New Droid

A few days after the Kool-Aid Man was summoned I was watching the news and I facepalmed as the newscaster said the word Kool-Aid and the Kool-Aid Man then broke into the studio on Live TV. I watched as the news crew panicked and the Kool-Aid Man disappeared after he gave the glass of Kool-Aid and then walked out of the hole he made. I also see the studio was on the 10th floor and that he broke in from the outside somehow. I shut it off before my headache gets worse.

'I claim no responsibility for unleashing this being on this world. I think I should practice programming, maybe make a game for Seto to publish.'

I go over to the computer and decide to first compare AI models of the droids and Assasltrons to see if I could use it in a more mainstream product or at least a simplified version. I pull up the AI models.

'Hmm let's see, assaultron AI is quite basic when you really look at it but then again, one was made by a super-advanced space-faring company, and the other is made by humans on a relatively primitive planet. Still, should I use a modified AI of B1 or assaultron? If I use the B1 version that is controlled by a control ship or console I could make them incredibly simple so if someone gets a hold of one they will only find fairly basic servos and a basic program that connects to the server. I could also build the batteries to be capable of being overloaded via a command code.'

I try looking into my inventory to see if I have a recorded version of the central control codes. I find them and put them on the computer to see the viability of my idea.

'Okay, I could use this. If I make it so others rent my droids but never own them I can keep anyone from replicating them. I will need to change the design and also make the droids out of cheaper materials. Oh, I think I could make them look like assassin droids of the Old Republic era. They are intimidating but stocky making them appear rougher. Yes, assassin droids made like a B1, with lower mobility but suitable bullet resistance and I can still make them a slave to the central control console.'

I start to make a rough outline of the new droid that I have thought of. I start with an HK-47-like model, then I change the outer shell adding plates over everything to make it more boxy. I make the model under the idea of titanium or steel. Then I add the B1 servos and circuitry and ask the computer to simulate its capabilities.

'Not bad, but I would likely have to go with steel as titanium is a bit pricey, and it's a bit heavy. It's mobility is not necessarily the biggest selling point but I would want it to not be as slow as an old tank. Lethality is more than enough if they are armed with simple firearms the central computer can make up for the lack of targeting software built in. It does mean that the droids can't be operated in areas with no signal. But if I am open about that when selling them I am sure many will want them for security. I think they are too unwieldy to feasibly use them in war, especially in an area where the enemy can just jam the signal. I think this is what I will use for the future droids for public use, now what to call them? Guard Droids, Defenders, Guard Bots, Sentinels, Shielders, whatever I can think of that later.'

As I select save I hear the system alerting me.


[New Skill Gained Crafting]

[Crafting lvl: 2

10/200 XP

Allows The User To Create Higher Quality And Difficult Creations. Anything Created Has Quality Increased By 2%. 0.02% Chance Of Creating Legendary Artifact. Skill Levels From Crafting Anything Regardless Of Medium.]

'This will be useful. I wonder what a Legendary Artifact means. Maybe just a more powerful creation. I doubt that as why would it have to mention it if it was just something you could create normally. Still, it only maxes out at 0.1% which is some pretty awful odds. Whatever now let's see about hacking into some companies. Maybe Oscorp? Now let's not stir up anything too dangerous. Maybe a university instead. Yeah ESU is not far and I recall there being a few important individuals that go there at one point or another.'

I started my research on what might be interesting to be found there. I decided to get student and faculty lists to see if I recognized any. Sure enough, I see Peter Parker and Harry Osbourne on the list. I check the photos that accompany them and confirm it's the Sam Reimi trilogy versions.

'Interesting that means that I am not in the MCU per se but instead in a sort of fusion between the two. That begs the question if Peter Parker is in university why hasn't he become Spiderman yet?'

I check Oscorp for the special spiders and anything else I can get from the public website. I find the spiders and a certain Dr. Conners.

'So, if anything Spiderman might come into existence soon. Dr. Conners's existence is interesting as I don't recall the Lizard in the movies. I suppose just because Conners is here doesn't mean he will become the Lizard. Let's see if there is a class field trip to Oscorp soon. No, but there is one scheduled for March. Now what to do with this information? Let's just watch for now. I could help the Sandman as he was in a pretty tragic situation, I have the resources. Hmm, can my healing spells work on diseases or do I need a specific spell for that? I am getting off the topic let's just continue practicing my computer skills. Oh, Idea!'

I started working on my idea which was inspired by one of the greatest betrayals in all of existence. I name it Protocol 66. It will be programmed into every droid that is made from now on. In theory, it is supposed to only be used if or when a situation when I need to eliminate everyone who buys the droids.

'I suppose if high-ranking members of the government buy any or a version I create that is not connected to the control computer. Is this me embracing my inner Sith or geek? It doesn't matter. I could also program the droids to trigger this even if someone captures them and somehow reprograms them. Yes integrate it into the core programming but make it innocuous but somehow integral to its basic operation but nothing to do with its personality matrix or its ability to follow orders. That should make anyone think it's just a movement program. I will have to make it encrypted but not in a way that can be seen easily. It might be above my current skill level but I think I am not that far off.'

I check my Computer Mastery and see it is at level 28 already. I calculate it will likely need to be level 35 to do what I want.

'Even then what I make would be a bit crude. I might be able to make one that the current earth won't be able to find, at level 50 or so. Now that will mean I will need a signal broadcaster satellite to make sure the signal gets everywhere but without being intercepted. Even if I could make a signal braocaster of that type I would never get it into orbit legally. I could build it in space but that would be quite visible. I suppose I could get someone to install the device on a satellite giving me plausible deniability and they couldn't ask me to take down my own satellite. Even if they suspect something amiss Earth's current technology makes space travel quite difficult and no government would be willing to spend billions to investigate a satellite that they can only say is somewhat suspicious. I will add it to the do later list. Now back to work.'

I decided to hack into various small businesses to see what kind of security is out there and what I find is nothing too impressive still it teaches me a lot about hacking and programming. I could have stolen stuff but decided to just leave simple monitoring software to see if I catch anything interesting. I keep going until I find something odd.

'This cafe looks normal but there is something not right about the numbers I am seeing. It is a relatively unprofitable cafe but yet gets way too much foot traffic. Also, I see a mismatch between the blueprints and what I see as its current size. Not to mention the cameras are all turned off and only point outwards. This address is on the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen. Maybe it's a smuggling operation or money laundering. let's cross-reference this address and known territories of gangs. Ah, this is in the territory of the Russian Mob. I have no intel on this address specifically but I suppose I can go investigate it later this week.'

I mark the location and leave a few viruses that will collect everything that is heard or seen there. After this looking into this place I decide to take a break and turn the news back on.

TV: "Breaking News, He who shall not be named has broken into the Pentagon! We go now to our reporter in the field."

Reporter: "This Clark Kent coming live from the Pentagon where he who shall not be named just broke into the head of the CIA office to deliver a glass of the juice we will not say the name of. This apparently caused a firefight where several agents were injured as he who shall not be named seems to be bulletproof as all the bullets simply deflected off his body. We are still gathering info on how many were exactly injured. We will continue to keep you up to date on this case. Now back to Tom."

TV: "Another tragic incident of this creature. Many are asking, what is this creature? What does he want? Where does he come from? And what is the government doing to protect the people from this Red Menace? Estimates already place the damages caused by this creature at over 100 Billion dollars worldwide. You heard that right worldwide. We have numerous reports from all over the globe reporting this strange creature doing the same it does here. Scientists have found this creature can appear at the same time in multiple places. It can understand seemingly all languages and seems to be unstoppable. We here at CNN urge everyone to never say his name lest he damages your belongings or worse your lives as seen in this recent attack on the Pentagon. That's all for the news at 10, see you next time."

I just sit there and think of how Shield must be panicking over what amounts to a company mascot. I also think of how much damage he will cause to Earth before he despawns. I mean 100 billion in 3 Days is a lot.

'Whatever it's technically not my problem. Maybe the Ancient One knows how to deal with it.'

POV Ancient One

I look over at the creature that just broke into the inner sanctum of Kamar Taj and how it is simply ignoring the attacks of all the mages here. It walks over to Kaecilius and fills the glass that he is somehow holding full of Kool-Aid. I then think of that cursed word that can summon this being that even the Eye of Agamotto can't stop. I myself tried to stop it but nothing I do works so I have given up and just hope to make that cursed word impossible to say here.

'Now that I think about it this isn't the first strange thing to happen recently. The vision of the future has become hazy and messy, I can't find why this is. Mephisto and the Hell Dimension have seemingly disappeared. I would usually worry if I had not seen a glimpse at the thing that has invaded Hell. I shudder at the mere thought of such a being existing but at least it has also disappeared along with Hell. Oh, I see he who shall not be named has left. I suppose it's time for me to start fixing the damage.'


'Yeah, now that I think about it I don't think anything save maybe a fully powered Thanos can stop the Kool-Aid Man. I just have to avoid saying Kool-Aid for another 26 days. That shouldn't be too difficult. However, I wonder if I could use the Kool-Aid Man's power to escape a tricky situation. Hmm, maybe I should experiment with this idea. Regardless I think I should head to bed.


Authors Note:

Remember the Kool-Aid Man is inevitable. I will post an image of Thanos VS Kool-Aid MAn here because I found it funny. Search up kool aid man with infinity gauntlet for more funny pictures.