The Hunt For Artifacts

The day after learning Drain Knowledge

I wake up and start getting everything ready for an adventure. I have a sizeable amount of money to use if I need to. I then head to the forest clearing I decided to use the spell in.

Rio: "Locate Object."

In a flash then I see in my mind's eye three different locations.

'Salem Massachusetts, a mountain in Tibet, and a small town in Luxembourg. I will go for the closest in Salem then the Tibet one which I am pretty sure is the original and finally Luxembourg.'

I then transform into the Alicorn form and quickly fly up and cast invisibility. I reach Salem in under an hour. Once I get there I find the house I am looking for and see if I sense anything dangerous nearby. I only sense the book itself as dangerous. I slip into the house unnoticed. Then head to the basement where the book is held. I get near it and ask the system if I can sell the book.


[Yes The Host Can Sell The Darkhold Copy For 500000 Points]

'Do it.'



The book disappears and leaves nothing behind. I quickly leave and start flying to Tibet thinking my stamina would last. I was mistaken and had to land on an island in the middle of now where. As I land on the island I feel myself pass a magical barrier.

'That's weird why does a random island have a barrier set up? I guess I should look around.'

I look around for a bit and only find a simple temple. I decide to look inside to see if it is anything interesting. Once inside I see something that makes me freeze. On a pedestal in the center of the temple is what looks like an Urn but feels extremely dangerous.

'Well I don't know what that is but only one way to find out. Observe.'

[Name: Pandora's Box

A box created by Zues to contain all the world's evils. Was later purposely given to mankind to punish them.]

'Got it Zeus is a jerk in every reality. System can I sell this?'


[Yes The Host Can Sell Pandora's Box For 250000 Points]

'Do it.'



With that, the box disappears but as it does the island starts to shake I decide not to stick around and flee to the Astral Realm.

After Rio leaves a man with winged boots appears and looks around at the missing box. Confused the man eventually leaves after the island disintegrates into light particles.

Meanwhile in the Astral Realm.

'Okay, so gods exist here other than just Asgard. Now the question is how strong are we talking? DC level, God Of War, Disney, Earth Mythos, or maybe they are just like Asgardians and live for a long time but are not really gods per se. No matter the case I already have a plan on how to deal with them. Let's head back to the nearest shore I left from and this time I will aim for Portugal from Bermuda.'

I leave the Astral Realm after confirming the area I will appear in is empty. From there I start my flight again making pit stops every so often until a few days later I reach Tibet. It only takes a few hours to find the mountain I was looking for once there I see a carved castle-like structure. I then asked the system if I could sell it.


[Yes The Host Can Sell The Darkhold Original For 1000000 Points]

'Dew it' (Cue Palpatine Meme)



The entire top of the mountain disappears in a flash of light. Making me have to quickly fly up before I fall.

 'Next would be Luxembourg. Most likely in the hands of Agatha Harkness. I might need a distraction to get Agatha away from the Darkhold. Maybe an angel? That might work or it may backfire. I also have that assist trophy.'

I start making my way to Luxembourg, once I get near the nation I use the Talisman Of Mirage to appear as Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. I land on the outskirts of the town the Darkhold is in and let my senses see if there is any danger. I can immediately tell one house if like a beacon of danger.

'That's the place now I just need to see if she is home.'

I sense and see she is indeed home.

'Well here goes a shot in the dark.'

Rio: "Summon Angel 4th."

After I summon the angel I quickly reposition myself as I sense Agatha leaving her house to investigate. I order the angel to simply stand there and attempt to run away if attacked. I then sneak into Agatha's house. Once inside I see the Darkhold and quickly sell it and anything else that is valuable. Before even a minute passes I sense my angel getting killed. I then immediately enter the Astral Realm before Agatha returns.

As Rio disappears Agatha bursts into her house and panics when she sees the Darkhold missing along many of her belongings. She then becomes enraged and uses a ritual that allows her to see into the past of a location. When she does she sees a silvered-haired angel with one wing. She swears to get vengeance on this intruder.

In the Astral Realm

I appear and go over how much I made from selling the items in her house, 508389 Points.

'Not bad even though most of it is from the Darkhold it is still I made a massive profit. Now what other artifacts could I get? Let's not touch Greek stuff right now, I don't want to be caught by the Olympians as they are never known to be kind. Maybe some kind of Christian relic. Sure it's worth a shot.'

I leave the Astral Realm in the woods I used the locate object spell originally. I used the spell to see if the Ark Of The Covenant exists.

Rio: "Locate Object."

In a flash, I see the Ark's location.

'Why is it located on Oak Island? Were those crazy people right?'

I start flying north to Oak Island in Canada. It doesn't take long to get there and once I do I start to think about how I am going to get to it.

'It's buried fairly deep underground and I don't feel like digging today. Hmm, I suppose I can just use an earth spell to push the land out of the way. It might cause some minor damage to the island but what can you do.'

I use the spell and over a few hours, I eventually get to the vault where the Ark is located. When I get inside I see a few artifacts.

'Let's see we have the Holy Grail, the Ark, a chest with most of the True Cross, and most importantly the Philosopher's Stone. I will sell the Ark, True Cross, and Holy Grail as all three of them are cursed. System I want to sell these items.'



From those, I got an additional 200000 Points.

'Not bad but not that great but I suppose they were cursed so that probably reduced their value. Now let's see what the Philosopher's Stone can do.

[Name: Philosopher's Stone

Can allow the wielder to transmute base metals to gold if they follow an equivalent exchange. Can also allow the wielder to create an Elixer Of Life allowing the extension of a natural lifespan to thousands of years. Requires a large amount of energy to produce Elixers.]

'A great find. It may not be as powerful as the FMA version but I will take what I can get. Now let's get one last artifact before I stop as it is already December and I haven't bought the Gacha tickets yet. Let's find the Spear of Destiny.'

Rio: "Locate Object."

I see the Spear in my mind's eye and find its location amusing.

'I am pretty sure that is Area 51. I guess I am doing a smash-and-grab. Maybe I will find those Aliens that those Facebook people were trying to find. I doubt that, Shield wouldn't allow them to be in US custody if they could help it.'

I start my journey to Nevada making sure to use the Talisman of Mirage to appear as Adolf Hitler just to scare the government into thinking Zombie Hitler is a thing. Once I arrive at the outskirts of Area 51 I enter slowly to see if they have any anti-magic defenses built in. I get all the way to where I know the Spear is being held.

'Hangar 51, that sounds familiar for some reason. Whatever let's get in and let them see me so they can look into a pointless endeavor.'

I get inside and start selling everything the system will allow and after about 5 minutes a large group of soldiers burst through the door and start shouting at me to surrender. I just keep doing what I was doing until they get a good look at me and I sense their confusion.

Random Soldier 1: "Hey, is that Hitler?"

Random Soldier 2: "Shut up of course it isn't how can he still look like he did back in WW2?"

Random Soldier 3: "Both of you shut up we need to detain him and figure out where he took all the things in the Hangar."

While they were confused and arguing I finished selling all the items beside the spear. I grab the spear and then turn around and start speaking in German about how I had finally returned and that with the Spear Of Destiny, I would create a 1000-year Reich. Then I used invisibility and some illusion magic to make it seem like I was using a grand spell then I vanished. When really I just turned invisible stored the spear then teleported to the Astral Realm.

Rio: "HAHAHAHA. Those soldiers' faces it was priceless. That was so worth having to look like history's worst human. Ah, but I should go home and then sell that Spear as I could tell that the Spear was definitely not right. Let's see what observe says.

[Name: Spear Of Destiny

This Spear has the power to control the fate of any who wields it for a long period of time. It will always lead to the failure and defeat of its wielder. Prolonged exposure to the Spear can lead to death of the soul.]

'Holy crap, this thing is awful. Who would do such a thing? I mean it's not even cursed the person who made this specifically designed it this way. System I want to sell the Spear.'



'Okay it may have been a foul creation but apparently, it was really valuable as I got 750000 for it. With the additional 31110 Points from everything else I sold in Hangar 51, I now have 2990000 Points. Just under 3 million. Now let's head home.'

In a flash, I appeared back in the forest I started my search and quickly flew up to grab some clouds. I then condense them and store them in my inventory. Then I pop back into the Astral Realm before depositing myself in my base.

'I really need to get a teleportation spell as this is getting tedious. Now for me to complete something I should have done weeks ago.'

I grab the clouds out of my inventory then place them in my room and make a bed out of them. I lie down on it to test the comfort.

'Oh yeah, this is the life. I don't think I will use a normal bed ever again. Too bad I can't share this with my friends. Ah I doubt they will mind. Now I should get cleaned up and go to bed, but that means getting up and I really don't want to leave this bed. Sniff. Fine, I guess I can't ignore my smell.'


Author's Note:

3 Million points seems like a lot and it technically is but also not really. There will be more artifacts to find and sell. If you have any suggestions for artifacts or just items in general please leave a comment. I have a plan for the Greek Pantheon but not much will likely be seen save a few things. Also, Gacha is in the next chapter so also leave suggestions for that. Until then Ciao