A Very Thankful Evolution

Authors Note: Obligatory Thanksgiving Episode.


Thanksgiving Morning

I get up and check my phone and see what day it is.

Rio: "Oh crap, it's Thanksgiving and I haven't prepared at all!"

I quickly get up and run towards the kitchen to see if I have anything I can use. I see enough but I missing a turkey. I then get ready to run to the store. Before I leave I let Riolu know I will be stepping out and to be good while I am gone. I then leave quickly and head to the nearest store to see if they have any turkeys left. The first store doesn't so I check the next until I find one that does but I see another person looking at it. We stare each other down. We are 12 paces apart before we both start sprinting to the last turkey. I grab it first, but the other man grabs it as well.

Rio: "Let go I had it first."

???: "No I grabbed it first. Now hand it over."

I can't help but think I have seen this guy before. I decide to use observe on him.

[Name: Nikita Dragovich

A traitor to the Soviet Union, now lives in New York as an advisor to Kingpin and other gangs. He is officially stated as being killed in the Gulf of Mexico in 1968. Was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.]

Seeing him I remember those famous words, Dragovich, Kravchenko, Steiner, all must die. I also think how can this guy exist here?

Rio: "You want to give me this turkey."

Dragovich: "What are you saying, I clearly do not."

'Well, there went that idea. Time for plan B.'

Rio: "What's the feds doing here?"

Dragovich: "What!?"

He turns around and I grab the turkey and start running.

Dragovich: "Hey get back here with my turkey!"

I go into a blind spot on the cameras then use the Talisman of Mirage to look like someone else and place the turkey in my inventory. When Dragovich turns the corner I act like I have never seen him before in my life.

Dragovich: "You, did you see a man with a turkey come through here?"

I just point in a random direction and he leaves.

'Well, turkey obtained best I quickly get out of here before that old man does something stupid.'

I check out and head home. Once I get to the entrance I see Mal0 standing outside.

Rio: "Hello, how are you doing today?"

Mal0: {Okay I guess, I was just coming over to see what you were doing as I saw you leave in a rush this morning.}

Rio: "Ah, I went out to get a turkey for Thanksgiving."

Mal0: {Oh, Thanksgiving what's that? I have seen ads for it but I haven't looked into it.}

Rio: "Well, the holiday means different things to different people, but I use it as a day to sit down and have a nice feast and be thankful for all I have in life."

Mal0: {That sounds nice.}

I think for a minute and decide to take a leap of faith.

Rio: "Would you like to join me and Riolu for Thanksgiving?"

Mal0: {Are you sure? You would have to open a hole in your barrier to let me in.}

Rio: "I know and I think you have proven to be trustworthy and I don't like seeing anyone not having anything to do today. That and I will only lower the barrier for a little bit as it is meant to keep more than just you out."

Mal0: {Sure, I would be happy to join you and Riolu for Thanksgiving. I also look forward to meeting Riolu.}

Rio: "Very well wait here for a couple of minutes while I get everything ready."

I walk in and tell Riolu we will have a visitor. I then start to store everything in my inventory that I don't want her to see. I can't leave stuff lying around as it wouldn't be very secret anymore. I then summon a Principality Of Observation just in case to make sure nothing bad happens. Once I am done with that I go and open a small opening for Mal0 to come through.

Rio: "Welcome to my home officially. Now let me introduce you to Riolu."

Riolu: "Nice to meet you lady. I heard you some sort of spirit thing."

Mal0: {The name is Mal0 and yes I suppose I am a spirit thing. Also, that is a strange way of speaking, it's like you are speaking in my mind.}

Riolu: "Can she really only speak via text messages?"

Rio: "Yes but I think you could teach her how to speak like you, while I get dinner ready. Oh and here take my phone so you can talk to each other."

Riolu: "Okay Mal0 come with me I will teach you to speak with Aura."

Mal0: {Okay}

I head to the kitchen and start preheating the oven.

'This should take a bit to get everything settled. I have the angels watching them so I don't think I need to worry.'

2 Hours Later...

'There now I just have to wait for everything to finish cooking. Now let's go see what those two have been up to.'

I walk over to where I sensed Riolu and see Mal0 balancing on one leg on a wooden pole like she is auditioning for Karate Kid.

Rio: "What happened while I was gone?"

Riolu: "I am just teaching her how to use Aura. She was struggling with maintaining focus so I had her try and do what I saw that one kid do in the movie we watched."

I just sit there and think about how to respond to that comment. I chose to use the classic. I sip the apple juice in my cup while saying.

Rio: "I see."

I decided to give advice to Mal0 on what can be done to get better connected with one's Aura.

Rio: "If you are struggling with connecting with your aura you can try to think of a happy memory."

Mal0 does as I suggest which distracts her allowing me to launch an Aura Sphere at her from her blindspot. She dodges it without looking and then looks shocked at what just happened.

Rio: "Relax, sorry but it was the best way for you to activate your aura. You see you were already on the cusp of unlocking it you just needed the last push. That attack may have been scary but it wouldn't have even touched you. Look over there where it hit and you will see what I mean."

Mal0 looks over and sees the ball has hit the wall and simply phased through it.

Rio: "Again sorry but it was the best way as otherwise, you may have regressed or worse developed an aura blockage."

Mal0: "I guess I will forgive you."

Mal0 looks at me shocked as she realizes she just spoke without texting.

Rio: "Congrats on becoming capable of speech outside of texting. With the added benefit of aura speech being universal. No matter what language they speak they will understand you."

Mal0: "Thank you, both of you. I really appreciate it."

Rio: "No need to thank me Riolu did all the hard work. Now let's play some Wii Sports."

Riolu: "Oh you are on. I bet I will destroy you in boxing again."

Rio: "Please our score is 47 to 45. I have 2 victories over you."

Riolu: "Yeah but I won the last 5 matches."

Rio: "That might be true but I was just tired during those matches and you know I have lower stamina than you."

As we start walking I notice Mal0 not following.

Rio: "Aren't you coming? We have more than enough remotes."

Mal0: "Oh, I don't know how to play."

Rio: "That's fine Riolu and I can teach you, it's a really easy game to learn."

Riolu: "Says the guy who sucks a Wii Tennis."

I shoot Riolu a glare and Riolu just looks away and whistles innocently.

Rio: "Ignore what he says. You will pick up the game in no time."

We play Wii sports for a bit before it's time to eat. Once we sit down we start saying what we are thankful for.

Rio: "I am thankful to have friends I can count on and a future that looks bright."

Riolu: "I am thankful for having a great place to live and for being able to become so much stronger."

We look at Mal0 as it is her turn.

Mal0: "I am thankful for having a new home and a place where I can feel safe without having to look over my back. I am also thankful for coming to this world and having a new lease on life."

After that, we start to dig in. Once we finish eating Riolu starts to glow. I get up and start recording this event. I see his small form start to increase in height then spikes grow out of his body. After the spikes, he grows 2 more aura bulbs and then the glowing fades, and what is left is a taller-than-average Lucario. He stands at around 4'8'' and I can feel the raw power emanating from him.

Rio: "Congrats Lucario, You evolved!"

Lucario: "Yes, finally, and woah I feel way stronger. This will take some time to get used to."

Mal0: "Uh the heck just happened."

Rio: "Oh, this is a natural process of a Riolus life. They evolve when certain requirements are met. They evolve into a Lucario, which is what his name is now, or at least until Lucario and I come up with a nickname. Regardless it's nothing to worry about."

Mal0: "Okay, this is still one of the weirdest things I have seen recently."

Now that the dinner is done we all head to the living room to relax. Or at least Mal0 and I did, Lucario went to the training room to test out his new power.

Rio: "Well it's getting pretty late I think it's about time we end things here. I will show you to the door and thank you for coming to this dinner."

Mal0: "Yeah I should be heading back to my house, and I was happy to come. Thank you for having me and I hope you have a great rest of the night."

Rio: "You as well and I will see you later."

With that, I go back inside after seeing her off. I walk in and see Lucario sitting on the couch. I was a bit confused as he just left to test his power.

Rio: "Why are you back so soon?"

Lucario: "What? Oh well, I was just testing but I got used to it fast."

I can tell that is not the whole truth but I decide to let it go. I then decide to watch a movie from the records I have stored. I put Pokemon The First Movie, I always had a soft spot for this movie. Lucario stays and we watch a few more Pokemon movies before heading to bed.

Lucario: "Hey Rio, Can you tell me more of that story you used to read to me before bed?"

Rio: "Sure, now where did I leave off? Oh yes, we were at the part of the masked salesman and the song of healing."