Yang The Vampire Slayer

I review the info on the Purple Guy.

'Weird no mention of the bite of 87. Maybe I am thinking of the wrong purple-based person. Ahh, whatever either way they will be dead soon. I can see his schedule is fairly rigid and if I set up on that building I can put a hole through his skull and there will be almost no witnesses.'

I move to the decided roof. I grab my sniper which has already been zeroed from my inventory and get into a prone position.

'Now I wait. If he follows his schedule he will show up in 30 minutes.'

38 Minutes Later...

'He is late and by an unusual amount.'

I grab my Palantir to see where he is and see he is approaching the location he should have been 8 minutes ago. Once he is in sight I see 6 people around him and 3 are female. I feel like I recognize one of them.

'Whatever I am sure all of them will be thankful once I finish here.'

I line up the shot and fire twice in quick succession one to the brain and one to the heart. Before anyone can react I am already out of my position and teleporting to the Astral Realm.


[Powerful Individual Killed + 250 XP]

I am glad to see the message indicating I killed my target successfully. I quickly transition to the base and gather the strike team made to annihilate the vampires.

Rio: "Is everyone ready to slay some Vampires?"

Yang: "Oh yeah it's time to kick some undead rear."

Renamon: "I am capable of taking them all out on my own but I will help."

Ada: "I am ready to eliminate hostiles."

Orochimaru: "Kukuku, I would love to get the corpses for research purposes."

Rio: "I don't see a reason you can't have them. Be warned that they might disintegrate depending on how you kill them. If you want intact bodies go for decapitations or stakes to the heart and don't use fire or holy element attacks."

Yang: "I call dibs on the head vampire."

Rio: "Are you seriously trying to call dibs?"

Yang: "What? I want to have a challenge and Ember Celica haven't got a chance to really test their metal against a tough opponent. I heard Vampires are like evil creatures of darkness and that was what I was trained to kill all my life."

Rio: "Sigh, Fine. But if you are going to die or be seriously injured I will step in. Understood?"

Yang: "You got Boss Man."

'I am already regretting agreeing to this.'

Rio: "Ada, are the other assaultrons ready to fight?"

Ada: "Affirmative."

Rio: "Then let's move out, Me and Yang will strike the main stronghold. Orochimaru will attack the second largest alone and Ada will strike the last stronghold. Any questions?"

After no one says anything I start heading to the main stronghold. Once we arrive I ask Yang how she wants to do this.

Yang: "Duh, we bust down the front door and I start punching. You can just sit back and watch my backside. Don't step in unless I say so. I promise I will tell you if I need help."

Rio: "Fine but you know there are almost 200 Vampires inside right?"

Yang: "Yeah but it's still daytime so most will be not at their best."

Rio: "Your choice I am ready whenever you are."

Yang: "Awesome. Let's do this."

Yang pulls her arm back and blasts the front door off its hinges. As soon as the door hits the floor I sense numerous Vampires rushing to our location. I cloak myself and watch from behind as Yang starts to blast holes through every Vampire that attacks her. After 5 minutes of brawling Yang finishes the low-level Vampires and goes deeper into the stronghold. We stop when we see a group of 6 Vampires, clearly higher level Vampires.

Yang: "That was a good warm-up. Now how about you all entertain me for the next little bit."

Vampire: "Foolish mortal why have you attacked us?"

Yang: "Hunting monsters of darkness is sort of my job. So I decided to kill you all."

After saying that Yang rushes in and takes out one of the Vampires before it has time to react. Yang follows that up by striking 2 more away and dodging the attack from the other 3 Vampires. A shotgun blast to the head of one kills it and a second blast strikes the heart of another, not killing it but incapacitating it for now. One of the Vampires strikes Yang but it doesn't break her Aura and only tosses her back a few meters.

Vampire: "Why didn't my hit touch her?"

The other 2 Vampires that were struck away recover and join the only other standing Vampire. They then all charge Yang together. Yang smiles and sends a blast their way to make them separate allowing her to attack each one individually. In less than a minute the only remaining Vampire is still regenerating from the shotgun blast to the heart. I decide to drain his mind and learn all I need from them.

Rio: "Be careful. An Elder Vampire is here. Also, only 2 more Vampires besides the Elder are left. Both are Higher Vampires and can use special abilities. One with red hair can charm others by eye contact and the other can paralyze you if he gets some of your blood."

Yang: "Got it don't look the ginger in the eyes and don't bleed. What about the Elder?"

Rio: "You won't be fighting him. He is way above your level. He will snap your neck before you even realize he moved from his original position. Elder Vampires are extraordinarily fast and strong. You can also only kill them with holy magic of the 6th tier and above. So no you will not fight him. I will deal with him after you kill the 2 Higher Vampires."

Yang pouts but doesn't argue with me as she knows she can't use holy magic. We enter the next room and Yang immediately dodges an attack from the left that almost hits her. Before anyone can say anything Yang sees a strand of her hair falling to the ground and I start to hear music playing.

{I Burn (feat. Casey Lee Williams & Lamar Hall) Starts Playing}

(Authors Note: You can play the clean version if you want as there are a few swear words in this song.)

'Wait where is that music coming from?'

Yang: "Oh you really shouldn't have done that."

Yang's Aura starts going Super Sayain and she rushes the nearest Vampire. It just so happens to be the red-haired Vampire and she blasts her head with a hit so powerful the head is vaporized and the other Vampire immediately strikes her as she kills the first Vampire. Yang is thrown a dozen meters away and doesn't even land before being attacked again and again by the Vampire. I can see her Aura spiking with every hit. After several hits she blocks a hit and smashes her fist into the Vampires chest and an explosion happens vaporizing the upper half of the Vampire. The blast also goes further until the door the Vampires were guarding and the door is destroyed. Behind the door stands the Elder Vampire without even a scratch after taking that blast.

Elder: "Ah another Vampire hunter. I hope you aren't another one of those Bellmonts. They always bother us when we kill one of their family."

Yang: "We aren't Bellmonts."

Yang knows immediately she can't win and begins to retreat.

Elder: "Running would have been a smart idea before you destroyed my door. Now you not only killed my coven but you also have the audacity to run away from me. There is no escape for you!"

As he runs after Yang I sneak attack him hoping to injure him enough to give me a chance to attack with a high-level holy spell. My hit connects and the Elder's head goes flying but it doesn't kill him only makes him stop.

Elder: "How do I not sense you? Sniff, what even are you? You look like a human but smell almost like a Unicorn."

As the Elder talks and walks over to reattach his head I am gathering the mana for a silent maximized Holy Smite.

'Maximize Holy Smite'

The Elder realizes something is wrong and tries to dodge but fails and is reduced to head with his neck and right arms still attached.

Elder: "AHHHHHH!"

I quickly use a few Holy Lances to reduce him to only a head and I begin to use Force Drain very carefully.

'Remember when a being has far more memories than you, take it very slowly and carefully separate everything from myself.' 

It takes nearly 2 hours of me alternating between using holy magic and Drain Knowledge to gain all I can from the Elder Vampire. After all is said I learn that the Elder was over 2 thousand years old.

'It will take me a week or more to process so much knowledge.'


[Killed Higher Vampire + 500 XP]

[Killed Elder Vampire + 2000 XP]

[Drained Knowledge = + 28 Intelligence]

[Level Up]

[Level: 19]



[Quest Issued Kindred Judgement]

[The Vampire Threat Has Come To The Attention Of The Dragonborn. Resolve The Crisis By Either Exterminating The Vampires Or By Controlling Them.]


+ 25000 XP

Summon Durnehviir (Loyal)

Bend Will Shout Mastery

1 Auriel's Bow

1 Auriel's Shield

1 Blessing Of The Night ]

'Well okay, that is a great quest. It's also a bit difficult to complete. The question is do I purge them or control them? I will have to kill most of them anyway. I will process the memories first then I can decide once I have all the info. Let's grab all the artifacts and bodies and get out of here.'

It takes around 30 minutes to gather everything even remotely valuable from the Vampire's stronghold.

Rio: "Yang let's get out of here."

Yang: "Finally, I desperately need a shower and then I am going to sleep for a whole day."

Rio: "Sniff, whew yeah you reek. I can smell you from way over here. You smell like rotting flesh."

Yang: "You don't have to describe it and you could have said nothing!"

Rio: "I could have but I didn't because I am not carrying you back to base. You also are not getting in the vehicle."

Yang: "Wait what do you mean by that."

Yang looks at me but I am already booking it to the car.

Yang: "Wait don't you leave me here. I do not want to walk home."

Rio: "Whoop Whoop Whoop." (Zoidberg sounds)

I get to the car and store it in my inventory before scuttling away. Yang reaches where I was and is confused.

Yang: "What the? How did he get away so fast?"


Authors Note:

You guys can vote for or against Vampire Extermination in the comments. If you are for Vampire control give me a suggestion of a fictional Vampire that could be summoned. Shalltear Bloodfallen is not allowed for now. She is way too OP. If you have any other comments let me know. Until then Ciao.

Vampire Purge

Vampire Control