Gift Of Gab

Rio: "Okay Riolu, Stay here and be good I should be back in a few hours."

Riolu: "Got it."

I give Riolu a hug before leaving. As soon as I leave I see Mal0.

'Oh, that's what I forgot about yesterday. Whoops.'

Rio: "Hello, sorry about forgetting about me telling you to come back yesterday. I promise it wasn't on purpose. That being said since you are here I suppose I could tell you why I asked you to come yesterday. I was going to see if you would like a job."

Mal0: {I understand I forget some stuff sometimes as well. As for the job I am interested but I can't exactly use money in a store.}

Rio: "I suppose that is true but I can buy the things you want or you could order some things online and have them delivered to your house. Well, maybe the second option is not so great as the amount you can order online and get delivered to this neighborhood is not much. Do you need or want anything I can pay in money then you could but through me or KaibaCorp as they deliver to people with unique circumstances."

Mal0: {I guess that's okay. What is the job? I won't agree until I know at least that much.}

Rio: "No problem, I want you to gather information on Wilson Fisk, The Hand, and any gangs in Hell's Kitchen and Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. From what I understand you cannot be seen by most beings so I figure you are the perfect spy. If you are somehow ever spotted, let me know. I also know you are basically impossible to kill so there is little danger to you."

Mal0: {I can agree to do this job as I have nothing better to do. What will the pay be?}

Rio: "The pay will be proportional to the info you bring me. You can deliver the info via text or if you do well enough I will teach you a way to communicate with something other than a phone."

Mal0: {These terms are acceptable if I am able to negotiate every time I give info as I want to make sure I am not getting ripped off.}

Rio: "Fine, though I want to say I am an honest being, I would not cheat you if give me good intel."

Mal0: {You can't blame me for being cautious, after all, you trapped me in a dysfunctional bubble before.}

Rio: "That bubble was perfectly working and it would have been perfect if you weren't very intelligent."

Mal0 just gives me a look as if to say "Are you serious".

Rio: "Shut up and go do your job."

Mal0: {See you later 'Boss'}

'I only know one person who can claim the title Boss and it isn't me. Though I hope this works out. If it doesn't I doubt she can cause much harm to my plans, but still, I can only seal her in place. A seal that would be easy for anyone to break from the outside. Then I would have an angry Ghost AI Werewolf I have to try and deal with. It's just not worth it.'

I walk to a market in Chinatown in hopes of raising my Charisma. It takes a few hours but I finally raised it to 10 and got a bunch of knick-knacks while I was at it. Nothing interesting, unfortunately. After I raise Charisma to 10 I decide to go hunting. I wanted to train Perception so I decided to use scrap metal from my Yrden Ball project as I figured it should make the throws more difficult. After hunting all over New York for criminals, I ended up with an impressive result. 47 kills with 17 headshots, 23 neck shots, and 7 torso hits. For a total reward at the end of the day of 470 XP, 1 Perception point, and a level up. If I continue this for the rest of the week my bonus reward is all but guaranteed.

1 Week Of Training Later...

The results are in and my gains for this week of training have been as follows. (Not counting the previous 47 Kills) I killed 276 criminals and gained 4 Perception points, 6 Charisma Points 7 Strength Points, 5 Endurance Points, 3 Agility Points, 5 levels of Weapon proficiency, and 2 levels of Stealth. I leveled up a total of 5 times. With about 3 days left to complete the quest, I decided to boost my stats with my stat points. I therefore completed the quest and leveled up again.

New Stats

Level: 11


Strength: 20 (+50%) = 30

Perception: 22

Endurance: 20

Charisma: 20

Intelligence: 25

Agility: 30 (+50%) = 45

Luck: 50 (+50%) = 75

Stat Points: 5


[Quest Completed Apathy Is Death]

[Issusing Rewards- +1000 XP, 15000 System Points, 1 Mystery Box, 1 Temp Summon Mace Windu 1 Month (Loyal), 1 Gacha Token ]


Authors Note:

Minor Timeskip as I don't want to show literally every day that passes in this story.


'With that quest, I could go back to my master but I think I will spend this time relaxing as I have done nothing but train for over a week and I deserve a break.'

Mal0: {Hey Boss, I got some info, come outside.}

'I feel like she is calling me Boss because she knows I don't like it. If so that is very petty but I would probably do the same in their shoes.'

I walk outside the base to see what intel she has brought.

Rio: "Okay, let's see what you got for me this time."

Mal0: {Sure sending it now.}

I opened the file to see pictures and a document with all the stuff she overheard while walking through the gang's hideouts.

'It looks like Kingpin is starting to contact the Hand. He also now controls everything besides Chinatown. Hydra or Shield has set up a new lab just outside the city limits. Shield or Hydra has also sent agents to infiltrate KaibaCorp as apparently, they have heard Kaiba is developing a new tech they want. Oh, the Russian Mafia intends to move into the area I wiped out during my last week of training. They also intend to spread until they control the area where my base is at. Overall very good intel, it even has locations of some bases I can raid for materials.'

Rio: "The info you brought is great as always and your previous intel has been accurate so I am willing to pay you 20,000 for all of this.

Mal0: {No way, my info is worth at least 25000. That info tells you of a coming invasion into this area. That means it deals with your base's security and should be worth more.}

Rio: "25000 is a bit much how about 22000 and I give you the full rights to your house?"

Mal0: {What am I supposed to do with that deed? I cannot be seen by others so it's basically useless.}

Rio: "Not necessarily, I would legally register you as the owner of the home and that would mean no one could buy the rights to your house and bulldoze it or move in. While you may not be able to be seen it doesn't matter if there is a registered owner of the house."

She seems to think for a bit on it before texting me the answer.

Mal0: {23000, the house deed and your droids have to come over and repair the structural damage in my house.}

Rio: "That's asking too much, the house deed and getting it legally registered under your name means making a valid ID for you, that alone can cost thousands. I must insist on 22000 and rights to your house."

Mal0: {Ugh, Fine but I want to use the money that I have now stored for a full remodel of my house. I have the plans right here.}

She sends me another file which I open and look at what she is asking. I estimate its cost and confirm it is within her budget range. I do notice that there is an area that is not included in the plans.

Rio: "I can arrange it but what about the shed it's not on the plans. Also, I will have to get with Seto as he has the contacts necessary to do the job but it should likely leave you with 1000 or so dollars left."

Mal0: {Stay out of my shed!}

Rio: "I wasn't going to go in it but if it's that important I will make sure to pass along the message to the remodeling crew. Do you want me to set up an additional residence while they do their work? It will likely take them at least a month to finish this kind of work.

Mal0: {No I will be fine but can you make sure they finish it before Christmas?}

Rio: "Hmm, I guess, normally I would charge you extra but tis the season I suppose. Nobody deserves to be homeless for Christmas."

Mal0: {Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.}

Rio: "Well if you don't mind I have a friend to contact and a Riolu to play a game with.

Mal0: {Riolu? Who's that?}

Rio: "Well I suppose you have proven trustworthy, So I'll tell you. Riolu is my friend he hatched just over a week ago. I have been training with him and we play games together. His current favorite is Save The Princess. Hah, Ada is made to be a princess and I am the evil sorcerer who kidnaps her. Then Riolu comes and fights me in my evil fortress (Pillow Fort) and we duel with plastic swords. He's the cutest thing every time he wins. He hops around and wags his little tail with the biggest smile."

Mal0: {He sounds adorable.}

Rio: "Yes well perhaps you will meet him someday. Now I really should be getting back to him lest he try to cause mischief while I am not there. Have a nice day and see you later."

Mal0: {Bye}

With that, I walk back to where I left Riolu and see he has somehow managed to set fire to the bathroom and is now running around in a panic.

'How did he even manage that?'

I quickly run over to the fire and use a wind spell to starve the fire of oxygen. It takes a few seconds to put it out, I then turn to Riolu with a disappointed look.

Riolu: "It was an accident! I was using the restroom when I sneezed and a blue orb formed on my paw before shooting away and exploding. I don't even know how I did it, I promise."

Rio: "Okay, I understand but we will need to work on you controlling your new move. Congrats you seemed to have unlocked Aura Sphere."

Riolu: "Wait as in THE Aura Sphere, like the signature move of my species. That Aura Sphere."

Rio: "Yes the very one. It must mean you are close to evolving. It's a bit sad I had many more outfits for you to try on. I guess I will just have to get them resized for a Lucario."

Riolu: "Evolution Really! Oh, and you shouldn't spend your precious money on resizing the outfits. You should donate them or burn either one is okay but I suggest the second."

Rio: "You are only saying that because you think you are too cool for the outfits. I mean a few days ago you were okay with wearing them."

Riolu: "I was okay with wearing the cool ones, not the icky cute stuff. I mean the armor was super cool and I liked the Link outfit but the Mew costume was too cute and you kept squishing my cheeks."

Rio: "I haven't the faintest idea what you could be talking about and I certainly didn't take hundreds of photos I could use to embarrass you later in life."

Riolu: "I knew it, Where are those photos? I will find them and destroy them for my future self's honor."

Rio: "PFFT, hahahaha. You can try but I assure you, I will never let anyone get another copy of them as I have them stored in my inventory. You can't stop me, I have made copies in so many different forms that you will never get them all.

That seems to set Riolu off as he charges at me. I start running around and laughing as he tries to catch me.

Riolu: "Get over here so I can make you feel my righteous fury."

Rio: "Run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man."

Riolu: "That doesn't even make any sense. How can a gingerbread man run?"

Eventually, Riolu tires himself out and falls asleep making me have to put him to bed. I see it's late and decide to go to bed as well.

To be Continued