Hey You, You're Finally Awake





I woke up and the first thing I see is mechanical lights, like you would see in a hospital. I next feel I am lying on a bed. Then I try to get up.

Rio: " Ugh, my head. Where am I?"

Then I get a massive headache as memories rush in all at once. I see where I was born on Serenno and found by Count Dooku as a force sensitive when I tried stealing from his home when I thought he was away. My cheats made it so my mind was invisible to force sensitives so I was never found by the Jedi Order. Count Dooku took me in and trained me as an Assassin until eventually, he decided to train me as his Apprentice in all but name. I was the perfect spy and assassin so I was assigned a mission as a Captain on a C.I.S. Providence-class Dreadnought as an adjutant to the Admiral Cath fain'din a female Bothan. My mission was to escort a secret weapon and cache of some artifacts to a secret Separatist base Dooku had kept it secret even to his master. But a Republic fleet ambushed the fleet I was in led by Mace Windu and nearly wiped out the fleet. I escaped by initializing an emergency hyperspace jump but we were hit right as we jumped causing us to go off course and then... I think I passed out. Now I seem to be in the Medical Bay.


B1: "Hey you, you're finally awake, I need to go get the commander!"

Rio: "Wait! And he's gone great. Wait did he just Skyrim me?"

[System Initializing... Host found]

[1%.... 22%..... 67%.... 99%]

[Complete. Welcome Host to the Gamer System, The System has detected that the host's soul is adapting to being outside the Omniverse of Origin. While the host's soul is adapting certain system features will not be available.]

[Ding Generating Tutorial quest]

[Tutorial Quest 1]

[Host is in an unknown situation, learn your current situation and get your bearing to complete this quest.]

[Rewards: 50xp]

Rio: "Hmm, let me see. Status."


Name: Rio Magus Crepusculum

Age: 19

Race: Alicorn

Title: Last Son Of The Crystal Imperium

Level: 3 (Reduced due to recent awakening)



HP: 100 (Endurance x 10 )

SP: 100 (Endurance x Agility/2 )

MP: 1250 (Intelligence x 50)


Strength: 5 (+50%) = 7.5

Perception: 15

Endurance: 10

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 25

Agility: 20 (+50%) = 30

Luck: 10 (+50%) = 15

Stat Points: 15



Alicorn lvl: Max

Changes the MP calculus to x 50, Gives improved learning speed of all magics. Decreases the cost of all magics by 25%. Gives a boost of 25% to Agility, Strength, and Luck. Give immunity to all illnesses in exchange for only becoming ill to Alicorn-specific illnesses. Give near agelessness. Ability to fly when in regardless of gravity as long as you are in winged form. You can change forms from Full Alicorn to human and anywhere in between. All Equine and Equine adjacent species will trust and treat you as their ruler. Gives access to the Astral realm. Warning user will enter Nightmare mode if the user becomes mentally unstable or enraged.

Indestructible Stomach lvl: Max

Users can eat anything and turn it into energy without getting sick. Provides a flat 50% resistance to Poisons or Toxins of all kinds.

Force Mastery lvl: 13/100

372/1300 xp

Decreases the needed force energy to use all force abilities by 13%. XP is gained by using any amount of force points. Higher levels allow the usage of high-tier force abilities. Grants the user force precognition and higher levels allow for further and more precise predictions and the ability to see glimpses of the future. Using the Force requires no energy but will exhaust the user.

Mana Manipulation lvl: 8/75

437/800 xp

Ability to use mana to use spells and create new ones. Increases magic damage by 8% and reduces the cost of magic by 8% (max of 74%) This skill includes all spells and their mastery with only a few exceptions. Max lvl reduced to 75 due to Alicorn Race but will reward bonus when maxed out.

Aura Mastery lvl: 2/100

48/200 xp

Ability to use and manipulate Aura for defense and offense. Increases Aura damage by 2% and reduces the cost of Aura by 2%. Allow users to sense emotions and see while blinded. Aura can also be used to heal. Can establish an Aura bond with others which allows the ability to always find the bonded individual and sense their state of well-being. Increases Agility by lvl% while active.

Damage Resistance lvl: 27/100

908/2700 xp

Ability to resist pain. Reduces pain by 27%. Reduces incoming Damage by 13.5% Will still allow user to feel when attacked.

Stealth lvl: 12/100

579/1200 xp

Ability to remain hidden when sneaking. Reduces the chance of being detected when sneaking by 12%. Increases the damage done while undetected by 24%.

Weapons Proficiency lvl: 9/100

700/900 xp

Users' ability to use all weapons. Increases damage when using weapons by 9%. Decreases the likelihood of weapon malfunctions by 9%.


HP= Health Points

SP= Stamina Points

MP= Mana Points

Strength is how much someone can lift and how much power they can put behind a physical attack. This can be improved by exercising.

Perception is how well one can sense things via the 6 senses- Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, Hearing, and Danger Sense... this can also increase the other senses' abilities and is boosted by the Skill Force Mastery to be able to increase accuracy. This can be improved by noticing small details or by hitting challenging targets

Endurance is how long one can last without rest while doing strenuous activities. Also, determine how much HP you have. It is one part of the SP calculation. This can be improved by exercising for long periods and going beyond your current level of endurance.

Charisma is how one appears to others and one ability to convince others to do anything. Can reduce perceived danger level the higher one's Charisma is. This can be increased by bartering good deals and convincing otherwise impossible people to do what you want.

Intelligence is how wise, creative, and smart one is. It also increases learning and retention speed. This can be increased by deducing things and learning new things.

Agility is how flexible and fast one is. It improves one's ability to dodge. It is one part of the SP calculation. This can be increased by stretching, yoga, parkour, and nimble movements.

Luck is how lucky one is it improves the chance of good gacha results and decreases the likelihood of one having misfortune. It can result in having bouts of good fortune at higher levels. There are no ways to increase luck other than adding stat points. 

The stats of an average human is 10 in all stats except luck which is 5.


'Hmm, so my stats are not too bad for being a dark acolyte. I can clearly remember why my pain resistance skill is the highest, Dooku was not the most gentle while training me and I seem to recall being beaten black and blue by Grievous several times. Am I even still in the Star Wars universe and can I take this ship in my inventory before I leave? Questions for later now I need to figure out where I am and the status of the ship. Then I need to practice my skills to re-familiarize myself with them. Hmm, I can hear something is approaching. Droids by the sound of it.'


I see TX-47 walk in with 2 BX Commando droids flanking him.

TX-47: "Greetings Captain, I am glad you have recovered, as you are now the acting leader of the Omega Fleet as Admiral Cath Fain'din has passed away. According to C.I.S. protocol when a fleet has lost command of its admiral the next highest ranking organic is to assume command. If you will follow me to the bridge I can brief you on our current situation."

Rio: "Understood, I Captain Rio Magus Crepusculum, hereby assume command of the Omega Fleet. I will follow you to the bridge and can I have a status report on the ship?"

I get up and start walking to the bridge with TX-47.

TX-47: "Yes sir, Our shields are down and will not be operational for 25hrs. Our hull integrity sits at 83%. We are currently at 38% Fuel capacity and our hyperdrive is inoperable and will require extensive repairs. All weapons are fully operational and the ammunition is at 94%. We have lost all but 4 Vulture droids, 3 Droid Trifighters, 2 Hyena Bombers, and 1 Belbullab-22 starfighter. We also have checked and all cargo is undamaged and accounted for."

We arrive at the bridge and I see it is a little messy with one console damaged. But otherwise still intact. I sit in the Captain's chair.

TX-47: "We have also found that one cargo container included a heavily modified Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor and another included another starfighter that we have no records of. We also have 2 Sheathipede shuttles still operational and 2 more inoperable but usable for parts. I have taken the liberty of opening the cargo you were assigned to transport to ensure its safety. I have found all is working and undamaged. Life support systems are also operational. Our sensors have detected we are just outside a star system. We have been unable to find any C.I.S. or Republic signals and we also cannot find our current coordinates on any star charts nor can we see any stars that correspond with any of our maps. We are currently stranded in unknown territory based on my calculations we have a 1/100000034 chance of returning to separatist space. What are your orders, sir?"

Rio: "Pull up a map of our current location."

A hologram appears with a less-than-perfect scan of the star system near us.

Rio: "Move the ship to that asteroid belt at the edge of the system, then launch all probes to get a detailed scan of this star system. I also want us to scan all frequencies for anything to see if perhaps we have ended up in an uninhabited star system or if they are just hiding. We are not moving past the asteroid belt until the probes are done with their scan. If the probes find intelligent life they are to avoid them and move on but to mark said location. I will decide what we do from there. I want the probes to try and find usable materials to repair and refuel our ship. One of the items I was transporting was an experimental massive stealth generator, can it be installed on this ship?"

TX-47 freezes and then starts calculating if that can work.

TX-47: "I calculate we can however if we try to install the stealth generator and also repair the ship, I calculate we would have approximately 1.27% spare materials remaining. However, that assumes that the repair droid maintains no less than 88% efficiency when doing their work. If they don't we will run out of materials. Furthermore, it will take at least 7 standard days to do so. All these numbers assume we scrap all inoperable ships and devices for materials. Lastly, if we succeed we will lose approximately 6.27% combat efficiency."

Rio: "That will have to do send the orders. Prioritize the stealth generator first. Also, I want us on resource maximization meaning if a droid is not needed they are to shut down until further notice."

TX-47: "Roger Roger."

Rio: "Also once you have given those orders I want you to go to Hangar 2 and open container 12 inside is a software and hardware upgrade for you. It's the Experimental Ultra tactical droid, it should increase your combat efficiency by 78% and your overall abilities by up to 300%."

TX-47: "My programming indicates I am not authorized to do that as the Ultra Tactical series was banned by the C.I.S. senate and military for concerns of it being too advanced."

Rio: "Authorization code Alpha-Omega-22-Epsilon-Charlie-Uniform-1467-Alpha. I am the highest-ranking military member of the C.I.S. military both in the Navy and as Count Dooku's personal assistant and therefore take full responsibility for any future issues caused by this order and use of the previously stated authorization code. Will that do TX-47?"

TX-47: "Authorization code accepted by your orders Captain."

TX-47 leaves the bridge.

'He should be back in an hour or two I think. Now we wait for news.'

To be Continued....