The Circle Closes The End Begins [Edited]

???: "So you died."

Rio: "I did, huh..."

???: "You are not going to scream?"

Rio: "No, it wont help my situation. Though I wont say I am not curious why I am here. I mean I am an Atheist so I figured I would just cease to be when I died."

???: "Well your religious preference is meaningless in this situation anyways. As you weren't supposed to died, like ever, or at least in this universe."

Rio: "Darn, so my plans would have succeeded."

???: "Yeah, you were supposed to become immortal and outlive the universe as the last living being then succeed in escaping your universe. But since you died due to... lets call it divine intervention, we are kinda stuck. Since you were fated to never die you were banned from all afterlife's so you couldn't mess with the dead."

Rio: "That doesn't sound good for anyone. So where do we go from here?"

???: "Well, we in the divine realm are not sure. We tried to fix your universes fate and we managed to do so by making a fill in for you who will die when the universe dies. As your death meant you universe was going to die early which messes everything up. But you we cant put you back as we caught your death too late. So we thought to give you 2 choices. Option Number 1 we send you into the next universe cycle to be reborn. This way you still follow your fate, you also keep your memories."

Rio: "That seems OK, I suppose."

???: "Option Number 2 is honestly way more risky, but comes with better gifts. You keep your memories and we grant 5 wishes within reason, and no you don't have to word it too carefully. But be warned we have never done this before so if you are unsatisfied we cannot help you."

Rio: "Option 2 sounds way better but you said its riskier, but I doubt bad wishes is the only risk."

???: "I was getting there. You get reincarnated somewhere. We have no control over where. Just that it is outside this Omniverse. You could evaporate into nothingness, be eaten by a god, end up a slave. No way to influence it. Including with wishes."

Rio: "Can you explain this Omniverse? What is outside it?"

???: "You were in an Omniverse before you died. An Omniverse is made up of numerous multiverses and does NOT include everything. Outside of our Omniverses are other Omniverses, multiverses, and universes, they are not all connected though. We can see into the outside but never interact. The barrier between prevents us. So we can send you out there but with no real control."

Rio: "So I would be flying blind. What is out there?"

???: "Everything, all of existence. Fictional worlds, normal worlds, outer gods, Limbo, etc."

Rio: "So infinite probabilities, I could end up in the Witcher world, an Anime or even gods forbid Warhammer. Everything has a theoretical 0% and 100% chance of happening. High risk but high reward."

???: "Exactly which is why we are giving 5 wishes. Option 1 guarantees access to the afterlife regardless if you fulfill your destiny. Option 2 could lead to the death of your soul or worse."

Rio: "How malleable are these wishes?"

???: "You can have a fairly long wish as long as they are all reasonably within the same wish. So for instance you can wish for a Kryptonian bloodline with all its powers with also say mind control immunity. But you could not say you want a Kryptonian bloodline that also has a Saiyan bloodline. They are two completely different things so two wishes are needed."

Rio: "So I can wish for one thing and add things to it so long as they can be conceivably connected?"

???: "Though I want to make it clear these wishes have a limit. I cannot give you something I do not have in some way. For instance no complete invulnerability, immortality, omnipotence or omniscience."

Rio: "Fair enough, but why not immortality? You said I was destined to get that."

???: "Well because I am not immortal not really, very long-lived yes but not immortal. So I could give you a lifespan spanning millennia but I would not recommend it. It would likely cost you several or all of your wishes. It takes a lot of energy to give such a long lifespan without changing your species."

Rio: "So if I wish to have the bloodline of a very long species would that cost more than one wish."

???: "No, it would just be one wish but you would likely be one of a kind which draws a lot of attention."

Rio: "Got it, is there any time limit for me to decide which option and further what my wishes might be?"

???: "No take your time you have already been dead for a few eons anyway. We see time differently so for you it was mere moments us eons."

Rio: "Perfect"

A few hours later... (Cue Spongebob title card)

Rio: "I have decided."

???: "Ah that was fast."

Rio: "I choose option 2."

???: "What are your five wishes?"

Rio: "Number one is a gamer system with a shop with anything I could want and a gacha with the Gamer mind making it so my mind is completely undetectable by everyone. I want to be able to connect my mind or open it to others when I want to but have complete control over it."

???: "Okay, but gamers body will not work as you think, you won't have a game HP instead you can just survive for longer with missing body parts or blood, so long as you have HP. So no instant damage removal. You will also still have to eat and sleep but whenever you sleep you will still fully heal yourself. Also, the system will not know everything. It will know a whole lot as I will give it a copy of the Akashic records but not everything as we can only look into the other universes so sometimes we cannot see all thus the records are not complete. It will however be able to connect to other Akashic Records to some extent. The gamers mind skill will be tweaked to your specifications but it will not make you able to stay calm or anything like that as that would be mind manipulation but you will be immune to any mental de-buffs or illnesses. Gamers body will also make you more resistant to illness in general but not immune and not resistant to poisons and the like. Lastly, your gamers mind can stop anyone below my level but a being of equal level can still peer inside just not control it. One example would be TOAA if you were somehow in their presence they could peer in, but he is the bare minimum level required."

Rio: "Fair, Wish number two a DNA lock which makes any DNA leaving my body become non-existent and useless, so no cloning no blood/DNA magic or control. I want to be able to toggle this when I want to."

???: "Easily done. I will also make it impossible to scan your DNA in general so even inside they cannot."

Rio: "Perfect, My third wish is to have the Force even in the absence of the Force. So if I end up not in Star Wars I still can use it. I also want it so no one can stop me from using it. I want it at the level of the Chosen One as a base with the ability to improve on it."

???: "That can be done as it will be contained in your body and yours alone. You will have to train it from the bottom up so you won't be Chosen One level right off the bat but you will learn fast and I will throw in you not being corrupted by either light or dark side or their powers."

Rio: "Okay, My fourth wish is I want an Alicorn bloodline with the ability to transform between an Alicorn, Human, and a fusion of the two in any customizable way I see fit. Also, the ability to use my own astral realm that I can modify as I see fit."

???: "Uh, let me check that as I actually don't know what that is..... Okay I see, That should be doable. A unique choice, I will throw in a cross-species adaptability so you should be able to reproduce with almost anything. I am only doing this as you taught me about a new species and I would like to see more of these. Also, you can have your own astral realm but it can only be accessed by you and those you allow. As for modifying it no problem. If you go dream walking be aware that a being can force you out of their dream if they detect you, which is unlikely given your previous wishes but just warning you."


Authors Note:

It has come to my attention that people got the wrong idea with this next wish so I am here to clarify that the next wish is completely innocent and based on the fact that my favorite Pokemon is Lucario and I journey through every Pokemon game with a Lucario that I can, so I just wanted to write my first book with a Lucario/Riolu as a starter Pokemon. That and Lucario is just a cool Pokemon that I haven't seen many books do anything with.


Rio: "Thank you, My last wish is to have a Riolu Egg that can hatch, evolve, and mega evolve. I also want it to have perfect genes and IVs as well as have no limit to the EVs it can have. I also want it to have my system with all its skills and stat improving. I also want it to be able to use any Pokemon ability or moves. Finally, it must come with both the keystone and all mega stones."

???: "Well, most of that is acceptable but it will have a very limited system, Gamers skills are fine but no store or gacha but it can improve its stats but they will be the Pokemon stats with some added on. It can also improve/learn skills via it. The EVs are no problem and would be included in the perfect genes. It can only use any two abilities at a time. It can learn any move but will have to master them individually. Keystone and mega stones I will allow. All of this will be in your system inventory."

Rio: "I guess that's it then. So what now?"

???: "Well first let me explain, you will be sent to a sort of tutorial world before your actual world you end up in. That is if you arrive safely. This tutorial world will be the pit stop where your soul normalizes being outside your home Omniverse. You should try to not do anything too dangerous or set down roots as you will only stay in said universe for a bit. That being said you can take anything from said universe in your system storage if you want as long as it meets certain criteria. Also, I don't recommend hatching the riolu in the tutorial as being born adds benefits and a link to the home universe it is born in. So it can be seen as an outsider if you hatch it in the tutorial and take it with you to your final stop. You also should avoid dying in the tutorial as it has the same downside of hatching. Also, you won't be able to tell what your final stop will be even once you get to the tutorial. Besides that any questions?"

Rio: "A few, First what do you mean avoid dying in the tutorial shouldn't I do that in general? And second, since I am reincarnating will I be a baby, and if not will I have memories of me living in said older body? And lastly, what is your name?"

???: "Well in order, As you have the force you can use an ability to not die when you die, then you can use your astral realm to re-manifest in a physical form. Beware as this will come with heavy consequences every time you do it and you are right you should avoid it in general but I am just warning you just in case. The second question you will be anything from a baby to a teenager but no older than 19-20 years old as for the memories yes you will have them it's more like your memories will be locked until a certain age. As for parents, you will never have them as you do not belong so instead you will be an orphan in an orphanage if you appear in a populated area. As for my name, I find it amusing that you only ask now but my name is Anubis god of funerary rites, protector of graves, and guide to the underworld and now only god of the dead left. Any more questions?"

Rio: "Yes, and no offense but isn't Anubis a male? I mean you have a very feminine voice. Also, what do you mean only god of the dead left?"

???: "Oh well I mean I was recorded as a male by my worshipers but that was because of a prank by Ra who thought it would be hilarious. Yeah, I was never able to fix that so I will always be remembered as male, unfortunately. As for the last god of the dead well, all the others died in the war against the evil gods which kinda corrupted your world and may or may not have caused most religions to die out. We won though at a heavy cost but none of that matters as you will be leaving after this. Anything else?"

Rio: "No, I think that's it."

???: "Okay, well good luck, you will really need it. I wish you a great new life Rio and as the Goddess of the Dead I will be the first to congratulate you on your reincarnation."

Rio: "Thank you for everything. I hope you have a nice uh, existence I suppose?"

With that Rio slowly fades away until all that is left is a white orb. Before it shoots away.....

To be Continued...

Authors Note:

Well, that's it for the first chapter let me know what you think in the comments. If you spot any errors please let me know. I might publish a second chapter today if not I will post it tomorrow.