Chapter 157 Silph Co.

After leaving the Saffron Gym, Ash and his group returned to the Pokémon Center. On the way, Ash looked at the four Badges in his box and showed a satisfied smile. Among the four Gym Challenges, the Saffron Gym Challenge was the most satisfying for Ash.

From this Gym Challenge, Ash learned a lot. After going back and analyzing it carefully, Ash felt that he could grow a lot.

Meanwhile, Misty looked a little unhappy. The reason for her unhappiness was Sabrina's words to Ash at the gym.

"I like you very much... In the near future, you will definitely stand with me..." Misty gritted her teeth and looked at Ash.

These were Sabrina's original words when she handed the Badge to Ash, and they made Misty very dissatisfied.

"Sabrina probably didn't mean that..." Brock, on the side, couldn't help but feel a little scared by Misty at this time, and comforted her.

Brock understood that Sabrina's words meant that Ash was very powerful and would grow to the same level as her in the near future. Her words were just misleading.

"Yeah, Misty, I think you're thinking too much..." Ash also said helplessly. He didn't think Sabrina was interested in him, and the way she looked at him didn't suggest that.

"I'm not thinking too much, that's what Sabrina must have meant!" Misty actually knew that Sabrina didn't mean that, but she still felt a pang of jealousy.

She clenched her fists slightly, and the urgency in her heart increased.

Sabrina was the powerful Gym Leader of the Kanto Region, and Misty was still an unknown Trainer, not even a Gym Leader at this time. The reputation of the Cerulean Gym was far less than that of the Saffron Gym.

If Sabrina really had feelings for Ash, anyone would choose Sabrina over her.

This was a lack of self-confidence. Although she always said she was the most beautiful girl in the world, if she truly believed it, why would she say such a thing?

Ash didn't understand this, so he could only comfort her little by little, and Misty gradually calmed down. Since she was so far behind Sabrina, she needed to work harder to catch up.

As Sabrina said, Ash would definitely become stronger in the future, and Misty was determined to keep up.

"Let's take a day off today and play in Saffron City. Shall we continue our journey tomorrow?" After returning to the Pokémon Center and handing the Pokémon to Nurse Joy, Ash suggested to Misty, wanting to distract her from Sabrina's words.

"I won't go, you two go, I have training in the afternoon!" However, Misty didn't agree. The pressure from Sabrina forced her to give up shopping, which she usually enjoyed, and dedicate more time to self-improvement.

Seeing Misty turn and leave after speaking, Ash and Brock looked at each other, a little confused.

Brock understood Misty's inner thoughts. The appearance of Sabrina had made Misty feel a sense of crisis, but he looked at Ash and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Later, Brock also told Ash that he was going to visit the breeding center in Saffron City and wouldn't accompany him.

Ash could only stay at the Pokémon Center and wait for Nurse Joy's notification. After waiting for half an hour, Ash retrieved his Pokémon and then went to the battlefield outside to find Misty.

When he found Misty, he saw that she was battling against a Trainer. Ash watched for a while, and only after Misty won did he approach her.

"Don't be with me in the afternoon; you'll disturb me if you're next to me," Misty said to Ash during lunch, which surprised him a little.

"I'm next to you so I can give you some advice..." It wasn't that Ash didn't want to explore Saffron City, but seeing Misty work so hard, he felt he should offer some help.

"I want to become stronger through my own efforts!" Misty said seriously to Ash. Since Sabrina could become so strong on her own, Misty believed she could too. She didn't want to lose to Sabrina.

Seeing that Misty was serious, Ash could only nod in agreement. After lunch, he left the Pokémon Center and explored the city.

Saffron City was indeed very prosperous. Even Trainer Street, not far from the Pokémon Center, was bustling with people and a wide variety of goods.

However, most of the things Ash liked were out of his budget. Even with the 10,000 bonus from the Alliance for the Rample Tower incident, Ash didn't want to spend money on those things.

After buying two trinkets, one for Misty and the other mailed to his mother Delia, Ash left Trainer Street.

Although Saffron City was prosperous, it didn't have many scenic spots and focused more on business. Ash wasn't interested in shopping, so he decided to visit a famous company in Saffron City, Silph Co.

Silph Co. is the largest manufacturer and seller of products in the Pokémon world. Most Poké Balls, as well as many Potions and sprays, are invented and manufactured by Silph Co.

Before the invention of the Poké Ball, Pokémon were called "Warcraft." It wasn't until the Poké Ball's appearance that Pokémon could be carried in pockets, hence the name "Pokémon."

Originally, Poké Balls were crafted by hand, with a special device installed inside. Later, under the guidance of Silph Co.'s founder, they evolved into Poké Balls made with modern technology.

The current president of Silph Co. is the third generation. Under his leadership, Poké Balls have diversified into various types, each suitable for different occasions and Pokémon recovery.

A few years ago, Silph Co. announced the development of a Poké Ball capable of capturing any Pokémon without fail. This Poké Ball was named the Master Ball.


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