
As Draco finally finished checking all his cards, he heard a sharp call echoing through the hallway: "Draco, come down." The commanding tone was unmistakable and firm, belonging to none other than Lucius Malfoy.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself, trying to push aside the growing sense of dread, and moved out of his room.Descending the stairs, he felt a knot of anxiety tightening in his stomach, each step heavier than the last. When he reached the bottom, he found Lucius standing with his arms crossed, exuding an air of authority that was hard to ignore. Beside him, Narcissa stood silently, her gaze fixed on the floor. Her presence, which brought Draco a sense of comfort in past, now felt distant and cold.

Draco's eyes shifted to Narcissa, taking in her expressionless face—a stark reminder of the painful memories that haunted him. The contrast between her usual warmth and the current chill was jarring, matching the painful memory etched in his mind.

He recalled how, in the early days of Lucius's training or more accurately, his torturing, Narcissa would cry at the sight of her son's suffering. Her tears were a heartbreaking contrast to the coldness that had gradually enveloped her over time. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, her cries became less frequent, replaced by a stoic facade. She had learned to mask her emotions, adopting a robotic demeanor that seemed to shield her from the horrors that unfolded in their lives, a coping mechanism for the unrelenting pain.

Despite the emotional turmoil, Draco couldn't help but notice how her figure remained attractive, even in this bleak atmosphere. His gaze lingered on her waist and the curve of her silhouette, thoughts clouding his mind for a fleeting moment. Perfect milf , this this the title he wants to give her.

Controlling his emotions and facial expression, he stepped forward to stand in front of Lucius. He lowered his eyes, a reflexive response borne from years of conditioning and fear.Lucius scrutinized him for what felt like an eternity, his expression one of barely concealed disdain. Finally, he broke the silence, saying, "Remember, don't attract any attention. I don't want your name to appear in any incident." The weight of the words pressed down on Draco, filling him with a mix of determination and dread.

Draco took a shaky breath, nodding as he replied, "Yes, I will not attract any attention." After a pause, he added "Father" in a small voice, the word feeling foreign and heavy on his tongue.

Narcissa looked up, her eyes widening in shock before darting toward Lucius, who was now glaring at Draco with a look of utter disgust.

Lucius had enforced a strict rule: Draco was not allowed to call him "Father" unless someone outside the family was present, if it was .

It had been two long years since Draco had dared to use that term. The memory of the last time he had uttered it loomed large in his mind, filled with fear of repercussions.

Since his ninth birthday, Draco had been confined to the mansion, cut off from the outside world. This isolation meant no calling "Father," and even school supplies were purchased solely by Narcissa. It had escalated to the point where his wand had been customized by a renowned French wand maker, a luxury that felt like a cruel joke given his circumstances.

Now, the moment of calling Lucius "Father" shocked Narcissa; she knew Lucius would not react kindly.

True to form, Lucius responded swiftly, drawing his wand with a fluid motion that spoke of practiced efficiency. He pointed it at Draco with an intensity that made his heart race. In an instant, with a flash of magic, Draco was thrown violently against the wall, the impact jarring him.

Instinctively, he shouted, a howl of pain escaping his lips.As he felt the warm trickle of blood from his head, Lucius turned to Narcissa with a grim expression and said, "Send him to Hogwarts. I am leaving." With that, he Apparated away, leaving behind an oppressive silence.

Draco lay there for a moment, the pain throbbing in his skull, a reminder of the brutal reality of his life. It was a gamble to check the level of emotional distance in them . Now he has experienced that firsthand he knows that he will not regret kill Lucius. No he will definitely kill him .


Author's pov

Twist i should add in this au.

Like Potter's are alive.

Some suggestions like this.

Harem members list from hp :


2.Hermione and her mother(?)

3.Delacour sister's and mother

4.Bellatrix and her sister and niece

5.Daphane , Astoria, Her mother (?)



8.anyone else

Should there be any small world crossover to this. If yes , give suggestions.