Chapter 71: Misty's Battle

Determined to defend the honor of the Cerulean Gym, Misty stepped forward, her expression a mixture of resolve and indignation.

"I am Misty from Cerulean Gym, and I want to battle you!" The words sliced through the chatter, drawing stunned silence from the crowd of trainers.

The trainer who had insulted the Gym raised an eyebrow, surprised by her confrontation.

"If you lose, you'll have to apologize to the Cerulean Gym. But if I lose..." Misty hesitated, feeling the weight of her words, "I'll admit that I and the Cerulean Gym are a disgrace to Kanto!"

"Misty from the Cerulean Gym?!" The recognition gasped through the spectators, eyes widening.

Everyone turned to catch a glimpse of the fiery-haired trainer now stamped in the shadow of the Gym's waning reputation.

"Misty..." Ash began, about to call her back, but the determined look she shot him silenced his objections. She wasn't backing down.

"Do you really think you have what it takes to represent the Cerulean Gym?" the trainer scoffed, scanning Misty with an arrogant gaze.

He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, clearly underestimating her because of her appearance.

"What qualifications do I have?" Misty echoed back, her eyes ablaze with passion. "The trainers in the Cerulean Gym are my sisters! I will show you what we're capable of!"

The trainer rolled his eyes, shrugging off Misty's fierce declaration. "Even so, I won't recognize the Gym unless you beat me first."

"Of course," Misty shot back with a fierce grin. "And I will make you apologize to the Gym and my sisters!"

The standoff escalated as trainers in the crowd began to murmur amongst themselves, intrigued by the brewing confrontation.

They hadn't expected Misty, the very face of this Gym, to stand up in such a bold manner.

"Very well," Brock, who had stepped into the role of referee, declared from the center of the battlefield. "In this Gym Challenge, both trainers may use two Pokémon.

The battle ends when one side has lost both of their Pokémon."

The tension bubbled over as Brock stepped back. His presence lent a sense of authority, making it clear that the battle was now official.

"Go, Staryu!" Misty called out, throwing her Poké Ball with confidence. It burst open, revealing Staryu, who spun gracefully onto the field.

Misty could feel the camaraderie she shared with her Pokémon; they had trained hard together, and she knew this was their moment.

"Typical Water-type," the opposing trainer sneered as he released his own Pokémon.

"Go, Gloom!" The Grass/Poison-type Pokémon appeared, its flower-like form swaying gently with a decidedly less intimidating vibe.

"Gloom, huh?" Misty thought, calculating her strategy. While Water-types held an advantage over Fire- and Ground-types, Grass-types like Gloom had the advantage over Water-types.

But she was determined not to let that deter her confidence.

"Battle begins now!" Brock announced.

"Gloom, use Sleep Powder!" The trainer shouted with a smirk, confident in Gloom's ability to incapacitate his opponent with a status move.

As Gloom unleashed a cloud of shimmering Sleep Powder, Misty's instincts kicked in. "Staryu, Water Gun!"

"Star!" Staryu responded promptly, channeling Water-type energy through the red gem in its center.

The force of the Water Gun blasted through the air, surging forward and colliding with Gloom's Sleep Powder. The water spray dispersed the powder, leaving Staryu unscathed.

The crowd gasped as Staryu's Water Gun blasted Gloom backwards, surprising the trainer, whose confident attitude began to falter. 

"Keep it up, Staryu! Use Swift!" Misty commanded, her excitement and confidence building.

The training paid off as Staryu jumped, producing eight glowing stars of energy that whirled around it before launching them at Gloom.

"Gloom, dodge!" the trainer shouted, panic etched on his face. But it was too late. The swift, glimmering stars impacted Gloom, causing it to stagger—its earlier confidence shattered.

"Now, Staryu! Follow up with a Water Gun!" Misty's voice rang clear, displaying her understanding of attack momentum.

As Gloom struggled to regain its footing, the powerful stream of water sent it careening across the battlefield.

With every attack, Misty felt her resolve strengthen. Each successful hit reminded her of the skills she had honed in training, the lineage of trainers in her family, and the pride tied to the Cerulean Gym. 

Seeing his Pokémon struggling and realizing the tide had turned, the trainer grit his teeth, frustrated and desperate. "Gloom, use Acid!" he yelled, hoping to turn the tables.

However, Gloom was still dazed from the previous attacks. As it prepared to unleash its attack, Misty saw her chance. "Now, Staryu, let's finish this! Use Swift again!"

With renewed energy, Staryu unleashed another volley of five-pointed stars, this time targeting Gloom from various angles, and the hits piled up powerfully.

Gloom was thrown back, reeling and finally collapsing in defeat.

"Gloom is unable to battle! Misty wins the first round!" Brock announced, his voice echoing with excitement.

Misty couldn't help but beam with pride as she turned to Ash and the others, their encouragement sending a wave of warmth through her. But the battle was not over yet;

she still had to face the trainer's second Pokémon. She steadied her breath, preparing herself for whatever came next.

"Not bad, Misty," the trainer sneered, recovering some confidence despite his initial loss. "But you'll need more than that to beat me!"

Misty felt a surge of determination. She was ready to show him—and everyone else—that the Cerulean Gym still had untapped potential.

