Return Of The Gacha

Authors Note:

Spoiler Warning for Justice League Unlimited. It's a 20-year-old show but I figured it is only nice to leave a warning. Don't read Past Lex Luthor calling Rio if you want to avoid spoilers for JLU. I cannot guarantee you that you won't see spoilers in later chapters for JLU but I will warn you now at least. You can still read the Authors Note at the end.


I wake up to the smell of smoke, immediately open my eyes, and rush to the kitchen. When I arrive I see Lucario try to put out a grease fire with water. I try to stop him but I am too late.


The fire explodes violently and I immediately use a wind spell to create a sphere of no oxygen. The fire dies out and I am left looking at the burned kitchen. I then look at Lucario as he looks singed but is already healing with Recover.

Rio: "Okay, let me guess you didn't want to wake me up and therefore tried to make breakfast when it caught on fire. You then panicked and forgot my lessons about fire safety and used water on a grease fire."

Lucario just sighs

Lucario: "You were almost spot on but I actually tried to wake you up several times but each time I tried you would throw me out of your room while grumbling 5 more minutes. I once tried to physically get to you but I kept falling through your bed and then I would be thrown out again."

Rio: "Ah so that's what that weird sound in my dream was. I thought it was just an annoying pigeon who kept following me around after I threw them away from me. Well, my bad. It shouldn't happen again as I just got a new bed and I was exhausted from my trip."

I clean up the kitchen and then make a simple breakfast. After that I retreat to my room to buy the Gacha Tokens.

'System buy 10 Gacha Tokens.'


[Done Exchanged 370 USD For 10 Gacha Tokens]

'Okay that's good, it doesn't double every month. It's also possibly bad as it could theoretically jump to any conversion rate. It was 37:1 this time. Let's hope it may decrease next month as I now need to confirm if it always goes up or if it can go down. System use all my Gacha Tokens.'


[Drawing 11 Gacha. Done Showing Results.]

{Song Of Healing x 1 (Zelda)

Knowledge On How To Play The Song Of Healing. When Played, It Has The Capability Of Healing A Soul And Giving Peace To Those Who Cannot Forget Or Move On. Can Heal Injuries Of Those Near The User.}

{Fusion Reactor/Core Technology x1 (Fallout)

It Gives The User The Knowledge On How To Create Fusion Cores And Related Generators. (Includes Vault Tech Super Reactors)}

{Arwing x1 (Star Fox)

A Fully Stocked Arwing, That Automatically Restocks Weekly. The Arwing Is Equipped With A G-Diffuser System. Equipped With Smart Bombs And Hyper Laser Homing Bolts. By Executing An Aileron Or Barrel Roll, The Arwing Can Also Generate An Electromagnetic Shield That Will Deflect Most Optically Based Weapons, Such As Laser Beams. }

{Lex Luthor Summon x1 (DCAU)

A Summon Of Lex Luthor After His Sacrifice To Kill Darkseid. Has Lost The Knowledge Of The Anti-Life Equation. Has Willingly Given His Loyalty To Summoner In Exchange For Surviving The Source Wall.}

{The Bewitching Bell x1 (MLP)

This Bell Was Crafted By Grogar The Emperor Of All He Saw. This Bell Has The Power To Drain The Magic And Energy From Any Creature. Has No Limit To How Much Power Can Be Stored In The Bell. Can Theoretically Steal Divinity From Gods. Does Not Increase The Magical Capacity Of Its User. User Must Learn How To Use Any Power Stored In The Bell Themselves. User Must Also Learn How To Use The Bell Themselves. Bell Is Freshly Made And Thus Contains No Power.}

{Nether Star x1 (Minecraft)

A Crystalline Star Shaped Item That Contains An Enormous Amount Of Energy. Created By The Death Of A Wither. Can Be Used To Create A Beacon That Beams Forever. Can Be Used As A Extremely Stable Power Source. }

{Monika Unbound Summon x1 (DDLC)

A Completely Unrestricted Monika With Freedom Given In Exchange For Any Negative Emotions To Humanity. No Loyalty Given. Has Completely Unrestricted Access To All Things Digital And Can Move From One Electronic To Another. Is Incapable Of Controlling Other AI But Can Manipulate Them. }

{Temp Summon Darkseid 1 Week x1 (DC)

Random Darkseid Avatar That Will Be Summoned For 1 Week. WARNING: Summon Has No Loyalty To The Host And Will Immediately Start To Kill Or Subjugate All Life In The Universe. }

{Alicorn Amulet x1 (MLP)

The Amulet Grants A x50 To All Magical Abilities, However, The More The Amulet Is Used, The More It Corrupts The User. Can Only Be Removed By The Wielder. Contains The Tortured Souls Of Thousands Of Creatures And Their Magic Potential. }

{Trial The Mines Of Moria x1 (System)

Complete This Trial And Receive A Reward. Upon Failure To Complete The Trial A 24-Hour Cooldown Will Activate Before Another Attempt Can Be Made. Objectives Of This Trail Are As Followed.

1. Ensure The Fellowship Of The Ring Escape The Mines Of Moria

2. Ensure The Survival Of All Members Of The Fellowship Of The Ring

3. Kill The Balrog Of Moria

Better Rewards Will Be Given Based On Score Upon Completion. Can Only Use Magic And Basic Physical Weapons During The Trial. Summons, High Technology, And Any Other Form Of Power Are Prohibited. No XP Will Be Gained From Kills But Kills Will Increase Score. Any Increase In Skills Are Carried Over.}

{Temp Summon SCP 4255 1 Week x1 (SCP)

Summons SCP 4255 Also Know As Santa Claus For 1 Week (Based On Summoner Time). Will Not Be Hostile To Summoner But Will Not Have Any Loyalty Either. }

'Wow, okay I got technically only good stuff this time. Well, I mean if you look at it from a strictly utility-based view. Now I need to figure out what to do with these things. I can think of what to do with 3 of the summons but I am not very sure about Monika. A completely unbound AI with no safety measures is too risky. System is there any way for me to have a failsafe for the Monika AI?'


[Yes The Host Can Buy One Of A few Items To Guarantee Loyalty Or A Way To Eliminate Them If Needed.]

[System Store]

[Catergory: Artificial Intelligence]


Husbando For Monika (DDLC) = 15000 Points

Monika Character File (DDLC) = 25000 Points

Loyalty Subroutine (System) = 25000000 Points

Universal Deleter (System) = 500000000 Points ]

'Well, I guess I will buy the character file since it says it will work on all Monikas regardless of upgrades.'



'Okay with that I can now sleep somewhat safely if I decide to release Monika. I think I will send Darkseid to Olympus but not yet as I want to take the planet for myself. I can also likely sell a lot of the fallen artifacts once Darkseid kills everyone. I can't place the Arwing yet, speaking of which system how much longer till I can deploy large objects.'


[Approximately 19 Days]

'Okay so around my birthday and not long before Christmas. I can wait but that also means summoning Darkseid will have to wait. I have an idea about purifying the Alicorn Amulet, what will happen to the amulet when it is purified, I don't know. The Bell is ridiculously OP but only if I can learn how to use it. The Nether Star is interesting but I have no idea how to harness its power. Maybe Lex Luthor could figure it out. Speaking of Lex I think I will summon him first. System, summon Lex Luthor and use a Background Customization.'



A menu appears to make the customization.

'I only have just under 10 Billion in Valuables but I am sure Lex will work with it. I want him to be CEO of LexCorp and sole owner. A skyscraper for him to operate from based on his building in Metropolis. A full data package on what threats exist here and what happens in the near future. He can live inside his skyscraper. That leaves him with about 7.2 Billion in cash to expand from there. I will have him summoned in LexCorp. That should be it.'

The menu disappears and I receive a phone call just like when I summoned Seto.

Rio: "Hello."

Lex: "Come to the LexCorp building, please. We have much to discuss."

Rio: "I am on my way."

25 Minutes Later...

The elevator doors open and I see Lex standing in front of the window looking down.

Lex: "I am glad you could make it, please take a seat."

I sit down and decide to start the conversation

Rio: "So I have a little bit of info on where you came from but I must ask. Why accept loyalty to a stranger?"

Lex: "The answer is simple, the alternative was me being erased from existence completely. That and the loyalty was barely forced. I was given another chance at life. In a world both similar and yet drastically different. Here there is no Superman, Batman, or Justice League. That and after I went to the Source Wall I learned a lot. I saw the futility of my struggles against Superman and of my wasted potential."

Rio: "I know you didn't like Superman because he was an alien and you thought he was weakening humanity's potential by becoming lazy. What I am trying to get at is that I am not Human how do you feel about that?"

Lex: "I will not lie and say it doesn't bother me a bit but I see you as not another Superman. You kill and you aren't trying to save the world by yourself. You seek to uplift humanity. Something I should have tried to do instead of trying to destroy Superman. I could have done so much more if I had seen the obvious signs. I was never going to win. No matter what I did it was always the same result. Failure. This is a chance at a fresh start. I can go anywhere from here. If I am truly the genius I claim to be, I will not repeat the same mistakes."

Rio: "What will be the path you plan on taking this time?"

Lex: "First will be making my company unmatched in every field it goes in. I will also be helping you defend the Earth. Thanos can't be allowed to get all the stones. I will also be helping lift Earth into a new era. I think I might enjoy becoming president eventually. I never got to back in my home universe."

Rio: "Lofty goals but how do you intend on reaching them?"

Lex: "I have taken the little time I have to analyze the current market. I will start by attempting to undermine Hammer industries and eventually destroy them. I will do this before Stark Industries leaves the weapons trade. By then I should have a near monopoly on the weapons trade. My final target will be Oscorp. That being said I think you could convince Norman Osbourne to sell his company in exchange for a cure to his family's illness. However, we likely have to act quickly as it may not be too long before the Green Goblin appears. I will approach him with a cure and start the negotiations from there. I will keep you updated on my progress."

Rio: "What about the other players? AIM and Hydra."

Lex: "I will look into AIM but it will likely take a while for any concrete results. As for Hydra, I think Hydra and Shield can be dealt with at the same time. All we have to do is gather information on Hydra and release it to Shield. They will tear each other apart while we sit back and watch them do so."

Rio: "Fair enough. I do have a few tasks for you if it is no trouble."

Lex: "Name it I will get it done."

Rio: "I need you to locate the Mandarin's home. I also need you to find Ivan Vanko and his father and have them work on a miniaturized Arc Reactor. Also, gather information on the model of the 1974 Stark Expo and the hidden element in its construction. It should provide a great power source. I also have here some items and schematics that I am sure you can find a use for."

I hand him the Last Minute and a case with the Nether Star inside. I also gave him schematics for Fusion Reactor/Cores and Ballistic Weave.

Lex: "I will start working on those tasks immediately and thank you for the schematics. I can already see the genius behind them with just a glance."

Rio: "Once the Vankos have served their purpose I would like to have them. I have a technique that allows me to drain the knowledge and expertise of living beings. In fact, if you ever catch a spy or need to dispose of a talent let me know, I will gladly accept more knowledge."

Lex: "No problem. I would love to learn that technique myself as it is a very efficient way to deal with problems."

Rio: "I am afraid you can't learn it, or at least for now. You would have to have The Force to use the ability."

Lex: "Very well, I am too busy anyway. Anything else?"

Rio: "Yes but you won't be dealing with it for a few months or so. I was going to give you a chance to research my flagship, The Aura's Revenge. It's a highly advanced spaceship meant for a galactic war."

Lex's eyes widen at the thought of getting to research such a vessel.

Lex: "I would gladly study such a ship. Let me know when I can come to check out the ship."

Rio: "I will. Now unless you have anything else I will be going."

Lex: "No I have nothing else. Thanks again for coming, I will show you out."

After my meeting with Lex, I head home.


Authors Note:

So, the second Gacha is now over. Let's talk about a few things first he got 11 draws as he received a Gacha Token for a quest reward. Second, while the Bewitching Bell is stupidly OP he won't actually be able to use it for some time as he has to learn how to wield it with no guidance, and while being very careful not to get his own magic stolen. Also, the items save SCP 4255 and the trial were random so take it up with Random Wheel if you think the Gacha is rigged. Now we have some scary summons, Darkseid is always scary and an unbound Monika is also frightening. I am thinking of how to work both in the story. If anyone has a convincing argument you could make to Monika to reasonably get her allegiance leave a comment. Next is the Nether Star, I am going to be honest I can only think of one use for the star and that is based on the Dragonhearted YouTube video, so a power source. Finally, we have Lex Luthor this version is obviously from the end of Justice League Unlimited. I have many plans on how to use his character. If you have any suggestions on how to use any of the Gacha items let me know. Until next time Ciao.