Mystery Box 2 Electric Boogaloo

I get up in the morning and start my daily routine. As I am doing so I begin to think about what my plans are for the day.

'I want to go to KaibaCorp as the grand release of Duel Monsters is today. I then need to ask Seto to start Mal0's request and expedite it. I then need to order the supplies for the ballistic weave so Seto and I can be better protected. Maybe also try to make one for Riolu. I then need to deposit the large amount of cash I have got from all the criminals I killed. Then after that, I plan on opening the mystery box at Seto's mansion. I can't risk releasing something that would destroy my base or get stuck in it. I will have Riolu use the illusion ability to come with as he is strong enough to see the outside world.'

Right as I think about Riolu he comes out of his room likely from the smell of breakfast.

Rio: "Good morning Riolu."

Riolu: "Morning."

Rio: "After breakfast, I plan on taking you to meet my friend, if you want to."

That wakes him up immediately.

Riolu: "WHAT! Do you mean I can go outside? Like really truly."

Rio: "Yes, if you want to and you can use the illusion ability."

Riolu immediately runs over and hugs me shouting with glee.

Riolu: "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

Rio: "You're welcome now let's hurry and finish breakfast so we can get going."

Riolu starts shoveling the food into his mouth as fast as he can.

Rio: "Slow down before you choke."

8 Minutes Later...

Rio: "You ready?"

Riolu: "You bet!"

'Oh, I almost forgot I need to get the lightsaber parts good thing I remembered before we left.'

Riolu is disguised as a black husky dog with a blue collar with metal spikes and an adorable sweater with Christmas trees on it. I chose the sweater. Now as we walk I use the force to make everyone around become oblivious to our presence subtly. I don't want Riolus's first time outside to be crime-ridden. It only takes 30 Minutes to get to KaibaCorp. Once there I go directly to Seto's office and knock.

Seto: "Come in."

Rio: "Hey Seto, How is your day going? Are you ready for the grand release?"

Seto: "Hello Rio and yes I am fully prepared. The grand exhibition will be one to remember."

Rio: "Really now? Well I can't wait but first let me introduce you to my friend, Riolu say hello."

Riolu: "Hi Mr. Seto. I'm Riolu."

Riolu drops the illusion briefly to show Seto his true form.

Seto: "Nice to meet you Riolu you can just call me Seto no need for the mister. I have heard a little about you. I was told you are the number one super guy and quicker than the human eye."

'Oh great he had to mention that blasted song.'

Riolu: "Oh yeah, I got style, a groovy style, When the going gets rough, I'm super tough, With a Hong Kong Phooey chop (Hi-Ya!)"

Rio: "Really you had to mention that darn song. I told you he is obsessed with that song. Now he is going to be going on about it all day."

Seto smiles at Riolu's antics.

Rio: "I will get you back for this."

I cast a silence bubble around Riolu to make it so I can't hear his singing and talk to Seto about Mal0's request and the materials I need. I also gave him the suitcase with all the money I got so far.

Seto: "I can expedite the work on her house, no problem. The items you need though will take a while as even with the laundered money you provided some of these items are rare or military only. I think it will probably take 2 months at my company's current value. That being said if the grand release works as well as I hope I can shorten it to as low as 1 month. Any shorter and I would have to sign contracts with the military."

Rio: "No problem if you could prioritize these materials that would be best. Those are for ballistic weave which should protect you from most firearms below a 50 caliber or armor-piercing rounds. For the others you can take your time I don't think I need them immediately. Also are you not going to follow the original KaibaCorp footsteps and produce weapons?"

Seto: "Absolutely not. I have no intention of producing weapons. I will however try to get the materials for ballistic weave first. I agree I could use more protection. Also thanks for the info on those infiltrators I have ensured they have either got fired or relegated to useless positions."

Rio: "No need to thank me, I am just the buyer of the info. The real thanks belong to Mal0 as she is the one who gathered it."

Seto: "Well send my thanks along to her. Now we best get going the exhibition is something you won't want to miss."

Rio: "Well then I will head to the arena you set up."

Seto: "Oh you will need this."

Seto throws me a duel deck.

Rio: "You are going to make a tournament of all the employees aren't you."

Seto: "You will see, I gave you the deck of my rival. Try to live up to his legacy."

Rio: "Wait, I barely know how to play."

Seto: "Not my problem if you don't make it to the finals I will be disappointed."

I sigh and start looking through my deck to try and look for a strategy to defeat Seto. I quickly realize I stand no chance against the second-best duelist of all time and I will just try to survive to the finals, then gracefully get annihilated by Seto.

3 Hours Of Dueling Later...

Seto: "I tribute my Des Feral Imp and Battle Ox to summon my Blue Eyes White Dragon in attack mode and then activate the spell card Monster Reborn to special summon my other Blue Eyes White Dragon next I activate the spell card Polymerization to fuse my 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons into the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! I then end my turn."

'Feather, I am up a creek with no paddle and I have only the Giant Soldier of Stone on the field and no spell or trap cards. Ugh come on heart of the cards get me something good. Well, this is useless right now, I draw the Dark Magician of Chaos. I guess the heart of the cards only exists for Yugi and his friends '

Rio: "I place one card face down then end my turn."

Seto: "I guess it is time to end this, I activate the trap card Dragon's Rage which allows Dragon-Type monsters I control to inflict piercing Battle Damage when they attack a Defense Position monster. Now Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon destroy his Giant Soldier of Stone!"

Rio Life Points 0

Announcer: "The winner of the duel is Seto Kaiba!"

Rio: "Good duel Seto."

I leave the field and walk towards Riolu who has been patiently waiting for me. I then go to Seto's office while he deals with the press.

15 Minutes Later...

Seto walks into the office and smugly smiles at me. I made him trip with the Force. Then laugh as his eyes go wide as he trips.

Rio: "Don't be a sore winner. I lost and I accept that. Pride comes before the fall. Don't repeat your last life's mistake and become conceited."

Seto: "Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have been such a jerk when Duel Monsters is supposed to be fun. Still, you did pretty great against all the other competitors."

Rio: "I mean sure but most of them have never played this kind of game before and also weren't exactly familiar with the rules. I have seen many duels just never really played all that much before. That and you ended most of your duels in less than 5 minutes and I am pretty sure you went easy on everyone but me."

Seto: "Yeah I wanted people to see what Duel Monsters was like and I can't do that if I end all the duels in 3 turns. The only thing people would think of the game if I did that is that it's too hard to play. I also didn't go easy on you because I wanted to see how good you really were when facing a good duelist. You were pretty good against me I could tell you had a handle on the game but my guess is you had bad draws. Am I right?"

Rio: "Yeah my draws were pretty bad. I kept getting monsters that required tributes to be summoned or spells for the magicians. Once you got the first Blue Eyes on the field and didn't attack I immediately knew what you were doing and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I also figured seeing the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in 3D would be an awesome sight. I can see what you see in it."

Seto: "Anyways you ready to head to my house. I have a great feast ready for the staff and myself."

Rio: "Yeah let's go."


2 Hours Later...

After the dinner, I decided to open the mystery box in my room to hopefully avoid any craziness. I grab the box and then open it. Nothing seems to happen until a server comes in and tells me my Kool-Aid is ready.

Rio: "Kool-Aid, I...."


???: "OH YEAH."

I nearly have a heart attack when I hear the smash and subsequent shout. I then turn to see a 6-foot-tall glass pitcher full of red liquid with a big smile on its face. It then proceeds to pour me Kool-Aid into the cup that I don't recall holding a second ago. He then leaves out the hole he made in the wall. I am just stuck frozen there looking at the cup in my hand as I try to process what just happened.

'Did I just bring Kool-Aid Man into this world and if so for how long? What will the powers of the world do? Can anyone stop him? I mean he just appeared out of nowhere from me saying the word Kool-Aid. He seems to be able to manipulate reality. Is he the new Reality Stone? Ugh, I am getting a headache from contemplating what a sentient pitcher means in the grand scheme of things. Whatever as far as I am concerned it's not my problem. I will need to warn everybody I know not to say Kool-Aid.'

I walk out of my room as I see several servants looking at the hole in my wall. I ignore them and walk back to where I left Riolu and Seto.

'This is going to be a confusing conversation. System can you tell me how long the Kool-Aid Man will be summoned?'


[1 Month]

'I guess this month will be one big old storm of chaos.'

To be continued...