Reorienting Myself

Authors Note:

I forgot to put in a few things in the last chapter those are now fixed in case you do not want to re-read the last chapter the changes were as follows.

Statpoints: 15

Stealth lvl: 12/100

579/1200 xp

Ability to remain hidden when sneaking. Reduces the chance of being detected when sneaking by 12%. Increases the damage done while undetected by 24%.

Weapons Proficiency lvl: 9/100

700/900 xp

Users' ability to use all weapons. Increases damage when using weapons by 9%. Decreases the likelihood of weapon malfunctions by 9%.


'It's been an hour since TX-47 went to get upgraded. He should be back sometime in the next hour'

Rio: "You, B673, when will we arrive at the asteroid belt?"

B673: "Approximately 8 minutes Captain."

Rio: "Good have we picked up any new signals yet?"

B673: "Yes, sir, We are detecting low-frequency radio waves from deeper in the star system."

Rio: "Pull them up I want to hear it."

A radio radio broadcast plays.

'Music, hmm, I don't know the language but it sounds vaguely familiar.'

Rio: "Do we have a translation of this? And are there more signals like this?"

B673: "No sir, our systems have no record of this language. We have found a signal in what seems to be Aurebesh, but it's too weak to get a good signal. We have detected over 20,000 signals coming from the star system. The sensors calculated it is approximately XX clicks away from our current location."

Rio: "That's a lot of signals it must mean they aren't closing their signal loop. So likely primitives. But keep trying to capture as much as we can and have the computer run it through pattern analysis. Also, keep trying to locate the signal source. And I want the power that can be safely put into our sensors to scan for any satellites or spaceships. Otherwise, keep me updated when you find something useful."

Ten minutes later.

B673: "Sir! We have just detected a missile launch coming from... The third planet from the star!"

Rio: "Where is its target!? And activate the point defense cannons just in case!"

B673: "The missile trajectory is calculated to be heading towards the 4th planet from the star. Currently determined to not be aimed towards us. It is also calculated to be far too slow to hit us at its current velocity. Do you want me to deactivate the point defense cannons?"

Rio: "Yes, deactivate all but the 2 most forward-point defense cannons. Also, keep at least one sensor trained on that missile. Any other updates?"

B673: "Yes sir, We have detected at least 5000 satellites in the orbit of the third planet from the star. We have also collected enough signals to obtain information on said planet. I am sending it to your datapad now."

'Hmm, this looks like Earth. English by the looks of it. 2 no 3 different Englishes by the sounds of it. Yep, definitely Earth, it's split into many nations, and looks like the biggest country is at war with Afghanistan. So let's see the date is 2005. A nuclear weapon could damage the ship if it hits. It is best to be cautious and stay in our current position and wait for the probe droids to return with more data'

B673: "Sir, we have just connected with a primitive holonet by the looks of it thanks to probe droid 05. Probe droid 05 is requesting to maintain its current position to continue the broadcast to our ship."

Rio: "It's authorized. Get the security droids back online and have them sift through this primitive holonet and report any valuable information they find to me or TX-47."

B673: "Roger Roger."

30 Minutes later.


TX-47: "Hello captain, I have done as ordered and now am fully upgraded and ready to serve the C.I.S. to the best of my efficiency."

Rio: "Excellent, now if I recall correctly your personality matrix has been completely overhauled and improved. So I will name you. How about Tex?"

Tex: "I gladly accept the new name, sir. I have fully connected to the ship and am fully updated on the current situation. I suggest we move to the planet we have now confirmed to be called Neptune by the local species of humans."

Rio: "Hmm, I agree it would be better for our sensors to move closer, very well set a course to Neptune."

Tex: "As your command captain."

Then I feel a vision is coming. Then I see a town that's cloudy and forested. Then I see large wolves running through the forest. Then blurry and fast humans running as well from something but I could not see it. Then I see it a horrible beast of wood and decay, a visage of a skull then it looks at me through the vision. I am then thrown out of the vision.

Rio: "GASP!"

Tex: "Captain! Do you need medical attention?"

Rio: "No, No I just had a vision. Something is dead but alive on the planet Earth. We need to investigate it. I think it grows in power the longer we wait. Whatever it is, it is dangerous to our mission here. I will go investigate with the BXA Assassin Commando droids when we get more stable here."

Tex: "I must protest you are the leader of this fleet your life is the most important and thus you must stay on board this ship."

Rio: "We will discuss this later."

Tex: "Yes, Sir."

[Ding Quest Complete]

[Tutorial Quest 1 has completed issuing rewards]

[+50 xp]

[150/300 XP]

[Quest issued Tutorial Quest 2]

[Tutorial Quest 2]

[You have now orientated yourself but now you must go to planet Earth and investigate the Force Vision you received. Once you learn more about the situation on Earth you will receive the 3rd Quest.]



2 Kyber Crystals]

'Hmm that's interesting I could use those. But I need to train to get ready for a possible fight.'

Rio: "I will be in my quarters If you need me. I have full confidence you can run things while I am gone."

Tex: "Very well sir."

I leave the bridge and head to my quarters. When I arrived I looked around to see that it was a mess it seemed the droids followed the directive which stated not to enter my quarters unless I was present.

'Well I guess I will clean this up then I can train.'

10 minutes later

Rio: "There, all done. Now I suppose I should do some practice swings of my Vibroblade."

I grab my Vibroblade and activate the practice droid.

I enter form 3 Soresu and close the practice blinder.


The droid shoots and it hits me in the stomach

'Ouch, that stung.'



It shoots again but I block this time.

Shoom Shoom

Ting Zap

'Ouch, dangit not again'


3 Hours later...

Rio: "Okay that should do it for now. I should practice using the Force as it should be the most helpful on what seems to be a possibly normal Earth."

I stow away my blade and sit in a lotus position to start on what will be a far more boring training session.

'Okay, empty your mind. Feel the force. Let it flow through you.'

While I do this various objects start to slowly levitate.

'Let the Force empower you. Remember the Sith code.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.'

The room starts to shake as I focus on the words of the Sith code.

'Remember the wise words If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not the adherence to a single idea. Thus I must also look to the Jedi code to balance myself.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force'

I have started to levitate at this point.

'I feel the power, the cold and warm. I have truly reconnected with the force I should have no issue using it now.'

As I wake up from my meditation I see 4 hours have passed.

'Oh, I better check in with Tex to see if there are any updates.'

Rio: "This is Rio, Tex can you copy?"

Tex: "Yes sir, I copy. Do you require my assistance?"

Rio: "Yes, I am just looking for an update on our situation."

Tex: "We have entered a stable orbit of the planet Neptune and our probes have mapped out the entire star system save Earth and Mercury. Other than that we have identified several deposits of gasses that can be used for our weapons and some alternative fuel sources. If I can get permission to deploy the shuttles and our starfighters I would like to begin collection immediately."

Rio: "You have permission. Once the probes are done with mercury have them regroup at Hangar 1 except probe 5 as it must maintain its current position to keep our connection to the Earthlings internet. Also, have we collected any pertinent info from said source?"

Tex: "Yes sir, We have found some strange information. It seems the Earthlings have a movie based on the Clone Wars and more importantly, it shows the death of General Grievous and Count Dooku. It also seems to say that the C.I.S. is a fake government meant to distract the Republic and never win. My systems have gone through all battle data I have access to and I have come to a shocking revelation. I calculate a 99.2% chance of these movies being accurate based on the movements throughout the war. My primary programming and the programming of all droids on the ship is not certain what to do from here or how such info could exist."

Rio: "Hmm, I can say that I too have seen what info you are talking about and you are most likely right. I must also explain that we have likely left our original universe or galaxy at the very least. Therefore we will likely never be able to return to the C.I.S. and we must thus become completely self-sufficient. As for how the Earthlings have made such movies about what seems to us as the future. I am not certain they could have been a prophet or perhaps they used the force. Regardless I want you to download every last piece of entertainment these humans have developed and a complete compendium of their history. Also, locate a place where we can steal electronic and other materials including precious metals to improve the ship however we can."

Tex: "I thank you for your insight and I agree we must become self-sufficient. I will order a squad of BX commando droids to infiltrate and steal materials as you requested. May I inquire as to our stance on these Earthlings? Also, I will begin to download the requested information at once."

Rio: "Our stance on the Earthlings is to remain secret at all costs. If we must kill them so be it but first, what is our E-5 blaster rifle ammunition looking like?"

Tex: "We are currently full on ammo but we will begin stockpiling additional gas to fuel them just in case."

Rio: "Good the teams that are deployed can only use E-5-based ammo unless I give direct orders otherwise. Also, do we have schematics to build a droid foundry?"

Tex: "Understood, and unfortunately we do not have any schematics for droid foundries but we do have the B1 battle droid schematics."

Rio: "Yes, very unfortunate. What of our food stores?"

Tex: "We have enough to feed you for 2 Months before the rest of it spoils."

Rio: "Hmm, add food supplies to the list of materials we steal, and make sure to redesign one of the spare rooms into additional food storage in case our main one is destroyed or sabotaged."

Tex: "Yes sir, I will issue the orders now."

Rio: "I will return to the bridge tomorrow at 0900 hours. Until then I will be signing off for today. Message me if any situation requires my assistance."

Tex: "Yes sir, Goodnight Captain."

With that, the signal stops and I am left to go eat and retire for the night.

To be continued...