Summons, Summons Everywhere

I am in a meeting room at LexCorp with everyone to decide where each summon will go.

Lex: "I want Curie and Orochimaru."

Seto: "I want Curie as well her sentience as a robot can be used as a model for my company's future games."

Rio: "Can we all agree Ainsworth and Tails will be sent to our fleet initiative."

Seto: "I can agree to that but I think that their technical expertise should be open for any of us to ask for assistance."

Lex: "I second that, the Galvan specifically would be of great help in several of my projects but I still agree they should prioritize the fleet initiative."

Rio: "Now can we all agree Sebas will be my personal assistant and butler?"

Everyone at the meeting nods their heads in agreement.

Rio: "Good now let's talk about Curie and Orochimaru. I think Orochimaru joining Lex is acceptable. I think Curie should go to Seto for a period of time. I think you receiving the Spartan Program is already a great boon. Do you 2 have any complaints?"

Lex: "I think Curie would be of great use for the Spartan Program but I am okay with the decision as long as I can send data to Curie for analysis."

Seto: "I can accept Lex's request."

Rio: "Perfect now what do we do with the Senators?"

Lex: "I think we fit them in with what they would be anyway. Armstrong can be sent to Colorado and Amidala can be sent to Idaho maybe?"

Seto: "Why Idaho?"

Lex: "She comes from a beautiful planet full of nature and greenery, so any state will do but I am not really set on Idaho. If anything we could go for a more populated state, like California, or a state like New York. I do suggest we don't choose New York. To much action here to guarantee her safety. That and I have gathered information that Hydra spends a lot of money on ensuring control of New York. They won't like obvious thorns in their plans."

Rio: "I like the idea of California we could also consider Washington or Oregon."

Seto: "I think California would give us a large population to work with and while it is not as nice as what I have seen of Naboo, I doubt she will mind too much."

Tex: "Strategically Califonia will give us the most out of the possible states where Senator Amidala would do well based on my records of her past voting behaviors."

Rio: "All in favor of California raise your hands."

All but one person raises their hands.

Rio: "Any reason you and against it Yang?"

Yang: "Not really, I just don't get all this political stuff so I think I shouldn't vote and leave it to you nerdy types."

Rio: "Very well. Next is the Pokemon. We have Milotic and Gardevoir. I also have Renamon I haven't summoned yet."

Everyone looks at Lucario.

Lucario: "What? Why are you all looking at me?"

Rio: "Well, I was thinking that since you are the most senior Pokemon you should be put in charge of all Pokemon. At least at first while they adapt to a non-Pokemon world. I also figured you could be the leader of the Pokemon whenever they need to do a mission or task."

Lucario: "Most senior Pokemon? I am only a few months old!"

Rio: "Yes, but also the only Pokemon. Making you the most senior Pokemon here."

Lucario looks at me like I am an idiot.

Rio: "That and you kind of don't have a job and I think you are mature enough to get a job. We are friends and while as a friend I will always support you, I also have to say that you kind of just sit around most days."

Lucario: "I train a lot. But fine I will try to be the Pokemon leader until a better option is found."

Rio: "Anyone opposed to Lucario taking the role of supervisor of the Pokemon?"

No one opposes so we move on to the next topic.

Rio: "Now for the last summons, any ideas on what to do with them?"

Lex: "I like your plan for the Music Meister, however, we won't be able to do anything with him for at least 2 years so we should table him for now."

Everyone nods their heads.

Rio: "Okay, what about Paathunax? He will want a mountain but I am not sure where we can find a mountain that tourists won't disturb."

Seto: "I know this might sound ridiculous but why not buy a mountain? We could use the mountain for more than the dragon. A station or fortress could be built on it as well."

Everyone thinks about it for a few minutes.

Lex: "While I can see the idea has merits, we don't have the spare capital or manpower to purchase then use a mountain at this time. How urgent is it for you to learn from this dragon?"

Rio: "Hmm, I suppose not an immediate concern but his guidance would allow me to use a power that taps into the fabric of reality. The different powers I will gain will be beneficial but may not be the most useful for now. I just thought of something, we could have him live on Mars. I am pretty sure they don't need to breathe and while the atmosphere is thin I can create a safe location on the planet using magic."

Lex: "I think that would solve most logistical problems as few will be able to see him on Mars and fewer still will be able to get to him. I don't believe most of us will need Paarthunax's advice often and those of us who do can use a computer to ask him questions."

Rio: "Then is everyone in agreement?"

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

Rio: "Now, what about Godzilla?"

Lex: "I suppose we could release him on a Hydra base or maybe Wakanda. Most human cities are not valuable targets. I would only suggest attacking Wakanda after we have Monika steal all their technological progress. As for Hydra bases, most are not that threatening. If we really wanted them destroyed we have a dozen different and better ways than wasting this behemoth on them."

Rio: "I suppose the Wakanda idea is okay but I think maybe we look outside Earth for other targets. We could unleash Godzilla on Sakaar. I imagine the negotiations would go better if the Grandmaster has recently suffered major losses on the planet."

Seto: "Would Godzilla even be able to survive on that planet? With the tech available surely this monster wouldn't be much of a threat to them."

Rio: "Well Tex you have the file of Godzilla and the Sakaar intel, do you think it is feasible?"

Tex: "It could work however it would likely end in Sakaar being turned into a heavily irradiated wasteland. The Aura's Revenge would be enough for negotiations. If that fails assassination is still a choice. Wakanda is a better target. Our droids can operate in the irradiated wasteland that will be left behind allowing us to claim the Vibranium for ourselves."

Rio: "The slaughter of Wakanda is not something I would prefer to do. Also, there are a few people who I would like to either recruit or use. I cannot use dead people for most of what I want. That being said I am not refusing this course of action just that perhaps you and Lex can discuss how best to do something like this."

Tex: "Very well."

Rio: "Lex you are the most knowledgeable on politics so I will have you be the handler for the senators. After I finish the summoning I will be unavailable for 1 month. I will be undergoing specialized training and I am not to be disturbed unless you require my assistance."

Lex: "I shouldn't have to do much with the senators so it should be fine."

With that, the meeting ends and I begin the process of summoning. The summoning details are as follows.

{Padme Amidala

The daughter of a wealthy farmer, the family passed away 2 years ago. Net worth is 4 million. Current job is political activist. Is currently attempting to earn a position on the ballot for the next senatorial election. }

{Steven Armstrong

Son of a war veteran. Armstrong is currently serving in the US Navy as Petty Officer Second Class. Father passed away 1 month ago leaving an inheritance to Armstong. Net worth 1 million. Nanomachines are currently inert and can be activated when needed. Current age 22. }


Adopted son of a wealthy businessman. Father was killed in an accident leaving a small wealth to Orochimaru. Suffers from a rare genetic disorder causing the skin to be pale. Was originally born in Japan. Has dual citizenship with the US and Japan. Considered a genius and has degrees in Biology and Medicine. Net worth is 1.6 million. }

{Sebas Tian

Orphan from the UK. Earned a living and eventually went to school to become a butler. Left to go to New York to find work as a butler. Hired by Rio. Net worth 150k. }

Property is given to all the summons. Now that they are summoned they know to contact Lex for more info, except Sebas who appears next to me.

Sebas: "My lord, it is an honor to be the first to be summoned from Nazarick. I will not let the supreme one down."

Rio: "No need for the title just call me Rio in private or Lord Rio when in public. I will call you Sebas."

Sebas: "I would prefer to not be so forward with you sir but if it is your request I shall call you Rio from now on unless we are in public. Do you need anything else from me?"

Rio: "Yes, I will be starting an intense training from today. I want you to inform me if something requires my attention. Other than that study up on this world and see if you can think of anything we could be doing better. I am not all-knowing like Momonga so I need others to see what I don't. Do you understand?"

Sebas: "Yes sir. I will endeavor to meet your expectations."

Rio: "Oh and before I forget deliver this vial to Orochimaru. He should arrive tomorrow to accept this."

Sebas: "Yes sir."

After that, I summon Mace Windu to begin my training in everything he can teach me.


Authors Note:

So the summons are here, and now we will not see Rio until a time skip to after his training with Mace Windu. I will not be doing Gacha right away instead it will likely be every 3 months. The next chapter may be more summon-focused as Rio will be doing lots of training to get better equipped with all the skills he has and the new powers he will be obtaining. Also, give me suggestions as to what Godzilla should do. Also any suggestions as to who the Potion of Youth should go to? I have 2 people in mind but maybe you guys can think of others. Also, you can send suggestions for what Rio should wish for on the Dragon Balls, know that the wish can't be too OP. Imagine it being like early Shenron in terms of power.