that the Gym seemed different from what he had expected. 

In his mind, he had pictured the Cerulean Gym as modern and luxurious, as depicted in the Pokémon anime.

However, the reality was starkly different; what stood before him was a Gym struggling to maintain its former glory.

"It's sad to see it like this," Ash mused, glancing at Misty. "But I know you'll bring it back to life once you go through your training!"

Misty managed a small smile at Ash's encouragement. "Thanks, Ash. I just need this chance to show everyone what we can do."

Even though the Gym looked somewhat run-down, many people were already lined up outside, forming a queue that stretched far down the street.

Ash felt a rush of surprise. "Wow! Is this long line for trainers looking to challenge the Gym?" 

Misty looked at the bustling crowd and let out a disappointed sigh. "No, they're probably here to see my sisters' performance," she said, crossing her arms. 

"Performance?" Ash echoed, bewildered. "They're not actually challenging the Gym?"

"No," Misty replied, shame coloring her voice.

"If you buy a ticket for the show, my sisters will give you the Badge, even if you aren't a qualified challenger."

"What?!" Ash stared wide-eyed. "So, people are just taking the Badge without real battles?" 

"Pretty much," Misty admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"It's shameful... I know. But my sisters have turned the Gym into more of a stage than a battleground."

Brock rubbed the back of his neck, grappling with the implications. "It's disheartening to see a Gym fall to entertaining visitors instead of training serious trainers."

As they moved to the side where registration for actual challenges was taking place, Ash's curiosity piqued.

Several nearby trainers were chatting energetically, their faces bright with anticipation.

"Hey! Are you guys here to challenge the Cerulean Gym?" one of the trainers asked, spotting Ash and the others.

"Yeah!" Ash nodded, enthusiasm in his voice.

As he replied, a trainer squinted at Brock, suddenly recognizing him. "Wait... aren't you... Brock from Pewter Gym?"

Brock chuckled, his pride evident. "That's me! I've temporarily left my gym for a bit, but I'm still around!"

The reaction from the other trainers was electric, reverence spreading among them. "Wow! It's really him! Brock, you're amazing!"

Misty felt a pang of envy as she watched Brock receive their admiration.

She wished for the same recognition for her own Gym, her heart weighed down by the differences in their situations.

One of the trainers turned back to Ash, smirking.

"You know, if you buy a ticket for the performance, you can skip the challenge altogether and still get a Badge."

"I'll pass on that," Ash replied firmly, resolute in his ideals. "I want to earn my Badge the hard way."

"That's the spirit!" the trainer said, his eyes lighting up in appreciation of Ash's determination. This commingling of spirits forged a sense of camaraderie among them.

It quickly became clear that many in line shared Ash's sentiment. "But it's still a pity that the Cerulean Gym is so weak," another trainer lamented.

"I can't believe this is the state of the Gym."

Misty's fists tightened in frustration. She felt the heated words prick at her heart. "They don't know the whole story," she whispered to herself.

"The League really should let some strong trainers take over the Gym," another trainer offered, disdain evident in his tone. "It's frankly embarrassing for Kanto to have a Gym so weak."

Misty's blood boiled at the thought. How dare they insult the Cerulean Gym?!

She took a step forward, prepared to confront the trainer who had spoken out so harshly, but Ash quickly grasped her hand, halting her

