What Does The Summon Say

As Rio is beginning his training far away in a space station a certain fox wakes up.

Tails: "Oh so this is where I was summoned to."

Faraday: "Yes it is quite fascinating to see such a new and novel way to design a space station. I am Faraday and I believe we will be working together from now on."

Tails: "Woah, I have never seen someone like you before. I am Miles Prower but everyone calls me Tails. Nice to meet you Faraday."

Tex: "Good that you have met each other I am Tex, an Ultra Tactical Droid and I am in charge of this space station. I was told to have you work on creating a technology that can rapidly convert scrap into base materials. I was told you are given complete freedom in resources to make it. I have here some datapads with all the technology we have at our disposal and our knowledge of other civilizations' technology as well."

Faraday grabs the datapad and quickly goes through it to see what he has to work with.

Faraday: "I can see a lot of tech I have never seen before but I can get an idea of how it could work. I will need this Philosopher's Stone for my idea to work. I would also request access to the Sub-Energy. I have worked with Sub-Energy in the past and I know how to handle it safely."

Tex: "That can be arranged. Is the Sub-Energy replicable?"

Faraday: "Hmm, yes I can replicate it but with what we have now it will be very difficult and it may result in a less stable version."

Tex: "Then it can wait for later. What about you Technician Tails?"

Tails: "I think I will shadow Faraday here as I am unfamiliar with this tech and will require time to learn the ins and outs of it. I can assure you I can be of help I just need time."

Tex: "Excellent, on those pads is a section called Covenant, read it and understand it as they are the enemy. You will be helping another technician with reverse engineering their technology once you complete this project. Anything else you require?"

Faraday: "No, that's all."

Tex: "Very well good luck. If you require anything else use your datapads to contact me."

With those final words, Tex leaves and Faraday turns to Tails.

Faraday: "I assume this is your first time dealing with this kind of tech."

Tails: "Yeah, this tech is clearly made for a large-scale galactic conflict, not a planet-based tyrant with too much time on their hands. I am a quick learner so I have no doubt I can keep up."

Faraday: "I will try my best to teach you. Just be warned I have never been a teacher. Also, I am nowhere near the smartest of my race so I can make mistakes if you have suggestions tell me. Now let's start making a blueprint of what I have imagined for this super-efficient recycler."

As Tails and Faraday begin discussing ideas on how to make the device work a pale young man is waking up and getting an idea of what his situation is.

Orochimaru POV

'Hmm, so this is my new life? Let's start with some jutsu practice.'

Orochimaru: "Shadow Clone Jutsu"

In a puff 4 more Orochimarus appear.

Orochimaru: "Let's each get an internet-connected device and start researching the current situation."

They all nod and begin their work.

A Few Hours Later...

Puff the clones disappear.

Orochimaru: "Okay, that's a lot to go over but I can understand my situation better. I will be teaching my summoner how to use chakra techniques and doing research. In exchange for that and undying loyalty, I get my dream of immortality with no downside. Kukuku, this is everything I could have hoped for and more. No ninjas after my head, immortality, nearly unlimited funding, and the chance to learn things I never would have had the chance to in my past life. Speaking of immortality I need to pick up the serum tomorrow. I should call Luthor as he will be able to tell me when I start my job."


'Speaking of Luthor.'

Orochimaru: "Hi."

Lex: "Is this Orochimaru?"

Orochimaru: "Yes this is, am I speaking to Luthor?"

Lex: "Yes this is and we are allies you can call me Lex. I have you scheduled to start work tomorrow at the main office at 9 am. Don't be late I have a lot to tell you and I am extremely busy these days."

Orochimaru: "Understood, I will see you tomorrow."

With that the call ends and I am left thinking of when I should grab the serum.

'I can make it from the base to LexCorp in less than 30 minutes if I travel like a normal human. So 8 am should be good enough to get the serum. Now let's go to the nearby forest and practice some jutsus.'

POV Curie

I boot up and scan my surroundings processing the fact that I have been transported to another universe in a very unscientific way. I see a male human watching me and I turn to him to introduce myself.

Curie: "I am the Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer or CVRIE. I have been named Curie by the scientist who programmed me."

Seto: "I am Seto Kaiba and my company will be studying you for insights into AI development. It's nice to meet you and I hope we can work together. Someone else will be asking you for information related to medicine and biology. They have also requested you send all the schematics you have stored in your memory banks."

Curie: "I see it is nice to meet you as well, monsieur. I hope I can be of assistance. What do you need me to do?"

Seto: "I will be testing you and asking you questions. I will also be looking over your code. I won't change anything I just want to see how it works. If you require anything just let me or one of my staff know. If anyone asks you are a prototype droid from the Techno Union on loan to KaibaCorp."

Curie: "Then let us get underway."

POV Padme

I wake up look at my surroundings and remember my story of this life. I also think of the final moments of my last life.

'All I fought for and it turns out I was the fool all along. I have a chance to really make a difference this time. I won't be blind to the corruption or the kind advisors who never wanted to actually help me. If I work hard for my summoner maybe he will summon my children. I never got to be there for them.'

That makes me think of my husband.

'Oh Ani what have you done? We should have left the Republic and the Jedi. Now it's too late. Unless, do I really want to try to work it out with Anakin again. Ugh, I am seriously going to try, aren't I? No, let's forget that for now. What I need to focus on is getting on the ballot for senator. If my memories are correct the elections are this year and I have already been put on a list of possible candidates to be selected for the ballot. I just need to hold a few more rallies and use my experience being a Republic Senator for 6 years as well as my time as Queen.'

I get dressed and start heading to the office to start planning a rally.

POV Armstrong

I look up from my bed to think about how I got here and remember that I was summoned.

'Another chance at life. I even still have my nanomachines. Hmm, I will need to work hard to get the Senator seat again. Luckily I have an extensive support network to help get it done. I also need to separate from the Navy as my contract is just about up. Now let's see what I have to work with here.'

I go through my memories of what my life was and I find it to be a near exact copy of my original life with only slight differences here and there. I also see my current life has set up a job interview with the current senator of Colorado to be his assistant.

'I am pretty sure the current senator is not affiliated with Hydra. I should be cautious just in case. I would hate to lose my current life because Hydra didn't like something I said. I will also have to set up an appointment with Mr. Luthor, so he can get a sample of my nanomachines to try and replicate them. Let's work towards giving people a real chance at free will. I hope the summoner will listen to my counsel but for any of my ideas to succeed I need to get the senate seat.'

POV Paarthunax

I look above, to the stars. Those unrecognizable stars. I think of my very long life and what it has led me to.

Paarthunax: "Aan new Laas. Aan new Strunmah. Nu Zu'u Los Gein Ahrk Fen Saraan Fah Fin Dovakiin Wah Bo Tinvaak Wah Zu'u. Zu'u Hind Gein Bo Wah Tinvaak."

(Translation: A new life. A new mountain. Yet I am lonely and must wait for the Dragonborn to come talk to me. I hope one comes to talk.)

(AN: Poor lonely Paathunax)

I decided to start making my Strunmah more presentable for guests.

'Some words walls should do. Then I need to add some resting points for future dragons.'

POV Lucario

(AN: This whole section will be in Poke Speech so that is why Lucario is not speaking in italicized words.)

I look at the 2 Pokemon and one Digimon in front of me and regret accepting this job.

'Well, I should get this done already.'

Lucario: "Hello I am Lucario. I will be in charge of you for the next period of time while you adjust to this new world."

Renamon: "Why should I listen to you? You are nothing but a young pup."

I growl at that statement. I flare my Aura.

Lucario: "Want to say that again?"

Renamon: "Whatever I will go learn on my own. I don't need help from an overgrown mutt."

With those last words, she jumps and vanishes. I take a deep breath and calm myself while I look at the Pokemon in the room.

Lucario: "Now that the stuck-up bi... I mean Fox is gone we can start on your education. I will first show you to your rooms."

I take them through the base making sure to show them everywhere and to tell them to not go into the training room for now. I also meet Sebas and show him the others.

Lucario: "Okay now any questions?"

Gardevoir: "Yes, where is the master?"

Lucario: "He is in the training room. He is currently doing intensive training and must not be disturbed. If you see him outside the training room feel free to introduce yourself. He is very nice and laid back so he won't mind. If you do talk to him please don't hold him up for too long as he will be busy this month."

Gardevoir: "Okay, What job is going to be expected of me? From what you described there are very few Pokemon, thus I won't be needed for Pokemon battles."

Lucario: "Your job will be confirmed later but currently it would be either a scientist or assistant. Your psychic abilities would be of great use for shipbuilding and moving large objects. Milotic, you will be assigned mostly water-based missions with a focus on spying on Talokan and a possible Atlantis. You will also be given missions to collect scrap and special materials from the seas. Any issues with what I said?"

Milotic: "No problems here. I am glad to be of use to the master."

Lucario: "Ah I should correct that now. Rio doesn't like being called master, we are considered his friends and family and he thinks we shouldn't treat him as a higher authority."

Milotic: "That's weird why would a trainer not want to be called master? Most of the Pokemon I have talked to have said that trainers like being called master."

Lucario: "I don't know. He just doesn't like it. He won't get angry if you call him master, he just might ignore you or call you a name that is something you don't like to be called. He said it is so others can know what it feels like."

Gardevoir: "Calling him by his name is not normal, at least for Pokemon who usually can't communicate with their trainers. Psychic types are different in that regard we can usually understand humans and thus more often call them by a nickname of some kind. I will decide on what to call the trainer once I meet him."

Lucario: "Look, you do you. I am just letting you guys know. If he ends up pranking you guys or calls you an embarrassing name don't come complaining to me. Oh and if what he is doing is truly uncomfortable let him know and he will stop. He cares for us more than the entire human race so don't think he is being cruel."

Gardevoir: "I will keep that in mind."

Milotic: "I will try to not call him master."

Gardevoir: "I do have another question. You said I might be made a scientist, why? I am not knowledgable in the sciences."

Lucario: "From what Rio told me it is based on the fact that psychic types are usually far more intelligent than most beings. You will have to go through some tests before you are even considered for such an important position. Oh and before I forget Rio told me to tell you guys that none of the jobs offered are mandatory, you can say no and either do no work or choose a different job. That is also true for you Milotic, if you don't want to do the job offered just say so and you can do something else."

Gardevoir: "That's really nice of our trainer. I haven't ever heard of a trainer catching a Pokemon only for them to not do anything. Well besides the Pokemon who are neglected, I can tell that this is not that. So I suppose the question I have is why?"

Lucario: "Look I don't really know. If you are so curious ask Rio yourself, and he will answer honestly. I was only given this job because I have been slouching around the base not doing much. I could have said no and he wouldn't have forced me but I didn't want to disappoint him."

Gardevoir: "Fine, I guess I will ask him when I see him."

Lucario: "Oh and if either of you see that stupid fox show her where her room is."


Authors Note:

A chapter showing a bit of all the summons. Faraday is just basically a generic OC Galvan. The wiki had only a few named Galvans so I decided to just make one up. Also as was mentioned in a previous chapter, many summons will be mostly background characters. Also, I am putting Renamon and Lucario as rivals of sorts. This decision is slightly influenced by the Lucario vs Renamon Deathbattle. Does anyone remember that old song that the title of this chapter is referencing? I hope you liked the chapter and until next time Ciao.