First Gacha

Rio: "YAWNNN! Whew that was the best sleep I have ever had. What time is it?"

I imagine a clock and it appears and shows 9:37 AM.

'Ah its the next day and that means its Gacha time. System buy 10 more Gacha Tokens.'


[Done Exchanged 200 USD For 10 Gacha Tokens]

'Hmm double the price I will have to see what next month is like to see if it doubles again. System draw 20 Gacha.'


[Drawing 20 Gacha. Done Showing Results.]

{Background Customizer x2

Used To Make A Background For Summons. Uses Stored Valuables To Pay For Needed Changes.}

{Halberd x1 (Kirby)

Meta Knights Personal Ship. Fully Stocked And Comes With Instruction Manual. Capable Of Space Flight. Needs Crew. Restocks Automatically Monthly.}

{Song Of Storms with Ocarina x 1 (Zelda)

Magic Ocarina And Knowledge On How To Play The Song Of Storms. When Played, It Can Summon Rain, Reveal Secret Grottoes, And Randomly Spawns Fairies That Can Heal Users Or Allies. Can Also Dispel Low To Medium Level Curses.}

{Odin Space Station x1 (Call Of Duty Ghosts)

The Station Is Armed With A Battery Of Sophisticated Kinetic Projectile Launchers That Can Launch Tungsten Rods With Pinpoint Precision Anywhere Around The World. The Tungsten Rods Are 6.1 By 0.3m And Have The Equivalent Of A Small Tactical Nuclear Warhead, But Without The Fear Of Nuclear Fallout, Reaching Speeds At About Mach 10 And Reaching Their Target In Minutes. Restocks Automatically Once A Month. Needs Crew.}

{Senzu Tree+ x1 (Dragon Ball)

A Tree That Produces 1 Senzu Bean Per Month Requires No Upkeep Or Special Care.}

{Battle Armor x1 (Dragon Ball)

Based On The Latest Armor Designed By Bulma Give Great Protection, Survives In Most Hostile Conditions, And Protects From Most Combustion Based Weapons.}

{Diamond Block x1 (Minecraft)

Block Of Pure Diamond. The Estimated Value Is 14,919,184,800 USD. Useless To Sell Anywhere But To The System.}

{Renamon Summon x1 (Digimon)

A Summon Of The Digimon Renamon. Loyalty Is Guaranteed But Will Not Do Something Against Its Moral Code Also Very Competitive. Has The Potential To Digivolve To Kyubimon But No Further Unless An Upgrade Is Purchased.}

{Mystery Box x1

Open The Mystery Box And See What Happens.}

{Assist Trophy x1 (Smash Bros. Brawl)

An Assist Trophy Will Summon 1 Random Ally For 1 Hour Or Until Ally Is Killed.}

{Rocky x1 (Spongebob)

Rocky Is Light Brown And Is The Same Size As A Snail. It Is The Winner Of The Great Snail Race. Requires No Upkeep. Note: It's Not Just A Boulder It's A Rock}

{Used Rag on a Stick x1 (Simpsons)

It's A Used Rag On A Stick. Used To Clean One's Self When One Is Feeling Lazy. Note: Smells Rancid And Can Not Be Washed/Cleaned.}

{Summon Angel 4th Tier Spell x1 (Overlord)

Is A Spell Of The 4th Tier, It Summons either a Principality Observation or Principality Peace. No Karma Requirements.}

{Ada Summon + Assaultron Schematics (Fallout)

Summons Companion Ada In Full Assaultron Mode. Also Includes How To Create Assaultrons And Robot Workbenchs. Loyalty Matrix Comes Installed. Limited Ethics Matrix Installed Allowing For Execution Of Any Orders.}

{Temp Summon Valkorian 1 Month x1 (SWTOR)

Summons Valkorian The Eternal Emperor In His Fully Ascended State At The Peak Of His Power. WARNING: Summon Has No Loyalty To The Host And Will Immediately Attempt To Devour The Life Force Of All Beings Possible!}

{A Very Green And Slimy Egg (???)

An Incredibly Slimy Egg. You Should Get Close To It And Find Out Why It Is So Slimy. Note: Spawn Will Require Love And Care To Grow Up Strong.}

{Negative 12 Dollar Bill x1 (Gravity Falls)

A Negative 12 Dollar Bill, It's Less Than Worthless!}

{Subspace Bomb x1 (Smash Bros. Brawl)

When Detonated, It Removes A Surrounding Area From The World And Deposits It Into The Subspace After Which Point, All Inside Are Erased From Existence With No Possibility Of Escape, Leaving Behind A Bubble-Like Rift Into The Dimension In Its Place For 2 Hours Before Disapating.}

{Book Of Rock Poems x1

A Complete Compendium On Rock Poems Written By Maud. Has The Power To Put Even Insomniacs To Sleep.}

{Seto Kaiba Summon x1 (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Summons Seto Kaiba With Full Life Experience In The Body Of A Peak Health 20-Year-Old. Loyalty Guaranteed To Summoner But Will Be Unwilling To Do Anything Considered Beneath Them.}


Authors Note: Almost all of these were the actual results, I had to remove a few as they were either too OP or were too many summons.


'Well okay, Those are some fantastic pulls. I already have some plans for a few. I am also really scared of that temp summon I mean who would ever release that monster into this reality? He would likely devour Earth instantly. Also, I like the mystery box you never know what you will get. That egg is suspicious it doesn't say where it is from nor what's inside it, I will have to be cautious when hatching it. First, it's time to renovate my base. If I summon someone I can't let their first impression be the squalor conditions I brought them into. So unfortunately that means it's time to leave the astral realm and the universe's best bed.'

I get up and grab my clothes from the laundry then will myself out of the astral realm. I reappear in the ugly and stinky station.

'Well with the money and magic I have I should be able to get this place cleaned up by the end of the day. Welp, no time like the present.'

12 hours later...

'Finally got rid of that smell and I have to say this place looks really nice once I clean it up a lot. Just need to dump all this garbage in the dumpsters and I will be all done.'

Rio: "Sniff. Oh, goodness I reek, I guess I will take a shower, and then I will start the summons."

An hour later...

With a quiet pop, Rio reappears in the real world again.

Rio: "I thought I would never get that smell out of my fur. If I never have to clean that much again it will be too soon."

'Okay, everything is put together. No bad smells clean living environment and no one who can interrupt. System, summon Seto Kaiba and use a Background Customizer.'



A menu appears to make the customization.

'Okay, I got 15 Billion in normally unusable value on hand. I want him to be the CEO of KaibaCorp and the inventor of the game Duel Monsters. I also want a large office building in NYC for him and a large mansion for him to live in. He will have degrees in law, finance, business, physics, computer science, and medicine, and he will be someone whom I have met before he became famous so that there is no suspicion if we meet. Finally, I want 5 billion in assets for him to use for future inventions, paying employees and be the sole owner of KaibaCorp. He will have all the necessary info to operate in this world including the threats that exist. I want him to be summoned in his mansion on the outskirts of NYC. The final cost comes out to 9 Billion and the game Duel Monsters will be created but not distributed yet. That leaves me with about 6 Billion in diamonds I cannot sell. Confirm'

With that, the menu disappeared and after a few seconds, I received a call on the new phone I bought.

Rio: "Hello."

Seto: "Hello, This is Kaiba I want to invite you to come to my mansion to have a chat."

Rio: "Of course, I will head that way now."

Seto: "See you soon."

I hang up and start to go up to get a cab.

30 Minutes later...

I walk past the gigantic gates and see Seto waiting for me outside. Before I can say anything he says.

Seto: "Let's talk inside."

Once inside we enter a secure meeting room.

Seto: "Now, I want to thank you for giving me a second life with my own company and great amounts of wealth."

Rio: "You're welcome and congrats on your second life."

Seto: "Yes, thank you. Now onto other matters, I have already assimilated the info I was given. I plan to launch Duel Monsters in 2 weeks to give parents time to buy the game for their kids for Christmas. I also know how to vastly improve on the current hologram technology which I believe I can use to greatly boost the popularity of the game. Besides that, I request that you eventually summon Mokuba but not yet as it is currently not safe. I also know that KaibaCorp currently sells videogame software but I hope to expand aggressively into other markets soon. Lastly, would you like to move into this mansion as there is plenty of room?"

Rio: "I will have to decline to move in for now. However, I plan to soon if it's alright. My first plan is that you will give me a job at KaibaCorp. This will explain why you called me here so no one thinks of anything other than you trying to help an old friend. It will also give me an excuse to eventually afford my own place and give an explanation as to where I get all my money. I also plan to summon others soon. No one you will know, I assure you."

Seto: "A job? Easily done as for the summons do you intend on doing them here or at your base?"

Rio: "At my base as 2 of them will have no origin and thus cannot be seen near you. I also plan on forming my own company focused on robotics."

Seto: "Very well. I will make sure to stay out of the robotics industry. I could also fund your company under the guise of you being a hidden genius and further getting 50% of said company. With 5 billion in assets, I could do so easily."

Rio: "I can agree to that but first give it until the beginning of the new year so there is time on record of me working for you before you decide to spend hundreds of millions on an old friend no one has heard of before."

Seto: "That should work. That's all I needed to say. You can stay the night as it is already past 10 PM."

Rio: "Sure I will take you up on that offer."

Seto: "I have also prepared some things for you. New clothes, a phone, and some items to further increase the comfort of the base. I also had a late dinner made for us care to join me?"

Rio: "I gratefully accept them and will be more than happy to eat dinner with you."

30 Minutes later...

Rio: "Goodnight, Seto."

Seto: "Goodnight to you as well I will have the servants make breakfast at 10 AM don't miss it before you leave."

Rio: "I won't and thank you for your hospitality."

With that, I go into the guest bedroom I was assigned and decide to sleep on the bed provided. Before that, I open the mystery box. Once opened I see it's empty.

'What a rip-off! It didn't do anything. I want a refund, even getting a rag on a stick would have been better than nothing. Whatever I am going to bed.'

As Rio falls asleep something happens, a download complete notification appears and then disappears right after.


Authors Note:

Well, there's the first Gacha and the first summon, How did you like it? As always if you have suggestions for future Gachas or how I should introduce the summons leave a comment. See you later Ciao.