Chapter 100: Night Promenade

"Did you hear what the professor and that little brat were talking about earlier?" Jessie whispered, as three sneaky figures emerged from the lighthouse's shadow. Of course, it was none other than Team Rocket.

"A giant Dragonite, over 100 meters tall!" James was practically bouncing with excitement. "That's a Pokémon unlike anything we've ever heard of or seen before!"

"If we catch that giant Dragonite and give it to the boss, we'll be promoted for sure! Maybe even executive status, with a huge pay raise!" Meowth said, his eyes gleaming with visions of glory.

"But... are we really strong enough to catch such a massive Dragonite?" James's excitement faltered as he began to consider the logistics.

"What does it matter, meow!" Meowth wagged a finger at James, full of confidence. "We may not have the strength, but we have the power of technology, meow!"

"Technology?" Jessie and James turned to look at Meowth, intrigued.

"That's right! I spent the money we earned from our part-time jobs developing a special trap.

It was originally meant for Pikachu, but if we can use it to catch that giant Dragonite, it'll be much more rewarding, meow!" Meowth boasted.

"What?!" Jessie's face darkened as she grabbed Meowth by the scruff of the neck. "You spent all the money we earned?!"

"This... this couldn't be helped, meow!" Meowth stammered in panic, swallowing nervously. "But trust me! My invention will definitely work, and once we catch the giant Dragonite, the boss will reimburse us tenfold!"

Jessie paused for a moment, considering the promise of greater rewards. "Well... that does make sense..." She released Meowth, who sighed in relief.

James, however, wasn't so sure. "I still have a bad feeling about this..."

"Don't be such a downer, meow!" Meowth scolded. "Science never fails! Just you wait."

Reluctantly, James nodded. The plan was already set in motion.


Meanwhile, at five o'clock in the evening, Ash was wrapping up the day's training session. "Okay, everyone, time to take a break!" he called out.

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu rallied the other Pokémon, and soon all five of Ash's team gathered around.

Ash smiled as he surveyed the group. "You all did great today! Especially you, Bulbasaur and Charmander. You're both new, but you've already caught up with the others.

That's really impressive!"



Bulbasaur and Charmander beamed with pride, and even the other Pokémon nodded in approval.

Although they were accustomed to Ash's training routine, Bulbasaur and Charmander had only just joined and were already keeping pace, showing remarkable perseverance.

After the training session, Ash led the group back to the camp, where Brock had prepared a meal specifically tailored to each Pokémon's dietary needs.

The Pokémon happily devoured their food, and Brock smiled in satisfaction, pleased with the results of his cooking.

"I wonder if Professor Bill has eaten yet..." Ash mused as he helped clean up.

"Probably not," Brock guessed. "Researchers like Professor Oak and Bill often get so absorbed in their work that they forget to eat. I'll bring him some dinner."

They made their way back to the lighthouse, and after ringing the doorbell, they were greeted by silence.

A moment later, the door clicked open, but Bill didn't come out to meet them. The three entered quietly and soon spotted Bill emerging from his research room, looking a bit dazed.

"I didn't realize it had gotten so late..." Bill muttered, glancing at the clock.

"Professor, we brought you dinner," Brock said, handing over the meal.

"You're a lifesaver!" Bill exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. "I was just about to make instant noodles!"

As Bill dug into the food, he couldn't help but praise Brock's cooking. "This is delicious! It's simple, but better than some gourmet restaurants I've been to!"

Brock smiled proudly. Making food that others enjoyed was the highest compliment he could receive.

Once Bill had finished eating, it was already half-past six. "It's getting close to time," Bill said. "We should head to the lighthouse and prepare for tonight."

Ash perked up, eager for the night's events. Bill excused himself briefly to gather his equipment, returning with a remote control in hand. He motioned for the group to follow him.

The lighthouse was connected to Bill's house, so they didn't need to go outside. As they entered the corridor leading up to the lighthouse, the massive light was already on, rotating rhythmically at the top.

They ascended to the platform at the very top, where the sea breeze was much stronger. The air was cooler now, and Misty, dressed lightly for the beach, shivered slightly.

"Here," Ash said, noticing Misty's discomfort. He took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.

Misty blushed slightly but didn't refuse, murmuring a quiet, "Thanks."

As they settled in at the top of the lighthouse, Brock saw an opportunity. "Professor Bill, could you tell us more about Pokémon?" he asked, eager to learn from someone so knowledgeable.

"Of course," Bill replied with a smile. He had grown fond of Brock, especially after learning about his ambition to become a top breeder. "What would you like to know?"

Ash and Misty listened intently as Bill and Brock discussed various aspects of Pokémon. Though Brock asked the most questions,

Ash and Misty found themselves learning valuable insights too, as the night unfolded and the anticipation of meeting the legendary giant Dragonite grew stronger with every passing minute.


Adios guys