
Narcissa looked at Draco, who was struggling to get up and move towards her. Concern filled her heart as she watched him struggle, memories of his past vulnerabilities flooding her mind. She offered him support, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder, and used her wand to cast a healing spell. With a deliberate wave, she focused her magic, restoring him to the state he had been in before Lucius had thrown him. The transformation was subtle but significant, and she hoped it would give him the strength he needed.

Keeping her expression steady, she said slowly, "Don't irritate him. You should know by now that he hates you calling him 'father.' So why did you still call him that?" Her voice was firm, but a hint of worry seeped through, revealing her concern for both of them.

Draco looked into her eyes; despite her expressionless face, he could sense her deep care. It was a comforting thought amidst the chaos of his new life. When Lucius took out his wand, he noticed her hand clench tightly, a silent signal of her readiness to protect him.

Feeling the weight of the moment, he turned his gaze down, waving his hand over his clothes as if to dismiss the tension. "Just checking something," he muttered, trying to deflect the conversation from the growing anxiety around them.

Seeing that she would not get an answer, she decided to change the subject. "Remember, Hogwarts is not just a school; it's a battlefield. Everyone will try to take advantage of others, regardless of who they are. Don't trust anyone." Her words were grave, a warning born from her own experiences.

"Yes," Draco replied simply, his tone flat, but the gravity of her words resonated within him.

He looked at her, hesitating for a moment before asking slowly, "What will happen if he dies?" The question hung in the air, heavy with implications.

Narcissa felt the weight of Draco's question. She hesitated, searching for the right words, thinking that the truth might be too much for him to bear. "If he dies," she began carefully, "everything changes. The power he holds, the protection he offers—it all vanishes."

Draco's brow furrowed, and he glanced away, contemplating her words. "But what if he deserves it?" he asked quietly. "He's done so many terrible things… to us."

Narcissa took a deep breath, feeling the tension in the air. "It's not about deserving it, Draco. It's about the world we live in. His death could leave us vulnerable, exposed to those who would take advantage of that weakness."

Then she ended the conversation. "Okay, enough talk for now. Your train should be leaving soon."

But Draco was not satisfied. "Are you bound by some contract that prevents you from going against him?"

She looked at him, her expression a mix of shock and horror. Realizing he was already close to the truth, she took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I am…" She paused, and the atmosphere became heavy. "I have to follow his commands until either I or he dies, and we cannot kill each other. His father made this contract."

He turned to her and asked, "You will be free if he dies?"

"Freedom comes at a cost," she didn't answer directly, her voice softening. "You must understand that. Sometimes, the chains we wear are not as visible as the ones that bind us. Losing him could mean losing his protection too."

Draco swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her words. "What if he turns on us first? What if he sees me as a threat?"

Narcissa placed a hand on his arm, grounding him. "I will always protect you. No matter what happens, you are my priority."

He looked at her and says according to his memory, "It's the longest conversation we've had in recent years."

She realized that today she had talked too much. "Yes, you have changed. Your thoughts have become more mature."

She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's go."

Then they apparated and arrived at the station. Jack felt like his head was spinning as he landed. He might have lost his breakfast that morning if not for Draco's past experience.

Narcissa supported him. "You okay?"

Jack waved his hand in assurance. "Just one second."

Adjusting his posture, he looked around, seeing the station outside the alley.

They then moved towards the platform, coming between platforms 9 and 10. He looked at Narcissa who nodded and then entered the pillar. The next second, the scenery changed, and another platform appeared, like in the movies, with children entering the train.

He look at the train and turn to Narcissa," till the Christmas" and move towards her to give a hug.

She hesitated and repeicoted his action ," take care".

She didn't know he was already in care as her balloons was on his head. He couldn't help but breathe in her scent, momentarily forgetting the chaos of the previous moments.

Narcissa thought he was more emotional and pull him further. She didn't understand that his hand around her waist wants to play with her ass .

Controlling his lust, he left her arms making a distance between them.

He look at her , determine to take her out of Lucius control.


Author's pov

Comment on each

Summons ideas for 1st year ( remember r18 chapters will depend on it)

Hp females mc should take as slave in first year

Should Draco travel to some fantasy world and buy some Demi human slaves ?

Like cat or fox girl .

I have already choosen 2 worlds but still Suggest some fantasy worlds .