First Store Purchase

A few days after Thanksgiving and Lucario's evolution. I was in my training room with the Sith Holocron activated.

Traya: "Now we will start training on Force Lightning, a standard ability of any halfway decent Sith. Let me explain what you need, Force Lightning requires strength of a sort only a Sith can command because they accept consequences and reject compassion. In order to summon and use lightning properly, you will someday have to be on the receiving end of its power, as a means of taking the energy inside yourself. Now look into yourself, and focus on the small electric currents running through you. Sense it, feel it, touch it. Now follow its path through your body."

I look inward and follow the small electric currents as they pass from nerve to nerve.

Traya: "Now grab a portion of this electricity and direct it to your fingers."

A small spark jumps from one finger to the next before fizzling out.

Traya: "Excellent you have completed the first and often hardest step to wielding Sith Lightning. Now use the power you call magic to strike yourself with lightning, but attempt to contain the power in you and let none of it escape."

I use a simple call minor lightning to shock myself and then try to contain it.

Traya: "Not quite there, do it again."

I try and fail again

Traya: "Again."

I try and fail a few more times each time Darth Traya says the same thing again. Until I eventually succeed.

Traya: "You have surprised me once more. Most attempting this method die or become crippled. Those that succeed usually take days to get it right."

I look at her with a face that screams what the heck.

Traya: "Now, don't look at me like that I figured with your abilities you would likely be able to heal from any damage you may receive. If you somehow died I would have thought it unfortunate but I made you my apprentice and few who had such honor would not be killed so easily."

I just sigh and move on.

Traya: "Now that you have contained that power you must now release it through only one finger. Focus very carefully on how it feels to release said power. Ingrain the sensation into your very being. Do so and you will have unlocked basic Sith Lightning."

I release the lightning and feel the power behind it and how it feels to unleash the power of nature from my fingertips.

Traya: "Good now, try to unleash it once more now without the stored power."

I try and after a little bit, I succeed in releasing some dark purple lightning.

Traya: "Congratulations apprentice you have now unlocked basic Sith Lightning. Now we can try to go into more advanced applications of this technique after you gain more experience using it. Do wish to learn a specific ability from me? If so ask away.

Rio: "Yes, I would like to learn the force ability Drain Knowledge."

Traya: "That is a powerful ability. It is also risky if not used properly. Are you certain you wish to learn this as once you start I will not let you stop until I believe you can use it properly."

Rio: "Yes, but I ask I be allowed to eat and refresh myself to prep for such an undertaking."

Traya: "Go, return tomorrow morning fully rested and ready to learn."

Rio: "Yes master."

With that, the Holocron shuts off and I get up and go clean myself as I smell like ozone and cooked meat. After I finish cleaning myself I check if anything of note has happened while I was training.

'It looks like foot traffic in the area has increased a bit it must be the Russian Mobs scouts. I see I got some information from Mal0. Hmm, a strange man has been possibly mind-controlling people as many people near the person are acting puppet-like. This person calls himself the Purple Man. Oh, has William Afton come back again? That guy is as hard to kill and keep dead as Goku. No, actually Afton is way worse. I mean his catchphrase is literally I always come back. I wonder if I could make something to deal with him a cage maybe. Wait I don't remember Afton being able to control minds or being in Marvel. Then again I never actually played the FNAF games so. I suppose the report doesn't say his actual name.'

I ignore the idea of dealing with this Purple Man and instead focus on practicing hacking into a CIS terminal to test my skills. I fail to get in unnoticed every time but I occasionally manage to break into the secured file that was made for the practice.

'Hmm, maybe the System Store has AIs, Now that I think about it I haven't used the store for anything outside of Gacha. I should check the prices of AI's in the store. System show the AIs for sale.'

[System Store]

[Catergory: Artificial Intelligence]


Clippy (Microsoft) = -10000 Points

CZ2128 Delta (Overlord) = 50000 Points

President John Henry Eden (Fallout)= 60000 Points

YoRHa No.2 Type B (NieR) = 100000 Points

Hal 9000 (2001 ASO) = 100000 Points

Auto (Wall-E) = 110000 Points

Handsome Jack AI (Borderlands) = 180000 Points

Monika (DDLC) = 200000 Points

GLaDOS (Portal) = 1000000 Points

Metagross (Pokemon) = 1100000 Points

The Patriots AI (MGS) = 1250000 Points

Red Queen (Resident Evil) = 1500000 Points

VIKI (I, Robot) = 2000000 Points

Skynet (Terminator) = 10000000 Points

Ultron (Marvel) = 10000000 Points

Mother Box (DC) = 10000000 Points

Catalyst (Mass Effect) = 10000000 Points

Cortana (Halo) = 100000000 Points

Infinity Sphere (Stellaris) = 180000000 Points

Contingency (Stellaris) = 250000000 Points

The Cybrex (Stellaris) = 250000000 Points

Overclocked Bender (Futurama) = 100000000000 Points


'Wait system why is Clippy -10000 points.'


[Clippy AI Can Never Be Removed Or Silenced Once Bought. Clippy Will Slow Down All Devices The User Uses. Clippy Further Blocks 2% Of The User's Vision At All Times.]

'Got it so it's basically a permanent handicap. Most of these are way too expensive. System is there any way to gain more system points outside of missions.'


[Yes, The Host Can Sell Items Of Power Or Importance To The System For Points. Items Can Be From This Universe Or Any Other.]

'Can I sell the Rag On A Stick?'


[Yes, The Host Can Sell The Item Rag On A Stick For 1 System Point.]

'Do it.'



'Are any of the AI in the list shown loyal to me?'


[No, All The AIs Shown Are Completely Independent And At Their Standard Level Of Power. If The Host Wants Loyal AI, Multiply The Original Price By 15 And Any Additional Modifiers Will Cost 5 Times For Each One, Separately From The Original Loyalty Bonus.]

'Yikes, I don't think I can ever afford that. Whatever at least I know I can sell objects of power. I think an excellent choice would be the Darkhold. The current owner is some random guy I think. System show me spells or items that can locate objects.'


[System Store]

[Catergory: Location Spells]


Locate Object (DnD) = 100 Points

Clairvoyance (DnD) = 300 Points

Divination (DnD) = 750 Points

Discern Location (DnD) = 1500 Points

Tracking Spell (Supernatural) = 9000 Points

Locator Spell (Once Upon A Time) = 12000 Points

6th Tier Locate Object (Overlord) = 16000 Points

Tia Dalma's Compass (Pirates Of The Caribbean) = 100000 Points

1 Time Divination (System) = 1000000 Points

Eye Of Hermaeus Mora (Elder Scrolls) = 10000000 Points

Elder Scroll (Elder Scrolls) = 100000000000 Points

Omniscience For A Day (System) = 10000000000000 Points


'Hmm, I think 6th Tier Locate Object would be the best for me. I will have to sell some stuff though. System how much can I sell the Saiyan Battle Armor for?'


[1500 Points]

'Hmm and how much does it cost to buy it?'


[3000 Points]

'Okay sell the Saiyan Battle Armor then purchase the 6th Tier Locate Object spell.'



I suddenly know how to cast the spell and realize it's a fairly cost-effective spell. I can also tell that unless someone was watching me they couldn't intercept the spell unless they knew how to use Yggdrasil Tier Magic.

'I will go into a forest away from civilization before using this. I don't have anything to do today but I have that training and I don't know if once I locate the Darkhold something might happen after a certain point in time afterwards so let's do my training then grab the Darkhold.'

I continue practicing for a bit before playing games with Lucario until bedtime.

The Next Day...

The Sith Holocron activates when I arrive at the training room.

Traya: "Good you are here on time. Let's begin with your training. This ability is called Drain Knowledge or Mind Probe. Its purpose is to enter into the minds of others and extract knowledge out of a sentient without his or her consent. Beyond simple reading of thoughts, it allowed to steal deep memories and information in a violent and merciless way. Such a process might damage the subject psychologically if you are not careful. You can also run the risk of losing yourself in the memories of the victim. This is especially true for you as you will not be using The Force in others and instead relying on only yourself. Knowing the risks do you still wish to proceed?"

Rio: "Yes master."

Traya: "Good, now to begin you must start by meditating. Look into your mind, and think of a memory you have made in the past. Once you have this memory surround it in The Force."

I do as she says but I struggle with surrounding a memory in the force. She must be able to tell as she tells me something to help.

Traya: "If you are struggling with surrounding a memory then think of the memory as a window, a window leading into an isolated room. This room is the memory itself. Embrace the memory but don't get lost in it. Imagine yourself as a spectator to your own memory, looking in the window from the outside."

I do as she says after some time and once I do I feel a pull to do something.

Traya: "You are likely feeling a pull to do something, resist it. That is The Force trying to submerge you in your own mind. If you aren't careful you will become lost in your own mind. Now that you have surrounded the memory try moving it to your right palm."

I do as she asks and I start to feel a sense of loss as if I have forgotten something. I cannot seem to tell what has been lost just that it shouldn't be missing.

Traya: "Stay focused apprentice. That feeling of loss is normal but don't let it sway you from your current path. Take the memory in your right hand and channel lightning through it then push your right index finger to your temple."

I ignore the loss and do as she asks and when I touch my forehead my head shoots back and I faint. Once I awaken again I see Darth Traya smiling at me.

Traya: "You have impressed me once again apprentice. Never have I seen a force wielder be able to use Drain Knowledge and come out of the resulting coma in only 30 hours. I dare say that could be the fastest it has ever been done. I myself took 5 days to wake up."

Rio: "I have been asleep for 30 hours! How, Why?"

Traya: "There is nothing to be alarmed about, what you just did was extract a memory from yourself and then forcibly place it back. It will always result in a coma, some temporary others not. Few ever learn to use this ability as most do not have the talent to do so. They can't meditate or they lose themselves to the feeling of loss and go insane. Even those who complete this step rarely go beyond as the basics are good enough. I will be teaching you my own version one that can allow you to both gain all the knowledge from another but without connecting yourself to it. Now rest a moment so you can regain your faculties."

I do so and after I do she asks me to do something I wasn't expecting.

Traya: "Now that you are settled the next part will require live subjects to use the technique on. I suggest you use those so-called angels to do this next step."

I summon a Principality of Peace and have it stand still while Traya guides me through accessing other beings' memories. The dos and don'ts. How to take them but not touch them, to store them for later digestion, and how to remove a person's ego from said memories. It takes many more hours and headaches before I complete it to her satisfaction.


Traya: "I can now say with confidence you have mastered this ability. Use it only after you have dealt with the memories you took from another. You can possibly improve upon this ability. I myself have used it many times but I am not arrogant enough to believe I have perfected it. I will caution you that someone who knows what you are doing will resist and could cause the memories gained to be false or incorrect. Any questions?"

Rio: "Yes, can I remove brainwashing with this ability?"

Traya: "It depends, if the brainwashing is memory manipulation and suppression then yes. If it is more mental or medical domination then no this technique may only be able to disable them. However, I suggest not doing that as you are better off killing them."

Rio: "Can I put false memories in others or even their original memories back in."

Traya: "Yes but not without consequences. The one you are using it on is likely to be afflicted with mental problems, brain death, shattered psyche, or bleeding through orfaces. If you use Memory Rub you would likely have better results. However, I can not teach you such a technique as I have never learned it. Very few have ever heard of it and fewer still learn it."

Rio: "That was all my questions master."

Traya: "Then farewell apprentice, until next time."

With that the Holocron deactivated and I am left contemplating the knowledge I just gained.


Authors Note:

Let me know if you know of any other AIs I might have missed other than Marvel ones. If you have a suggested item for the store let me know. Also leave a comment of any artifacts you know about and I might put them into the story.