Leaving A Gift For Future Generations

Last time on Dragon... Oops wrong universe

As I am walking back from my battle with the Leshen I start to use force healing to at least close my wounds so I don't drip blood all the way back to the FOB.

'Hmm, I sense something is approaching, something big.'

Rio: "Hold up, Something is approaching, and it's too large for normal fauna."

I strain myself but I jump up onto a high branch in one of the trees. Just as I do that the creature appears and starts to sniff the air.

'Hmm, I better hope Force Cloak will hide my smell otherwise I am going to have to kill that wolf.'

As I was thinking of having to kill the wolf it seemed to have a chill run down its spine and it started to run back the way it came. (Cue Kermit back the way you came meme)

'Good instincts, too bad, I was curious if I killed it in wolf form if it would stay a wolf and I could make a coat out of it. Oh well, I am not in any condition to fight anyway.'

I leap back down and continue to walk back to base.

30 Minutes later...

Rio: "Okay, I am going to clean myself up then I will retire for the night."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

The very next day (Waddle Waddle)

'As I wake up I check to make sure I healed and sure enough, I look like nothing happened. No scars either. System is that an option I can enable?'


[Yes Host You can Disable Scar Removal If Host Wants To]

'No thanks, just curious.'

Rio: "BXA 1, any news on the Leshens lair?"

BXA 1: "No sir, However, we have searched through 72.4% of the calculated territory of the Leshen. There are few places for the place to be hidden left."

Rio: "Hmm, I will join the hunt once I eat some breakfast."

BXA 1: "Very well sir."

45 Minutes later...

'Okay, now that I am in the search area the lair must be nearby. Where would I make a lair if I was a Leshen? Hmm, a cave or maybe a hollowed-out tree perhaps?'

As I am looking around I try to use the Force to feel any abnormalities in the area but I don't sense anything. That is until I feel a literal nothing.

'Oh, what's this? A dead spot in my senses that's not suspicious at all. The area seems to be more than large enough for a Leshen based on the area I can't sense.'

Rio: "Droids, over here I found something strange."

BX13: "What is it, sir?"

Rio: "Right there near that fallen tree."

BX13: "Sir, there is nothing there."

Rio: "What do you mean there is nothing there? Are your sensors able to see anything at all over there?"

BX13: "No sir, It appears as if there is nothing my photoreceptors can see when you point at said location."

Rio: "Perhaps a force thing. I heard temples could make people disappear right in front of others. Well, I am going in, set up a perimeter just in case."

BX13: "Roger Roger."

As I walk in I feel a sense of vertigo pass over me.

'Woah, that felt gross. Whatever this place is it is messing with my senses. I think this place isn't too big but I weirdly can't tell for sure. Whatever let's just get whatever is causing this and get out of here.'

As I go deeper in the cave I start to hear whispers in a language I don't recognize. I also start to see a soft green light.

Unintelligeble whispers

I finally make it to the source of the light and sound and see a tear with an object stuck in it. I move closer to see if I can remove the obstruction to hopefully make the tear close on it own. As I get closer I start to see what the item is and it looks like a helmet.

'Okay let's see I feel like maybe touching the helmet that seems to be speaking in tongues is not a good idea, just a hunch. Observe'

[Name: Helm Of Shadows

Can grant the power to control shadows and nightmares. Forged from the negative emotions of a powerful mage, it has the potential to corrupt any being who comes into contact with it.]

 'Yeah, to heck with that I am not touching that thing. It sounds like a knock-off one ring to rule them all. Well, maybe my wishes will allow me to touch it without being corrupted. Then again do I really want to take that chance? No better not, let's try using the force.'

As Rio closes his eyes and puts his hand out to focus on wielding the force to carefully remove the Helm from the tear Rio doesn't see the Helm sending tendrils of shadow towards him. As they come into contact with him they sink into his body as if they were never there to begin with.


'There, now it's out. Now let's hope that the tear closes as otherwise I haven't the foggiest idea how to fix it.'

The tear slowly closes itself but not before sending a spacial rend out from itself that cleaves a massive trench into the cave and practically cuts it in half and seems to destabilize the cave forcing me to quickly put the Helm in my inventory and start sprinting for the exit. I make it outside right as the cave seems to glitch then pop out of existence.

'Whew, that was a close one. Never doing that again if I can help it.'


[Final Tutorial Quest Has Completed Issuing Rewards]

[+50XP, 10000 System Points, +5 Stat Points, Complete Witcher Series Alchemical Formulae+]

[400/400 XP]


[Level Up]

[Level 5]

[+5 Stat Points]

[0/500 XP]


[Congratulations Host On Completing The Tutorial Calculating Probable Time Till Exiting Current Universe]

[Time Till Exodus 32:47:23]

'Oh, that's a lot of potions I can't wait to try them out.'

'Okay, System how can I take the ship with me?'


[Host Must Simply Place The Ship In The System Inventory]

'Perfect, I am curious how did you calculated how long until I leave this universe? I thought Anubis said that was not possible.'


[When The Host Was In Proximity To The Tear In Reality The System Was Able To Use The Spacial Rend To Orient Itself And Thus Determine How Long The Host Can Remain In This Universe]

'Okay, So I got 30 hours before I should store the majority of the fleet and maybe leave just my starfighter out so I can land back on earth. Then once I land I store my starfighter and lay low until I leave.'

Rio: "Okay droids I got what I needed we can return to the ship now."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

Sometime later...

On approach to the ship, I decided to use observe on it.


[Name: Aura's Revenge

 Aura's Revenge is a modified Providence-class Dreadnought meant to serve as Captain Rio Magus Crepusculum's personal warship and as such is built to be able to sneak behind enemy lines and strike specialized targets from generals to supply lines and everything in between. This ship has an advanced sensor suite meant to be able to jam all forms of ship sensors and communications arrays. This ship has been further modified with an experiment stealth field generator. This ship has destroyed 100 republic vessels in its lifetime and seen the death of over a dozen Jedi masters.]

'Hmm, neat'

Rio: "This is Captain Rio to tower control, requesting permission to land."

Tower Control: "This is tower control, you are clear for landing in hangar 1. Welcome back, Captain."

As I set the shuttle down I see Tex is already waiting for me.


Tex: "Welcome aboard Captain. I bring good news the Stealth Field generator is been tested and is now fully operational. We can disappear from all sensors at a moment's notice. Though we will be unable to use the weapons while cloaked."

Rio: "That's fantastic, What about the repairs on the ship?"

Tex: "The hull has been fully repaired however we have run out of Doonium and thus cannot repair the hulls if they are damaged again unless we use subpar materials."

Rio: "That is unfortunate but expected. Were we unable to find any suitable metal substitutes?"

Tex: "Negative, all metals we have tested are far from adequate. The best material for hardness was Chromium and heat resistance was Tantalum Carbide but neither will do great as a substitute."

Rio: "Hmm, unfortunate. Have we finished our missions on Earth?"

Tex: "Not yet sir. There is still one last mission which should be completed in 4 hours."

Rio: "Good, I think I want to thank this planet for donating so much materials to the cause. Draw up some plans to glass the country of North Korea, avoid as many civilian casualties as possible, and make sure to target their Nuclear weapons first."

Tex: "Are you sure sir? It would reveal our presence to the planet."

Rio: "Yes, with the stealth generator online we can get right next to the planet unnoticed. Then we just need to pick our targets and fire. I will send out a broadcast to announce we did it and let them take a few photos of our ship. It might just unify the planet or not who knows."

Tex: "Very well sir, When do you want to do this?"

Rio: "Make the plan in the next 20 Hours and implement in within 24 hours from now."

Tex: "It will be done, Captain."

Rio: "Good now if you don't mind I am going to check on the ship then retire for the day."

23 Hours Later...

Tex: "Sir we are in position now, ready to fire when ordered."

Rio: "Glass them!"

In orbit, satellites start to report massive energy readings in orbit. Numerous leaders on Earth are awakened by frenzied reports from intelligence and space agencies. The Aura's Revenge begins its orbital bombardment and in less than a minute every government and military installation is turned to glass from the superheated plasma rained down upon them. Once it's done a planet-wide broadcast is made in every language.

Rio: "Greetings Earthlings, I am Captain Rio Magus Crepusculum of the Confederacy Of Independent Systems. I am sending you this message to thank you all for your donations to the Separatist cause and to show how thankful I am I have ordered my ship to glass the country that has been endangering your species with threats of Nuclear War. I am also sending this message so all of you will know who did this and to alleviate your worries about alien invasion. I give you this gift for your future generations so they can live in peace knowing a dictator doesn't have the power to end the world. I would also suggest you unite less you get a less kind and generous member of an alien nation to visit you next time. Oh yes before I forget, I suppose you would want to know how a nation that is supposed to be fictional is here. My answer is simple the universe is very big and you never know what's hiding out there. Now I am afraid that is all the time I have now as I must return to the war as the Republic dogs must be put down. Goodbye and goodnight Earthlings."

Transmission ends...

Rio: "How was that Tex, You think they got the message?"

Tex: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Good now reactive the stealth field and let's move to the asteroid belt."

Tex: "Yes sir."

As the planet Earth is thrown into chaos as proof that aliens do exist and that they just wiped out a country, a certain family is freaking out as the story their father made has now been proven to be true and now they have to worry about the Sith and Jedi coming to their planet and asking questions they don't have any answers for.

[Time Till Exodus 02:21:03]

'Okay, it's time to store the Aura's revenge and all that's on it.'

I hop into my modified Eta-2 and move away from the ship after telling Tex and the crew what was going to happen.

'System store the Aura's Revenge'

After I said that the ship glows white and pops out of existence.

'Now time to land in Antarctica as no one will find me there.'

I landed in the frozen wasteland that is Antarctica after a 2-hour flight as I had to avoid the planet being on high alert. Once I did I stored the Eta-2 in my inventory and sat down to meditate.

'It's almost as bad as Hoth here. It matters not as I have a few minutes left here. Too bad I didn't get a chance to fight a vampire or shapeshifter but maybe the main world will have some I can hunt and they won't be some cheap knock-off or at least I hope.'

[Time Till Exodus 00:01:03]

'I am very nervouscited about where I am about to go but I guess I can just trust in Force, If it will help at all which I doubt but oh well. Just please don't be the Warhammer universe or heaven forbid the YouTube kids universe. Shudder I think death is preferable to that.'

I start to glow until I break up into thousands of shards and vanish all to get her.

See you next time space cowboy...


Whew, that's the tutorial world finished. In case you didn't know we are now moving into the MCU. If you have any suggestions for the story leave a comment and I might add it. Until next time. Ciao