Stalkers Are Coming Out The Woodwork

Authors Note:

Just placing a warning in this chapter that there is some spooky stuff in it. I don't think it's all that scary but I figure it's a common courtesy to warn you all.



I wake up silence my alarm and start stretching.

'Okay the beds here are okay but they are no clouds. I might not be able to sleep on anything other than clouds if this keeps up. Hmm, I got a text message, I guess Seto sent me a text as no one else can have this number it's brand new.'

I check the text and it's from an unknown number and shows a picture.

'Okay, this is weird but it's probably a wrong number. What I don't get is why did they send a picture of a random street in Hell's Kitchen. Whatever it's none of my business, they should be able to tell it's a wrong number when no one responds. Time for breakfast.'

Sometime later...

Rio: "Thank you for having me over Seto."

Seto: "No problem my home will always be open for you. Be safe and before I forget here is the paperwork showing you as an employee of KaibaCorp."

I accepted the paperwork and then entered the car Seto had arranged for me. As the car drives away I get another text message from that unknown number.

'This person again what did they send me now? Hmm, that's a picture of the street I used as a temporary base before I found the subway station. That's odd but probably a coincidence. I will just tell them they have the wrong number.'

After I sent the message I saw that it was read but no response was sent.

'Most likely too embarrassed to send anything, I mean I would be incredibly embarrassed in their shoes. Now onto more important matters where to place the items I got? I think I have an idea of what to do with that monster. First system can I send a summon to another dimension?'


[Yes, The Host Can Send Summons To Other Dimension As Long As The Dimension Is Within Current Reality. Cost Will Depend On Dimension And If You Want A One-Way Or Two-Way Trip.]

'How much will a one-way trip to the hell dimension?'


[10000 System Points]

With that Rio had devised a most devious plan.

'System summon Valkorian into the Hell Dimension.'


[Summoning, Deducting Points. New Point Total 0.]

When Rio did that a small summoning circle appeared in Hell, and out of it came a wave of death that drained all life and souls from the Hell Dimension and a certain Dimension Lord was about to have a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad month.

'With that, I can basically guarantee Mephisto will be dealt with either permanently or for a very long time.'


Authors Note: So an Ascended Valkorian is basically impossible to kill as he becomes a force god and as such can only be permanently killed by the Dagger of Morits. Even if you kill his physical body he drains the life force from entire planets and this version did so to the entire Star Wars galaxy so he can just live forever and probably re-manifest himself. Mephisto is almost completely written out of the story now, you might see a certain spirit of vengeance later though who knows? If you have any comments or arguments just let me know just know this Mephisto is probably nowhere near as powerful as his comic counterpart.


'Now I think I summon Ada. Then place the Senzu Tree in the astral realm. Then I think it's about time I start trying to hatch my Riolu egg. That should be enough for now maybe summon Renamon but I think Riolu is enough for now. Let's see I can't use the Halberd or ODIN. The Saiyan armor is not the most useful at this time as it kinda stands out. The Assist Trophy is for when I need a distraction. I am not going to hatch that Slimy Green Egg until I have a lab or something to contain whatever comes out of it. Now the Subspace Bomb I have a plan for that but it can't be enacted until I find where the Mandarin lives.'

After being dropped off by the chauffeur I get a taxi to go the last leg of the journey. After finally getting back to base I start by popping into the astral realm to drop off the senzu tree.

'Ah just as I left everything. Maybe just a quick nap on the cloud. No! I can't be tempted I have a mission today I will just use it later. Now I should place the tree quickly before I fall to the cloud side's temptations.'

Rio: "I really need to get a roommate or I think I might go stir-crazy. Well, time to go."

'Okay now to summon Ada. System summon Ada.'


[Beginning Summoning]

A blue circle appears and in a flash of light, something takes its place. However, it's not Ada as anticipated instead it is something far worse.

Preston: "Another settlement needs your help, I'll mark it on your map."

Rio: "What in the Gods are you doing here?! How did you get here?"


[Summoning Error Found, Fixing Error, Resolved]

In a flash of light, Preston disappears, and in his place is a blue assaultron. Before I can say anything I get a message from the system.


[Issued Quest From Preston Garvey]

[Kidnapped Trader In Hell's Kitchen]

[Host Has Been Asked To Help A Settlement In Need. Find David Green And Assist Him In His Kidnapping Problem. Location Has Been Marked On Your Map.]


+200 XP

1 The Last Minute With Ammo Schematics

1 Ballistic Weave Schematic

100 Caps ]

Rio: "HOW DID HE DO THAT!!! I didn't even know I had a map. Most importantly how did he find me, I recognize that dumb outfit anywhere I put a bathrobe on Preston as a joke on my last save file. What kind of sick twisted mind travels through the multiverse just to give me a settlement quest?"

Ada: "Hello, are you alright? I am not programmed to render medical assistance."

Rio: "Oh, uh sorry about that I was just having a moment. Welcome to your new life, do you want anything from me?"

Ada: "No, I do not require anything at this time. I would however request access to the global communications network called the internet to learn more about this world outside of the basic information packet I have received."

Rio: "Um, I will have to deny that request for now as I will need to go over your software to ensure you can safely access the internet without being traced or hacked. I cannot have you being compromised."

Ada: "Understood. Is there anything you need me to do?"

Rio: "For now I want you to stand in that corner over there and watch for intruders. If you stand perfectly still you will look like a statue so most will ignore you. If you see an intruder detain them or if they are not alone call me. If they are a danger to you, lethal force is authorized. Contact me regardless of whether an intruder has been dealt with."

Ada: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Now I am going to step out to try something out. I will be back in a little bit."

I leave my base and head outside the city to test out something that might draw attention if I do it in the city.

'Okay, now that I am out of the city it's time to play some music.'

I grab the Ocarina out of my inventory and start playing the Song of Storms. As I start playing I start to hear other instruments other than my own.

(Start playing Zelda Original Soundtrack - Song of Storms)

As I keep playing it starts to rain and I get lost in the music for a bit.


[Skill Acquired Instrument Playing]

[Instrument Playing lvl: 2


Ability to play instruments well and includes all forms of instruments and music-making devices. Increases playing ability by 2%.]

As I decide to leave I get another text message.

'Really? Them again? Let's see they sent an image of the library I went to a few days ago. I also see something in the image. What is that? It's black I think, it could be a smudge or lens error. This is weird. Two of the locations can be tied to me. Maybe a coincidence as I have heard we live in a coinky dink world but still a bit suspicious. Let's just block them. Hmm, that's weird, I can't block them or delete the conversation either. Okay, time to get back to base and I will be extra cautious going home.'

45 Minutes Later...

'Okay, I doubled back three times and kept the force active the whole time and I noticed nothing strange. I should be safe here but I will need to hold off on leaving for a bit while I see if Seto can figure anything about this. For now, let's ask if Ada has noticed anything strange.'

Rio: "Ada, did you see anything strange while I was gone?"

Ada: "No sir."

Rio: "Okay, come over here to my computer. I am going to check your software."

Ada: "Yes sir."

While Ada is coming over I deploy the 2 BXA assassin droids.

Rio: "You 2, I want you to stay cloaked and watch the entrance to the base for any suspicious activity or intruders. Send me a message if you find anything."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

I plug the data cord from Ada to my computer and start going over her software comparing it to the experiment Ultra Tactical droids programming. I look for anything that might seem like a vulnerability.


[Skill Acquired Computer Mastery]

Programming lvl 10 (From Prior Lives)


Ability To Use Computers For Any Task. Be It Hacking, Programming, Typing, And Everything In Between. Speeds Up Any Computer When Used By The Hosy By 10%. Increases Capabilities In Using Computers By 10%.]

'Hmm, I was wondering why I didn't get a skill for something like that since I was fairly tech-savvy in my first life. Whatever I have it now. It started at level 10 so that's convenient. Oh, good thing I checked Ada's programming as I can see a clear vulnerability whenever she connects to a computer or similar device. It seems said vulnerability would only allow the hacker to make her self-destruct or go berserk and kill everything nearby but still not something I want to deal with. Now the problem is I can't say for certain this is the only issue. I will have to keep her in the base until I can get better in Computer Mastery as I can't risk her going rogue. I will add it to the list of training I have to do.'

As I was checking the program I did not realize several hours had passed until I received another text message.

'Okay, this is getting officially annoying. Wait this picture is of Seto's mansion and it's taken from inside! I need to warn Seto immediately.'

I call Seto and he picks up almost immediately.

Seto: "Hello."

Rio: "Seto are you home right now?"

Seto: "No but I was about to head home why?"

Rio: "Okay, so I just received a message with a picture taken from within your mansion and I believe this stalker is now inside your house."

Seto: "Wait, was this text on your old phone or new phone."

Rio: "New phone, and no I don't know how they got my number."

Seto: "That should be impossible your phone is encrypted and no one should be able to contact it unless you added them first."

Rio: "Well the situation started like this...."

(Not going to explain the whole situation you all have read it.)

Seto: "Really, it sounds like all the images are related to you. The first image could be referring to the fact you live in Hell's Kitchen but other than that all of this doesn't seem logically possible, only I knew the phone would be given to you, the staff who got it for you were told it was for me. No one could have known you got that phone, not within mere hours."

Rio: "Whatever the case you need to stay at your work while I secure my base. If they come here they will have to fight through an army to do so."

Seto: "I will remain at work but keep me in the loop."

Rio: "Will do."

I hung up the phone and started to analyze the photo and I noticed something new.

'Hmm, another silhouette but this time I can tell it has a black body with a very pale face but the size doesn't make sense. It's too tall and its silhouette is not very human-shaped. I also see the pale face is surrounded by more black. Maybe it's a goth stalker? Wait somewhat inhuman silhouette pale face and can infiltrate Seto's mansion. Is it a daywalker Vampire?'

Once I realize a possible identity for the stalker I open the Witcher Bestiary.

'Okay vampire, use silver weapons and fire or holy element attacks. I can also use Yrden to combat their fast speed. I can alchemically treat metal and turn it into magi-metal then set up some runes on them to create a trap for it.'

4 Hours Later...

'Okay the trap is set now if they make it in here I will lead them to the Yrden trap then activate the ray shield and trap them. Oh, the experiments I can do with a vampire. Oh, another message. Okay, that is kinda scary I am not gonna lie.'

In the message sent was a picture of the creature right outside of the secret entrance to the base. In the image, the creature is much more visible.

'Oh crap, that's not a vampire. It looks like a Furry? No, it must be a werewolf, or I guess an undead werewolf. I mean I am pretty sure that is a skull it has for a head. Well, shoot there goes 4 hours of time wasted on a trap I am not so sure will work anymore. Wait if it's just outside why haven't the BXA droids said anything?'

Rio: "BXA 1 report."

BXA 1: "This is BXA 1, no usual activity seen yet sir."

Rio: "What do you mean there is a possible hostile at the secret entrance."

BXA 1: "I am at the entrance and there is nobody in the area."

Rio: "Wait, if they are not at the entrance then where are...."


I get a message and I open it to see, it's a picture of me talking on the comms, and standing right behind me is the creature.

Rio: "OH FU..."

With a pop Rio disappears.

Meanwhile in the astral realm.


Rio: "OH GEEZ OH CRAP! I didn't sense it coming and it got into MY base. Oh crap oh crap of crap. What do I do? I have a horror movie creature in my base that can apparently bypass my droids and my senses. It got right behind me and could have attacked before I had a chance to respond. Wait it could have attacked but didn't, instead, it sent a photo of it being right behind me. Why? Is it from some horror movie I have never seen and that just its MO? No, let's see I should be able to create a two-way mirror that shows the outside world while they can't see in here."

I will a circular two-way mirror into existence, that should allow me to see my base and what is happening in it. As I open it I am met with 2 pale glowing eyes staring straight at me.

'I am just gonna close this.'

I close it and start freaking out again until I calm myself down.

'Okay okay, it must have been a coincidence I made the two-way mirror perfectly. It can't actually see me.'

I created the two-way mirror again this time showing a different location. As soon as I open it I see 2 pale glowing eyes looking at me again. I close it again.

'Well feather, I am not sure how it is doing it but 2 times should be impossible. Now what do I do? I guess the best thing to do is check the bestiary.'

I summon the bestiary and look through it to find the creature I saw.

'Okay here it is, it's called a 1471? That's a weird name for a species what did they just give up on trying? Anyways it's a creature of physical, spiritual, and digital, no known ways to kill it. It will mark a victim when they download their app. Victims will be able to see them but electronics and normal humans will be unable to perceive them. However, it cannot enter or exit areas with Yrden runes installed or areas sanctified by holy magic. Okay, I can use this, I can either trap it or at least keep it out of my base. Now how to get it to leave my base? I could see if I could transport myself to an area I have been to before via the astral realm. Let's see if the realm says yes or no. Okay, it's a yes. First time to create quite a few more Yrden runes to barricade my base.'

7 Hours Later...

'Okay, that should do it. Now to teleport to Seto's mansion and draw it away from my base. I will set up barriers in Seto's house later.'

With a pop Rio leaves the astral realm and appears at Seto's house.

'Okay, the next step is to wait for them to start making their way here. I just have to keep my eyes peeled and when I visually see them I teleport.'

1 Hour Later...

'There it is. Now wait until I know it can hear me. Now.'

Rio: "Unfortunately for you, you activated my trap card."

The creature looks at me and looks utterly baffled. Then shocked as the temporary Yrden trap activates stalling it giving me prep time.

With a POP I am gone and back in my base. I immediately start placing all the Yrden runes in all the needed places.

'There now it cannot get in here. Okay with that done I am exhausted and need to sleep I will check if it got in tomorrow. Oh, I should send a message to Seto and tell him I am fine. And done. To the astral realm.'

(Old Batman Transition)

Rio: "Oh cloud bed how I missed you."

As soon as I touch the bed I fall asleep.


Authors Note:

Woah this chapter ended up being much longer than I expected but I had to find a good stopping point without it being a massive cliffhanger. Oh and don't worry Preston won't come back. He can't send us on settlement quests anymore. Also in case none of you have guessed yes the mystery box contained SCP 1471. I may or may not have additional SCPs in the future. I have one in mind that might be something some of you could guess. I am looking for recommendations for the name of the droid company Rio will make. It will sell B1s Assaultrons and other various robots for security and other jobs. As always if you have recommendations or comments let me know.