Exploiting Earth

Authors Note:

So I was going to change the race from Alicorn since honestly, they are kind of too OP for this point in the story as you know being able to move a star is maybe a tad bit too much and most have no idea what an Alicorn is but I decided to rework the Alicorn to be less OP. I also remove force points as I think it doesn't really work. Stats and skills were slightly altered but not by much, basically I just reduced some buffs. I also added age to the status.


...beep beep beep...

My alarm goes off.

Rio: "Well time to get up."

I put on my captain's uniform, grab a combat ration, and start walking to the bridge.


Tex: "Good morning captain. Here are the current sites we intend on stealing supplies from."

Tex hands me the datapad

'Hmm, several military bases in Russia and the USA, a bit risky but with our technology and the surprise factor we should do fine. Civilian targets are mostly in less populated cities and warehouses. I suppose I should suggest some tech companies. I think we could splice into them easily enough and steal data and valuable material. Oh yes and maybe some radioactive materials. Maybe Fort Knox, hmm I will have to consider hard if that is a good idea.'

Rio: "These targets look good but might I suggest a place called Silicon Valley, it should be easy for our splicers to infiltrate their factories and offices. I have not seen what time you intend to start these missions. Also, add some radioactive materials to the list but make sure they are properly shielded I would rather not get cancer. Finally, what do you think of the target of Fort Knox?"

Tex: "Yes I suppose Silicon Valley could get us what we need. I was not certain if we should take the risk as it would draw a lot of attention even if we succeeded without being detected. I will add radioactive materials to the list and ensure they are shielded. As for a possible attack on Fort Knox and by proxy the United States Bullion Depository I believe it would be too costly for ultimately little gain. I have calculated several different strategies but all of them would not be without causalities. Given we will not receive reinforcements it would be most unwise to lose any droids at this time."

Rio: "Hmm, I think an attack on Silicon Valley would be in our best interest. I can see what you mean by attacking Fort Knox not being worth it so we can abandon such an idea. I think deploying Vulture droids to cause the US Air Force to be distracted might be a possible idea. If we do it while we infiltrate the bases it could draw attention away, or increase the alert level, hard to say for certain as these are Earthlings. I plan on leaving for my investigation today."

Tex: "Sir, I must insist you stay on this ship for your safety. You are the leader of all C.I.S. forces in this galaxy and thus have an obligation to lead from the ship, not on the ground."

Rio: "I understand what you are saying but I must do this as I believe I am the only one here that can come off as a human save maybe a Holographic disguise matrix but last I check we don't have any. The force beckons me somewhere it is most unwise to ignore it."

Tex: "It seems we are at an impasse, perhaps we can negotiate this?"

Rio: "Fine, how about I take the 2 BXA assassin droids as personal guards and 2 additional BX series that watch from a distance?"

Tex: "I must argue that 4 droids are not nearly enough I insist a full dozen at least with 2 Vultures nearby in wait."

Rio: "If I did that I would not be able to infiltrate. 2 BXA and 4 BX series. Also, no Vultures we don't have enough to spare at this time."

Tex: "I can accept that if you keep your shuttle nearby in a rendezvous point where you can be quickly extracted if needed."

Rio: "That is acceptable. I will leave in 4 hours, and make sure all is prepped for my mission. I don't want to be late when leaving."

Tex: "As you command."

'Good, now to make sure all my gear is ready I will take my blade, a sniper, and my combat suit. Then I need to meditate on where the force wants me specifically.'

4 hours later...

Rio: "Well I see everything is in order lets go."

Droids: "Yes Captain!"

Rio: "This is Captain Rio to tower control, requesting take-off authorization."

Tower Control: "This is tower control, you are clear for take off. Good luck Captain."

Rio: "BXA 1 and 2 as soon as we drop in at our location I expect you to stay in stealth mode for as long as you can. BX 1 and 2 you will remain with the shuttle to secure it and ensure my egress stays open. BX 3 and 4 you will follow me from a distance use your comms if you notice something and need to report it. Any questions?"

Droids: "No sir."

Rio: "Good now we will be landing in the North West of the USA, so be wary as they are the current most powerful country so they could become a threat if we are discovered. I don't expect any military presence but it never hurts to be prepared. We have another 30 minutes till landing as we have to avoid their detection."

34 minutes later...

Our shuttle lands deep in a forest miles away from the nearest human habitation.

Rio: "Okay we are here. My team will head west from here to a small town called Forks. The force has led me to the forest near there to find what I am looking for. Be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary from what you have all been briefed on what Earthlings do."

As I start my walk towards my destination I keep my senses as open as I can.

'Hmm the force isn't warning me about anything so that's good'

One hour later...

Rio: "Hold up I sense something ahead and it feels off. Overwatch do you see anything through your scopes?"

Overwatch: "Yes sir, It appears to be a large wolf-like creature. It's too large to be any species of wolf recorded on this planet. It appears to be patrolling. Do you want me to take it out?"

Rio: "Negative, I will follow this creature back to its den. I doubt this thing is alone. Wolves are pack creatures, it might just be a scout for its pack."

Overwatch: "Roger Roger."

'Hmm let us see what it looks like through my scope. Woah that's almost the size of a Loth Wolf. Now the question is why is it so big. It should not be possible. Also seems to have very few scars so not likely to be a pack leader or alpha.'

The wolf suddenly starts running away. And the force screams a warning.

Rio: "Overwatch, do not engage whatever is about to come through here and initiate stealth protocols. I will go radio silent now, so don't worry."

I lay down and cloak myself in the force to hide.

???: "Caw Caw Caw Caw Caw"

Something lumbers through the clearing with the sounds of creaking wood and a ricketing hollow-sounding call.


Then a crunch of twigs as it seems to stop a mere dozen or so feet away from me. I dare not even move to look at it for fear of alerting it.

'Go away Go away Go away Go away, come on just keep moving nothing to see here.'

A few minutes pass as it keeps making that creepy bubbling sound before it starts walking again in what sounds like the same direction it came from.

I wait for 10 minutes before I release my force cloak and sense if anything is nearby.

'Whew, it seems to have completely left.'

Rio: "Overwatch, I am okay. Did you capture a video of what just came through here?"

Overwatch: "Yes sir, it seemed to be a bipedal creature with a deer skull for a head covered in vegetation. It appeared to be made of wood but my photoreceptors could be mistaken. It also had some crows on its shoulder."

Rio: "Very well I am heading to your position as I need to see the footage."

Overwatch: "Roger Roger."

I make it to their position and BX 3 hands me a recording device with the footage.

'Crap, that's a Leshen. I am not sure if it's an Elder or younger variant but whatever it is I am probably in a Leshens forest right now and I need to get going and fast less I want to fight it right now. I am pretty sure it is what I saw in my vision too. Great just bloody great now I have to remember how a Leshen fights. I don't think The Witcher has been released yet.'

Rio: "Well I know that is and we need to move now as that thing likely sees this whole forest as its domain and we are trespassing."

We start moving quickly to Forks as it is the closest town.

'I should ask around the town to see if they have any additional info about this Leshen. Its pattern, territory, victims, and how long it has been around. Let's hope it's a new Leshen.'

Once we arrive in Forks we head for an abandoned house for our temporary base but as soon as I enter the door I hear a system message.


[Tutorial Quest 2 Has Completed Issuing Rewards]

[+100xp +2 Kyber Crystals]

[250/300 XP]

'Neat, I guess I can finally construct a lightsaber. Cheapskate Dooku not willing to buy me a Kyber Crystal. I mean my body could have probably bought one or at least obtained one but I guess I was just stubborn or maybe just jealous of Sev'rance Tann.

[Quest issued Tutorial Quest 3]

[Tutorial Quest 3]

[You have discovered what your vision was warning you about now you must slay the Leshen who does not belong in this world. Completing this quest will start the final Tutorial Quest. Good hunting.]



Complete and Updating Witcher Bestiary

Nature's Minor Blessing]

'System what explain these rewards.'


[Complete and Updating Witcher Bestiary is a bestiary that constantly updates based on creatures you know about and based on where you are at and still includes all Witcher series-based monster information.]

[Nature's Minor Blessing is a blessing that makes the user be ignored by most wildlife and become far less likely to get lost while in the wilderness.]

'Okay, both of those will be very useful later though I could really use that Witcher Bestiary now and not later but oh well. I suppose I should start walking around town and inquiring about info on the Leshen.'

Rio: "OK, now that we have set up this FOB I am going into town to gather intel on the creatures we saw."

As I walk into town I figure I should try and unlock a staple skill of any gamer, Observe.

'Let's see ah that man over there outside that store. Let's try it.'


[New Skill Unlocked Observe]

[Observe lvl: 1/100

1/100 XP

Observe allows the user to scan people or eventually objects to learn additional information that one could not immediately know otherwise. The higher the skill the more info that is revealed. When attempting to observe higher-level individuals one might fail unless one meets a perception check. Also, be warned no HP stat will be calculated for any being without a system and any stats or levels shown are not equivalent to threat level or ability to harm the host.]

[Name: Niko Bellic

Race: Human

Level: 5



Niko is a wanted criminal on charges of over several dozen different crimes and is involved with the Russian Mob. Does not like Bowling.]

'Wait what? What is a wanted criminal doing in a small town in the middle of nowhere? Whatever let's see if he knows anything.'

Rio: "Hello, how are you today?"

Niko: "Huh? Oh, Fine I guess."

Rio: "That's good to hear, you see I am new here and overheard some strange rumors about the local area. I was wondering if you had heard anything."

Niko: "Well I think there have been a few disappearances lately, I think it started last month or something. I heard they got a new sheriff to come and help investigate them. Besides that, they sent out a warning to everyone to stay out of the forest while the investigation is going on. Some say it's the Indians on the nearby reservation kidnapping people but I don't believe that."

Rio: "Dark times we live in where you can't even walk in the forest without fear for your life. Besides that thanks for letting me know I will be sure to heed those warnings. Have a great day."

Niko: "Huh, oh uh you too."

I walked around the town to get an idea about the layout while training observe. Until I observed something odd.

[Name: Embry Call

Race: Shape Shifter (Wolf)

Level: 8


MP: 100/100

Embry is a shapeshifter of the Uley pack and Quileute tribe. He is friends with Jacob Black. He is wary of you.]

'Wait a minute those names sound familiar and what does being a shapeshifter mean, I mean other than the obvious. Could he be the wolf I saw earlier? Regardless let's go back to base as I am apparently someone he is wary of so best to leave now.'

Once I get back to base I start to think of the info I got.

'Okay so we have a Leshen that is probably only a month or two old and the local tribe might be a shapeshifting wolf pack. Also the name Jacob Black seems so familiar but I cannot put my finger on it, I have a feeling it's something I have repressed. Also, a new sheriff also makes me think of something but what?'

Rio: "Send this info to Tex I want all the info he can get on these disappearances and the local Quileute tribe also some history on this town would be great. Oh and any info on Leshy or Spriggans and the like."

BXA 1: "Roger Roger."

Rio: "For now let's rest for tonight and see what tomorrow brings."