How To Train Your Apprentice

Authors Note:

Updated status at the end of the chapter.


'Okay everything is set up I can start by using one of the holocrons I was transporting for Dooku. Which kind Jedi or Sith? Let's try Sith first, it probably has some interesting knowledge.'

I pull out one of the Sith holocrons and start to open it.

???: "What do you seek from me?"

I look up and see someone I know but I am too shocked to respond immediately.

???: "Well, out with it, I may be stuck in this for eternity but I would rather sleep than be gawked at like some attraction."

Rio: "I apologize but I was just stunned to know that you left a Holocron. I had heard much about you and the answer to your first question is I seek to gain greater mastery of my abilities to protect myself."

???: "You know me, that is surprising I had believed a traitor like me would be looked down upon. Your reason for seeking my counsel is good enough but I wish to know who you are first."

Rio: "I am Rio Magus Crepusculum a force wielder but I hold no allegiance to either the Jedi or Sith. Thus I would like to seek your guidance Darth Traya."

Traya: "I haven't been called that in a long time. If what you say is true then I will teach you but I must know why you are neither Jedi nor Sith."

Rio: "I was trained by Darth Tyrannus a fallen Jedi as a Sith assassin, However, he never fully committed to the dark side so you could say I never fully committed to him either. I had an accident during hyperspace which made me enter into a universe with no force. Yet, I can still use it as I have become the core of the force and only I can use it."

Traya: "Truly, a universe without the force. I longed to see such a thing but I know I had failed from the fact I had talked to one before you, though they were weak and I refused to teach them, they allowed me to learn of my failure. I am surprised you could become the new force, but to be all contained in just your body seems impossible yet I do not see nor feel any deception in you. I will teach you all I know but you must promise to never allow the force to spread beyond yourself, to do so would bring an end to free will for all life. Promise me that one thing and you will have all my power and knowledge"

Rio: "I don't need your power as you once said The lesson of True Strength means rejecting strength that is not your own. I need not your power but I require your knowledge, I can promise I will not spread the force to this universe."

Traya: "Hmm, it seems you do indeed know of my teachings. Very well you have passed my test, let us begin your training."

Several Hours Later...

Traya: "We can end here for today. You have potential but you are still far too weak. I suggest you train your body before you come back for more training from me. As you are now you now, you would be defeated by any Jedi knight or Sith Acolyte. Return to me when you have increased your physical capabilities without the force. Until then goodbye apprentice."

With those final words the Holocron shuts off and I am still lying on the ground panting.

'She's not wrong, I barely kept up and that was with me constantly boosting my body with the force. I seriously need to improve my physical capabilities. On a positive note, I gained 2 points in strength and endurance just by doing her training and 9 levels in Force Mastery.


[Quest Issued Apathy Is Death]

[Apathy Is Death]

[Your New Master Darth Traya Has Tasked You With Improving Your Physical Capabilities To Show Your Dedication To Her Teachings.

Task 1: Get Your Strength And Endurance Base Stats To 20 In Two Weeks- 0/2

Bonus: Get All Base Stats To 20 In Two Weeks- 3/7 ]


+1000 XP

15000 System Points


1 Mystery Box

1 Temp Summon Mace Windu 1 Month (Loyal)

1 Gacha Token ]

'Great I get rewarded for doing something I was going to do anyway. I absolutely need to get that Mace Windu summon as I need a teacher for form VII Vaapad. Now that I think about it I think Mal0 was summoned by the mystery box. The timeline matches. Now the question is do I really want to risk opening another mystery box? All the other rewards are just great in general. Oh, I thought of a great way to increase those stats and complete another task at the same time.'

I quickly walk over to the room I made for Riolu. I then grab the Egg from my inventory and as soon as I do the egg begins to hatch so I place it on the ground.

'Oh, already? I can't wait to see the little puppy. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.'

As I am thinking the egg stops shaking and the egg cracks and shatters into little light particles leaving a little ball of blue and black fur. It opens one eye looks at me and smiles.

'This little guy is the cutest thing I have ever seen in any of my 3 lives. I can't resist, I have to hug him, it's a crime not to.

It seems to sense my emotions as it immediately gets up on wobbly legs and walks towards me. I pick him up in a big hug.

Rio: "Nice to meet you my name is Rio. I hope we can become best of friends."

Riolu: "Bark"

Rio: "Ah, it will probably take a little bit for you to be able to talk like me but I will teach you how to use your Aura so we can talk telepathically. That way you won't have to wait too long to talk to me."

I set him down and began teaching him the basics of Aura. In less than an hour after he hatched he had already begun talking with Aura.

Riolu: "Woah, what is that?"

Rio: "That's a computer, you use it to look up information and play games."

Riolu: "Really what kind of games?"

Rio: "Well, all kinds of games."

Many Hours Later...

Rio: "Okay, it's bedtime."

Riolu: "Ahh, can I stay up a little bit later."

Rio: "No, we have to be ready to start training tomorrow. Trust me training with no sleep is not fun."

Riolu: "Ah, please it is only midnight."

Rio: "I will read you a bedtime story if you go to sleep now."

Riolu: "Oh, that sounds cool, what is it about?"

Rio: "This story is about a young boy named Link and his journey to save the kingdom of Hyrule."

A Little Bit Later...

Rio: "Then Link got stopped by a large owl."

I look over and see Riolu has fallen asleep. I slowly get up and turn off the lights before heading into the next room to go to sleep.

'Goodnight Riolu.'

The Next Day...

Rio: "Okay, so I am going to start the physical exercises you try to sense my movements with your eyes closed. I will occasionally throw pebbles lightly at you and you try and dodge. Every time you dodge you get a blueberry. Every time you fail you eat a pea."

Riolu: "Eew, peas."

Rio: "Yes, peas, I don't like them either but you need to eat them as you are a growing Riolu and will need the nutrients for your evolution."

Riolu: "Can I do a push-up instead of eating a pea?"

Rio: "Fine, but I don't think you will last long doing the pushups."

Riolu: "Is that a challenge?"

'Oh boy'

Rio: "I suppose it is, what are you going to do about it?"

Riolu: "I will show you by lasting all day without eating a single pea."

Rio: "Oh then I suppose you don't mind backing it up with a bet."

Riolu: "Name it."

Rio: "If you fail I get to put you in a funny costume and you have to wear the costume all day tomorrow. If you win I will teach you a new move."

Riolu: "Deal!"

Rio: "Okay, don't regret it later."

Riolu: "I cannot possibly fail."

'I am going to have to teach him about flags later.'

4 Hours Later...

Rio: "Are you sure you don't want to give up?"

Riolu: "No! I can keep going."

'I am going to press X to Doubt on that'

Rio: "Oh really now? So I can continue the training?"

Riolu: "I uh, just a minute, I think you should rest, You have been working out for so long surely you must be exhausted."

Rio: "I am a bit tired and it is lunch time so I suppose a beak is in order."

Riolu: "Yes! I mean yeah sure, that is cool with me. I am not saying I need a break or anything."

Rio: "Uh huh. You know acknowledging your limits is a good thing. Pushing yourself to prove you can do something is not always a good thing. It's okay to say you can't do something or to fail. As long as you learn from said failures or limitations you can improve yourself."

Riolu: "I know but I want to get stronger, I feel it in my soul, I can be greater. I can be the greatest if I put in the effort. But I will not ignore your words I promise I will not push myself too hard."

Rio: "That's good enough for me. As long as you know your limits and don't hurt yourself. If you ever need advice or help just come to me. We are friends, I will always have your back. Together we can become greater than we can apart."

Riolu: "Thanks and I will keep that in mind. Now what's for lunch?"

6 Hours Later...

Rio: "Okay, we are done for today and congrats you won the bet. So I guess I will teach a new move."

Riolu: "Whew, thank goodness I don't think I could have done another push-up."

Rio: "I think you can get some ice cream while I think of what move to teach you."

Riolu: "Ice cream! I will go ahead don't take too long or I will eat it all."

Riolu starts running to the kitchen. While I smile at his antics.

'Now what move to teach him, How about force palm? I think that would be easy enough for his current skill level. Well let's have ice cream then I think it's time to get clean and settle down for the night.'

3 Hours Later...

Rio: "Then the evil sorcerer Ganondorf kidnapped the princess Zelda."

I look at Riolu as he snores and decide it's time to go to bed myself.

'I should check my status before falling asleep. Status'



Name: Rio Magus Crepusculum

Age: 18 (Actual Age: 68)

Race: Alicorn

Title: Last Son Of The Crystal Imperium

Level: 5



HP: 140 (Endurance x 10 )

SP: 140 (Endurance x Agility/2 )

MP: 1250 (Intelligence x 50)


Strength: 10 (+50%) = 15

Perception: 17

Endurance: 14

Charisma: 8

Intelligence: 25

Agility: 20 (+50%) = 30

Luck: 40 (+50%) = 60

Stat Points: 0


Showing Updated Skills:

Force Mastery lvl: 25/100

150/2500 xp

Decreases the needed energy to use all force abilities by 25%. XP is gained by using any amount of The Force. Higher levels allow the usage of high-tier force abilities. Grants the user force precognition and higher levels allow for further and more precise predictions and the ability to see glimpses of the future. Using the Force requires no special energy but will exhaust the user.

Stealth lvl: 28/100

0/2800 xp

Ability to remain hidden when sneaking. Reduces the chance of being detected when sneaking by 28%. Increases the damage done while undetected by 56%. Obtained special technique at level 25 Muffled Movement: Your clothing and armor no longer make any noise when sneaking.

Weapons Proficiency lvl: 14/100

15/1400 xp

Users' ability to use all weapons. Increases damage when using weapons by 14%. Decreases the likelihood of weapon malfunctions by 14%.

Observe lvl: 20/100


Observe allows the user to scan people or eventually objects to learn additional information that one could not immediately know otherwise. The higher the skill the more info that is revealed. When attempting to observe higher-level individuals one might fail unless one meets a perception check. Also, be warned no HP stat will be calculated for any being without a system and any stats or levels shown are not equivalent to threat level or ability to harm the host.

Aura Mastery lvl: 8/100

250/800 xp

Ability to use and manipulate Aura for defense and offense. Increases Aura damage by 8% and reduces the cost of Aura by 8%. Allow users to sense emotions and see while blinded. Aura can also be used to heal. Can establish an Aura bond with others which allows the ability to always find the bonded individual and sense their state of well-being. Increases Agility by skill lvl% while active. ]

'Hmm, I can definitely get Strength and endurance to 20 but charisma only increased because of Riolu and a bit from that quest. I will have to go criminal hunting to increase my level then put the stat points in Charisma. I might be able to get Perception to 20 without stat points. Otherwise, I think everything looks good. Now time to sleep and maybe I will go bartering tomorrow to increase my Charisma. I feel like I am forgetting something.

Meanwhile, Mal0 was waiting outside the secret entrance all day waiting for Rio as he said to come back tomorrow.


Authors Note:

So Riolu is in the story, what do you think, I tried to make him fairly mature for a day-year-old as Pokemon are just kinda built differently, and further this is the Perfect Riolu/Lucario so I figured he should be more intelligent and mature. Also, what do you think of Rio's new master, I wanted a master that could fit logically with Rio being neither Sith nor Jedi. I also wanted a master I knew a pretty good amount about. If you have any suggestions for future masters, it can be for anything whether it be for the force, ki, aura, etcetera just leave a comment. In the meantime Ciao.