To Kill A Leshen

FOB Omega, 0900 Hours Forks Washington, USA

'Okay, let's see what Tex gathered for me on Leshies and Spriggans. Got it, not too much on how to kill them but some possibly useful folklore. If I remember my Witcher stuff right, I need to use fire and I need to destroy their totems. I also recall they can turn into smoke and can control animals to fight on their behalf.'

Rio: "BXA 1 and 2, I want you to enter the forest and look for totems, they will likely be made of animal parts or human corpses. You will likely find them near large gatherings of crows. Do not be spotted by these creatures. Once you find the totems place 1 low-yield explosive charge on each one you find. I will remain in the base until you return."

BXA 1 and 2: "Roger Roger."

As they leave I open a secure comm with Tex.

Rio: "Tex, Status report on the infiltration and theft mission."

Tex: "All missions were complete with no casualties on our side. The droids were forced to eliminate 243 Earthlings during the course of the missions. We were able to download the entirety of the company's databases. We also stole large amounts of data storage drives to compensate for the large influx of information we are receiving to lighten up our own databanks. The military technology we have stolen so far is fairly primitive and most of it has no use for us. I calculate we would only require 3 months to conquer the planet if we authorize orbital bombardment."

Rio: "Good to hear, and I don't authorize the use of orbital bombardment. I also think you are underestimating the Earthlings. Their over-reliance on Thermonuclear weapons makes them too risky to fight. After all, if they glass their own planet all we get in the end is a planet like Mandalore. Not to mention a direct hit by said warheads to damage or outright destroy the ship."

Tex: "I agree on some of those points but currently the Earthling's ability to get into orbit is lacking so our ship would likely remain safe if we remain at long-range orbital bombardment positions."

Rio: "It matters not, I have no intention of conquering this planet. I believe we will not stay here long. Call it a feeling or the Force telling me regardless we are only to steal from this planet and then move on."

Tex: "Other than that sir, I received a report that you intend on fighting this Leshy creature. Am I to understand you require reinforcements?"

Rio: "Yes and no. I will accept additional BX series but no other models. Also, I will be killing the creature myself the droids will be on crowd control as I believe this creature can control the local Flora and Fauna."

Tex: "I must say it for the record I object to this course of action. Otherwise, I shall send you 12 BX commandos to rendevous point 2."

Rio: "Perfect, I will be waiting at the FOB until BXA 1 and 2 return, then I will gather supplies before beginning my hunt."

Tex: "Very well sir."

'Now I wait but I suppose I should think of some strategies. First I don't have a silver sword nor can I get one fabricated in time. I should however be able to get my hands on some accelerant to make a Molotov cocktail and maybe dowse my vibroblade in it to make a flaming sword. I know how to use the flames spell which is similar enough to Igni Spray from The Witcher to hopefully do the job. I think Leshens have to wind up a bit before they use their root attack but I could be wrong. Regardless I will want to snipe it from a distance to weaken it a bit before it will teleport to me and I have to fight it at close range. I think I should use Form IV as it fits best with my high agility but low strength and I want to avoid blocking or getting hit.'

BX 3: "Sir, an Earthling is approaching our FOB."

Rio: "What, let me see."

I look outside and see a very pale human who looks like they have a stick stuck up their rear.


[Name: Edward Cullen

Race: Vampire

Level: 16

SP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

Edward is a vampire.

Level to low to learn more.]

'WHAT! A vampire!? And that name I remember, it's from that one series that ruined vampires. Shoot I never really watched those movies how do you kill them? Garlic and silver maybe, well I mean sunlight doesn't work so who knows? More importantly, why is he here, we left no traces. Worst-case scenario I can decapitate him as there is no way that doesn't kill him, at least I hope so?'

Rio: "BX 3 and 4 get into position this might be hostile. We will wait and see if he leaves."

They nod and move to advantageous positions to attack if needed.

Edward knocks on the door and after 3 minutes of no one answering starts to look around the property looking for signs of habitation.

'Leave already, there is nothing to see here. I wonder if a Jedi mind trick would work on him. I guess it depends if he is an undead with mind control immunity or if his mind is too strong to manipulate. Hmm he is trying to open the front door, why does he want in here so much?'

After 10 minutes of snooping around and trying to get in Edward leaves.

'Good, he is finally leaving. Wait can read minds right? hmm, maybe but I don't really know but I shouldn't affect me or my droids. Unless droids have readable minds but I doubt that.'

Rio: "Okay, he has left but maintain alert status until otherwise stated."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

Sometime later...

beep beep

'Ah, that must be the BXAs reporting back.'

BXA team: "Sir, we have completed the mission and will return to the FOB in 2 minutes."

Rio: "Excellent how many totems did you find?"

BXA team: "4 sir."

Rio: "Understood, once you get here we will be heading into town to gather supplies then heading to rendezvous point 2."

BXA team: "Roger Roger."

'Okay, time to get going as I should be able to fight the Leshen before dark today.'

2 Hours Later at Rendezvous Point 2...

Rio: "Okay, I want BXA 1 in charge of BX 3-9 and BXA 2 in charge of BX 10-16. Form a perimeter around my position I will target the Leshen and draw its attention it will likely call on the animals of the forest to come and aid it in combat I just need all of you to keep them out of the fight. But first BXA 1 give me the detonator."

BXA 1 gives me the detonator and I start walking to the planned battlefield which is the area around totem 3.

'Now to let the crows see a glimpse of something near the totem and that should call the Leshen here.'

Crows: "Caw Caw Caw Caw"

'There we go now to wait.'

10 minutes later...

Leshen roar (Search up on Google 'leshens (witcher 3) Sounds' at 10-18 seconds in is what sound it makes.)

'Okay, there it is now to line up the shot.'

(You can turn on 'Combat Music Megamix - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' for the fight scene at 7:35, I used it while writing this)

ZZaap ZZaap

It hits the Leshen in the chest and it disappears in a cloud of smoke. The Force screams and I jump to the left to avoid the slash from its claws.

As I jump I press the detonator.


That seems to distract it long enough for me to throw a Molotov cocktail at the Leshen and start to apply flames to my blade then get into form IV Ataru.


It works and the Leshen starts to thrash around wildly while I use the flames spell to keep burning it. Then it stops thrashing and calls a murder of crows to attack me while it vanishes. I focus and use Force Barrier to prevent the majority of the Crows from reaching me. Then I feel the ground shaking and I have to jump up to avoid the roots from skewering me.

Rio: "Come on ugly, let's dance."

The Leshen starts by swinging with its left arm so I roll to its right while cleaving at its right leg as I go cutting a massive burned scar into its leg. It responds by turning fast and hitting me as I desperately try to bring up my blade to block.


I am thrown a few feet back and I look back only to see it gone. The force tries to warn me but it's too late as I get clawed over my back almost severing my spine and spraying blood everywhere. I wince but don't scream as I focus all that pain into a spinning slash into the Leshens' waist. It disappears into smoke again as I calm myself focusing on my connection to the force to feel its presence.


I quickly swing to my left, right as it reappears and strike it right in the neck. As it tries to back off I focus my rage and pain into an overcharged Force push.


The Leshen rockets to a nearby tree and gets snapped in half. I rush its top half and dive my blade right through its skull. As I do that the Leshen loses its last bit of vitality and dies. I fall onto my rear as the adrenaline wears off and I start to feel all my wounds and my exhaustion.

(You can stop the Music now)

Rio: "Whew, at least it's over."


[Leshen Killed +150 XP]

[Tutorial Quest 3 Has Completed Issuing Rewards]

[+250xp, Complete and Updating Witcher Bestiary, Nature's Minor Blessing]

[650/300 XP]


[Level Up]

[Level 4]

[+5 Stat Points]

[350/400 XP]


[Quest issued Final Tutorial Quest]

[Final Tutorial Quest]

[You have fought and killed the Leshen. Now you must find its lair and learn how it came to be. Finishing this quest will allow the system to begin calculation on approximate time left in this world.]



10000 System Points

+5 Stat Points

Complete Witcher Series Alchemical Formulae+ ]

'Okay the final quest, but first I need to sleep so I can heal myself.'

BXA 1: "Sir, should I call the shuttle to get you back to the ship?"

Rio: "No, leave a tracking beacon here then send the 14 BX series to look around the forest and try to find the Leshen's lair. I will head back to the FOB. Also collect the Leshens remains I wish to study it later. Now escort me back to the FOB."

BXA 1: "Roger roger."

'Ugh, it's gonna be a long walk back.'


Authors Note:

Hey, so what did you think of the first fight scene? I tried to make sure it was neither too long nor too short. Leave a comment if you have any recommendations. The next chapter will likely be the last in the Tutorial world before we head to the MCU, I have no plans on leaving the MCU as I want to actually end the story someday. If you have any suggestions for items in the System store, Gacha, or possible perm/temp summons please let me know.