Saving A Settlement In Need

{Text Message}




(Additional Info)

"Aura Speech"


Rio: "Yawn. Okay, time to see if my setup worked."

I open a two-way mirror to my base and check for anything out of the ordinary. Then check the outside after the base.

'Huh, sure enough, the 1471 is waiting outside the barrier. Now, I can either try to solve the issue or procrastinate and do a settlement quest. Hmm, tough call but I don't really want to deal with the stress of the supernatural today. Well, that settles it then time to save that trader. First, let's get a Yrden trap set up to contain the 1471, also note to self make a better name than 1471.'

20 Minutes Later...

Rio: "Sucess, I have created something truly wonderful. I shall name it the YrdenBall."

When one looks at the Yrden Ball one sees a very crude vaguely ball-shaped object with a Yrden rune on it.

'If my calculations are correct this ball should create a bubble Yrden trap to keep it stuck in one place while I still get to leave my base to do other stuff. It's foolproof. Now to test it.

I pop back into reality near the secret base entrance and immediately see the 1471 just standing there MENACINGLY. Well not really just kinda standing there giving me what I can only assume are puppy eyes. It's not very effective.

'Well here goes nothing.'

I toss the ball at the creature and it falls on the ground next to it. A second later the bubble deploys and the creature touches the barrier and finds it cannot leave it.

'Yes, it works exactly as intended.'

Rio: "Well, it was nice seeing you again but if you don't mind I have some errands to run today and I don't feel like being stalked today. So see you later."

As Rio walks away the creature merely looks at Rio as he walks away. Then it looks down at the ball on the ground and pokes it with its foot, causing the ball to move slightly. Then the creature looks back to where Rio left and smiles.

10 Minutes Later...

'Okay, this is where the map is telling me to go to. Hmm, an antique shop? I suppose that's a trader of a sort.'

I walk in and see a man at the register. He looks at me and smiles.

David Green: "You, are you with that minuteman fella?"

Rio: "Uh, I mean I wouldn't say I am with him but I guess I am here to help if that's what you are asking."

David Green: "Thank goodness, my wife was kidnapped by some thugs and they are asking for 10000 dollars in ransom but I don't have that kinda money. If you could please go save her I would be eternally grateful."

Rio: "Sure I am more than willing to help. Do you know where they took her or at least where they are located?"

David Green: "Yes, I know they are located in an old apartment building it's at XX but be careful I have heard they have over a dozen members in their little group."

Rio: "Don't worry I will get rid of the thugs and bring your wife home safely."

David Green: "Thank you so much."

Rio: "No problem, I should be back by the end of the day."

Rio leaves the store and starts heading to the address indicated. Once he leaves a certain bipedal wolf starts coming down the street in their bubble.

15 Minutes Later...

'Okay, this is the apartment in question. I can sense 14 individuals inside. Let me think about how should I approach this. I think the roof then use my vibroblade to systematically kill each one silently until there are no more I can take alone.'

I jump onto the roof and enter through the roof access. Once inside I start with the one and only person on the third floor. I enter a bedroom and see one of the thugs taking a nap. With a simple stab to the throat, he dies instantly and quietly. From there I move to the stairwell leading to the 2nd floor and wait as 2 people start to get closer to the stairs.

Thug 1: "I don't get it why are we going through this whole kidnapping business? Why not just rob the store?"

Thug 2: "You idiot, think about it for a second. If we rob the store then everyone knows a crime is committed and the big gangs might try to make us give up our earnings or worse just take us out. Right now we are operating in Kingpin territory, if he hears we are operating here, we are dead."

Thug 1: "If that is the case why don't we just move to another city? There are plenty of other cities that aren't ruled by big gangs or an overboss."

Thug 2: "That's because, um, shut up, that's why!"

Thug 1: "Okay sheesh I was just asking."

As thugs 1 and 2 head past the bedroom and towards the roof I grab one and cover his mouth as I stab him in the heart, then lightly set him down before doing the same to the other.

'3 Down, 10 to 11 to go. But first gotta hide the bodies.'

I continue to systematically kill all but the last 3 people in the building without alerting anyone. The last three are in the same room but 1 of them is on the ground unconscious or at least unmoving but still alive. I look inside to see what I am dealing with.

'Hmm the buff one is probably the leader, he is armed with no guns but a large metal pipe. The other one has a revolver in a holster on his right. Let's try a technique I haven't used in a while.'

I use Force Dominate on the one with a gun and force him to shoot the buff one. It works perfectly as the buff one is turned away when it happens. Then I knock out the revolver wielder.


[Thug x13 Killed +130 XP]

[130/500 XP]

'Mission accomplished. Or at least almost first interrogation.'

I check the hostage and it seems she is fine enough but has a head wound.

'Nothing serious, she will probably have a headache for a few days. Now time to wake up the revolver guy.'

Rio: "Wakey wakey."


Thug: "Uh, what happened?"

Rio: "Nothing important you were just about to tell me if there is anyone else in you group outside this building."

Thug: "Wait, who are you?"

I use a mind trick to get him to talk.

Rio: "You are going to tell me what I want to know."

Thug: "I am going to tell you what you want to know. There is no one outside the 12 guys in the building with me."

Rio: "Where do you store your group's money?"

Thug: "The boss leaves it in a safe over there underneath the couch."

I get up and check and sure enough there is a safe. Once I confirm that I ask a few more questions before making him shoot himself in the head. I then walk over and cast a basic healing spell on the hostage to make the visible damage mostly disappear.

'Now time to head back.'

I pick up the hostage and start walking back making sure to avoid areas with any people. Not that hard when you can sense people's presence.

20 minutes Later...

Rio: "I have returned, and I dealt with your problem."

David Green: "You did! Thank you, what happened to my wife? Is she alright?"

Rio: "Yes, she is fine. She will just need to take it easy for a couple of days as they weren't the kindest to her."

David Green: "Thank you so much. What do you want for a reward? Don't you dare say nothing I won't have my family's hero go home empty-handed."

Rio: "How about you not tell anyone I did this and a random antique from your shop."

David Green: "You won't hear me speak a word of this till my dying breath and take whatever you want."

I look around and use observe to see if there is anything of interest here. I eventually find something of note.

[Name: Talisman of Mirage

Created By A Changeling Mage Of Great Empathy To Allow Other Races To Know What Being A Changeling Feels Like In Hope Of Ending Changeling Discrimination. The Talisman Of Mirage Allows The User To Perfectly Mimic The Form Of Anything The User Knows. As The Name Suggests The Transformation Is Just A Mirage And Can Be Broken By A Strong Physical Impact. Boosts Changeling Magic Power By 50%.]

[Image Here]

'That's a great find.'

Rio: "I will take this. I hope you have a good rest of your day and stay safe."

David Green: "Thank you again, and you as well."


[Quest Kidnapped Trader In Hell's Kitchen Complete]

[Issusing Rewards

+200 XP

1 The Last Minute With Ammo Schematics

1 Ballistic Weave Schematic

100 Caps ]

[330/500 XP]

'Nice, Now let's head home.'

10 Minutes Later...

'Okay now let's get inside to test this Talisman. Wait, where did the bubble go? It had enough power to last at least a few days. It's nowhere to be found and worse still that thing must have got out.'

As I am looking around I start to hear a faint scrapping sound and it's getting closer. I look to where it's coming from and immediately facepalm.


'You got to be kidding me. I seriously didn't think to make the bubble immovable. Gosh darn it, well so much for my brilliant invention. I guess I will go back to the drawing board. Maybe a ball that's dipped in glue? No that would be too messy. Make it too heavy to push. Well, then I can't throw it. Not to mention this creature is clearly intelligent so using the same technique again is unlikely to work.'

As I was lost in thought the creature got within spitting distance of me. Making me come out of my thoughts as I quickly jump inside my base, where I know it's safe. It stops just outside of the secret entrance and just stares at me with a dumb grin.

Rio: "Okay, look I can't kill you and you can't kill me either, at least not permanently. Perhaps we can negotiate as I honestly don't feel like having to deal with you for the next few millennia or however long your species lives."

I received a text message saying {Why would you think I would want to kill you?}

Rio: "Um, well you are a stalker, you appeared right behind me with no concerns for personal space. You broke into my friend's house and my base. I also don't mean to be speciest but you do seem to be a predatory undead of some kind. I mean as far as first impressions go it's pretty bad. Oh, you also never introduced yourself, which is quite rude."

???: {I won't deny I might have been a bit too invasive but it is just part of how I manifest in this world. I have to send those pictures to establish a physical presence in the world or at least as close as I can. As for my species yes I can eat meat but I can also eat almost anything. Finally, you haven't introduced yourself either.}

Rio: "Okay some of those things I can accept but I cannot understand why you just snuck up behind me, it was very creepy! I am Rio by the way I just assumed with you being a stalker you would know my name. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier."

My first statement seems to make her at least embarrassed as she has the decency to blush.

???: {Okay, I apologize for that I shouldn't have done that. I am Mal0 or just Mal if you want.}

Rio: "I accept your apology, That being said we seem to be at an impasse as I cannot tell if you are truly safe as I can't read you like I can others. How about I release you from that bubble but you leave the area and come back tomorrow, Oh and no stalking me when I leave my home."

Mal0: {Sure, I can agree to that as I want to ensure you that mean no harm to you or your friends. I promise no more stalking, on purpose.}

Rio: "Hmm, well, I will take what I can get. I will release you from that bubble now, no funny business."

I leave the base barrier and go to release the bubble. After I release it I step a bit back to be closer to the barrier if I need to retreat. Mal0 doesn't do anything.

Rio: "Okay, you are free now. You can leave."

Mal0: {So, um I hate to bother you but do you know where I can stay as I kind of don't have anywhere to stay other than here?}

Rio: "You gotta be kidding me. How? You know what never mind. Yes, there is an abandoned house just down the street. It's the blue one you can't miss it. It's not in the best of condition but you should be able to make it liveable. Anything else?"

Mal0: {Nope that's it, thanks for the help.}

Mal0 walks away and I watch to make sure she leaves. After she does I walk inside. (A few hours later Mal0 comes back and takes the Yrden ball with her before quickly running away.)

'Now that I have dealt with that I think I will do some training then maybe hatch the Riolu tomorrow.'

I walk inside my training room and start to set up the needed materials.

To be continued...