Chapter 99: The Giant Dragonite Legend

"Of course, I mean it literally..." Bill began, without noticing Ash's intrigued expression. He continued, "Do you know the legend of the Cerulean Strait?"

"A legend?" Misty and Brock exchanged puzzled looks, but neither could recall anything. Ash, however, played along, pretending not to know.

"It's about a gigantic Pokémon!" Bill revealed, this time in a more serious tone.

"A gigantic Pokémon?!" Misty and Brock were surprised but didn't quite grasp the enormity of Bill's statement, so they didn't react with complete disbelief.

"Yes, a colossal Pokémon over 100 meters tall!" Bill's face was somber as he spoke.

"Over 100 meters? How is that even possible?" Misty exclaimed, shocked.

The largest known Pokémon, Wailord, was massive, but even its length—stretching to 14.5 meters—was nowhere near Bill's claim. The idea of a 100-meter-tall Pokémon was unimaginable.

Brock's mind raced through comparisons, trying to visualize something larger than even Steelix after Mega Evolution, which stands around 10 meters.

But nothing compared to what Bill was describing. Ash, who knew from the anime about the legendary Dragonite, was also taken aback.

While he was aware of the giant Dragonite, its actual height had never been explicitly clear. Now, Bill's claim about its towering size added a new layer of mystery.

"At first, I didn't believe it either," Bill admitted, clearly enjoying the reactions of his audience. He nodded before explaining further.

"That's why I came here to build this lighthouse—my goal is to discover the true nature of this giant Pokémon!"

"So, have you seen it?" Misty and Brock asked eagerly, almost forgetting their manners in their excitement.

"Well... not exactly," Bill confessed, shaking his head with a hint of regret. "I haven't seen it up close, but I've encountered it a few times. Based on its silhouette, I believe... it might be a Dragonite."

"A Dragonite?!" Misty and Brock were stunned, while even Pikachu perked up with curiosity.

A Dragonite was already an impressive and powerful Pokémon, but a 100-meter-tall version of one? It was beyond anything they could imagine.

"Yes," Bill said, his eyes glinting with excitement. "And I've found a pattern to its appearances. If everything goes as expected, it should appear tonight!"

"Tonight?!" Brock's voice was full of wonder. Seeing a Pokémon of such historic significance would be a monumental discovery.

"Exactly. That's why I say you're lucky to have arrived today!" Bill smiled at their eager faces.

"You mean... we might be able to see this giant Dragonite tonight?" Brock asked, almost breathless with anticipation.

"That's right," Bill confirmed. He pulled out a device and played a recording. "Here, listen to this."

The recording played the distorted cry of a Pokémon that Bill had captured during his second encounter with the giant Dragonite. The sound was warped, but it was unmistakably a Dragonite's roar.

"I've also modified the audio," Bill explained. "I'm planning to use this tonight to respond to the giant Dragonite and attempt communication."

Misty and Brock listened intently as Bill showed them the setup.

The reason Bill had chosen to build his lighthouse here was clear—he wanted to amplify his response through the lighthouse's speakers to reach the giant Pokémon.

"Bill, do you have any idea what the giant Dragonite's message means?" Brock asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I'm not entirely sure," Bill admitted, his brow furrowing. "But I believe it's trying to say, 'Meet me, I want to see you.'"

Ash nodded quietly. Although he couldn't explain it, he had always had an innate understanding of Pokémon's language.

Bill's interpretation was close, but Ash knew there was more to it. The Dragonite's message contained a word: 'Aron.'

Ash wasn't sure who or what 'Aron' referred to. Was it a Pokémon or a person? But the giant Dragonite's message was clear: it longed to reunite with whoever or whatever 'Aron' was.

"Who is 'Aron'?" Ash wondered aloud, racking his brain for any mention of that name in his extensive knowledge of Pokémon history.

But the name didn't ring a bell. It could be that too much time had passed or that it wasn't a name commonly remembered.

"When will the giant Dragonite appear?" Misty asked excitedly, her thoughts echoing Brock's eagerness.

"It won't be until after 8 p.m.," Bill said, glancing at the clock. "It's only 2 p.m. now, so there's still a while to wait."

"Then... can we stay here until then?" Brock asked, not wanting to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Of course!" Bill replied with a smile. Then, looking apologetic, he added, "I'm sorry I can't entertain you much, though. I've got some work to finish with these documents."

"We understand! Don't worry about us," Brock assured him. "We'll manage on our own."

"Feel free to make yourselves at home," Bill said warmly. "But I only have one room here, so I'm afraid you'll have to make yourselves comfortable in the living room."

"That's fine," Ash chimed in. "We were planning to camp on the beach anyway." He smiled at Misty, remembering the promise he'd made. Camping on the beach sounded like a fun way to pass the time until the evening.

"I'm sorry for the lack of hospitality," Bill said again, looking a bit embarrassed as he excused himself to study the documents further.

Once Bill left, Misty, still brimming with excitement, turned to Ash and Brock. "So, should we head to the beach now?"

"Let's go!" Ash responded with a grin, holding out his hand to Pikachu, who promptly hopped onto his shoulder.

Together, the three left the lighthouse and made their way down to the sandy shores to set up camp. They picked a spot near the forest, far enough from the water to avoid the tides.

After setting up the tent and preparing their gear, Brock started cooking, as they hadn't eaten lunch yet. Meanwhile, Misty ran to the sea to play with her Water-type Pokémon.

Ash, however, had a different plan. Instead of playing, he released all of his Pokémon to start training, preparing for whatever lay ahead.


Adios guys u will meet the mystery pokemon