Giving A Hand

I arrive at the base and see Orochimaru is already here.

Rio: "When did you get back?"

Orochimaru: "About 20 minutes ago. I was a bit surprised that you weren't the first to return."

Rio: "Our location had an Elder Vampire. I chose to drain his mind of everything he knew."

Orochimaru: "I only had a single Higher Vampire at my base. They were a fairly tricky opponent. They could turn to mist at will. It was thanks to some sealing jutsu I was able to kill them finally. I got quite a few bodies for experiments. Do you have more for me?"

Rio: "Yeah, here."

I place the 180ish Vampire bodies and Orochimaru puts them all in a scroll.

Rio: "If you find anything of value in them let me know. I am curious what you want from them as you already have immortality?"

Orochimaru: "I want to study them to see what makes them work. I already have a few theories but besides that, I might be able to develop a life extension potion or maybe an age-reversal potion."

Rio: "Okay, I know I don't need to tell you this but be careful. In most cases, Vampires are caused by a virus. If you get infected or suspect you are come to me immediately. I have a spell that can cure it if it is in the early stages."

Orochimaru: "I will be careful. On a different note where is Yang?"

Rio: "Ah she got somewhat covered in Vampire entrails and smells really bad. So I have her walking home. I imagine she will be here in 5 minutes or so. Before you say anything she was the one who decided to make shotgun gauntlets and use them against Vampires who are walking corpses."

Orochimaru: "Kukukuku, I imagine she will be quite upset. I suppose I should leave before she arrives and she takes her frustrations out on me."

Rio: "Oh yeah, you got blasted in the face when you first met her right?"

Orochimaru grimaces.

Orochimaru: "Yes, I wasn't expecting an attack and I realize now I was a bit rusty. She hits much harder than her arms would suggest. Despite the lack of Chakra, she isn't too far from Tsunade."

Rio: "Yeah but you have to admit you shouldn't have tried to sneak up behind her. I know that is kind of a habit of yours but it's maybe not the smartest idea to do with your comrades."

Orochimaru: "Cough, yes I think I learned a valuable lesson. Now I need to go deliver these specimens to LexCorp. Have a good night. I assume we will meet tomorrow morning to plan the raid on the Hand."

Rio: "Yes tomorrow at 10 am. You have a good night as well and safe travels."

Not long after Orochimaru left I started to smell rotting flesh. I know who arrives and I retreat to my room and make a barrier to make my room appear invisible. Right as I finish my spell I hear a smash and someone stomping through the base.

Yang: "Rio, I know you are here come out so we can share a nice hug. Don't worry I just want to be friendly, maybe I will let you bathe me."

'I am not dumb enough to fall for that.'

Yang: "Wait where is his door? Seriously Rio did you hide your room from me? I can wait out here all night. I can spread my stench to the whole house."

Renamon: "No you are going to go take a bath as I can't sleep with your smell here."

Lucario: "As much as I am loathed to agree with her, I must concur you reek and we have very sensitive noses. So you are taking a bath even if we all have to work together to bathe you. Isn't that right Milotic?"

Milotic: "Yes."

Gardevoir: "I am with them. Don't make me carry you with my psychokinesis."

Yang: "Ugh, fine. But I will get my revenge on you Rio. I know you can hear me so watch your back."

Yang heads to the bathroom to clean herself.

Lucario: "Do you think we should warn her that starting a prank war with him is a really bad idea?"

Renamon: "Let her figure it out for herself, now if you will excuse me I need to start the emergency ventilation."

Gardevoir: "Yang will probably learn real fast to not fight a prank war with Rio."

Milotic: "Good night everyone."

Everyone: "Good night."

The Next Morning...

I awake and get ready for the meeting in a little bit. As I leave I sense Yang has set up a bucket filled with smelly water above a door she thinks I will walk through. I walk through but use my power to keep it in place as I walk through.

Yang: "Huh, wait why didn't it work?"

Yang walks over to see if anything is wrong. I let go of the bucket as she gets near it. It doesn't get in her hair but her legs and most of her torso is covered in smelly water.

Yang: "Ewwww. Gag. Oh god, this smells worse than I thought."

Yang runs to the bathroom. I laugh a bit at her antics. Lucario just shakes his head in exasperation.

Lucario: "You know she won't give up, right?"

Rio: "Oh you overestimate her. She will try for a month or 2 then give up after nonstop failures. She is stubborn yes, but not stupid."

Lucario: "I hope you are right because I don't want to keep smelling rancid stuff every day for the next eternity."

I make breakfast and then eat it. Afterward, I headed to the planning room. When I arrive I see Orochimaru.

Rio: "I hope you weren't waiting too long."

Orochimaru: "No, I just arrived."

Rio: "Good, now let's begin. I have drafted a plan. I call it the Rocket Plan."

I pull up the plan on the holotable.

Rio: "Now let me explain my idea. The first is to make a fake gang ruling our territory. I have the perfect fictional gang. Now I just need you to use transformation jutsu and many shadow clones. I will also create a lot of disguised shadow clones. The Hand will be gathering around 80% of their members to this building tomorrow. The last 20% will either be off work or ensuring a shipment succeeds as a distraction. Both of us will attack the Hand meeting. I have information saying 3 of the 5 fingers will be there. They are pseudo-immortal so I figured you would like to study them. I will let you have them as long as you perform a little stunt with me. Here is the script."

Orochimaru reads the script and raises an eyebrow at me.

Orochimaru: "Seriously? Why?"

Rio: "Come on, it will be fun. I will also add a spell on the fingers so they can't move without my counterspell."

Orochimaru: "Sigh, Fine."

The Next Day...

POV Madame Gao

I confirmed with security to make sure everyone arrived. After double checking everything is how it should be I head to the main meeting room. Once I sit down everyone else sits down as well. Before I can start speaking the lights go out and music starts playing.

'What this wasn't planned.'

(Play Best Team Rocket Motto Ever! on YouTube to get the full experience)

A spotlight turns on from somewhere and I see 3 individuals standing in the spotlight. 1 is male another is female and the last is some sort of cat.

Female Voice: "Prepare For Trouble!"

Male Voice: "Make It Double!"

Female Voice: "To Protect The World From Devastation!"

Male Voice: "To Unite All Peoples Within Our Nation!"

Female Voice: "To Denounce The Evils Of Truth And Love!"

Male Voice: "To Extend Our Reach To The Stars Above!"

Female Voice: "Jessie!"

Male Voice: "James!"

Jessie: "Team Rocket Takes Off At The Speed Of Light!"

James: "Surrender Now, Or Prepare To Fight!"

Meowth: "Meowth That's Right!"

Madame Gao: "Who the Hell are you people?"

James: "We're Team Rocket and we're here to steal everything you own. Now cooperate and hand over everything you have and no one gets hurt."

The Hand members laugh.

Madame Gao: "Oh really just you 3 versus all of us. You must be delusional if you think you will make it out of here alive let alone with our valuables."

James: "Not just us."

James snaps his fingers and the doors are thrown open and Team Rocket grunts with guns start to open fire. Gunshots can be heard throughout the whole building. Gao and the other fingers escape the chaos. While the grunts open fire Jessie, James, and Meowth slip away to chase the fingers.

POV James

James: "I told you this plan was good. They were so distracted with us that they didn't sense the attack. Now let's nab those fingers before they escape."

Jessie: "I still don't like wearing this skirt. It's too short."

Meowth: "Can it you two. We got a job to do."

They quickly ran towards where the fingers managed to escape the meeting room.

James: "Okay let me knock them out real quick. And done. Now I will apply the binding spell. Now you can take them. We better hurry the police are on their way and only a few members of the Hand are still alive in the building."

Jessie: "I got them. I assume you will lead our group out of here."

James: "No problem, we will meet at the rendezvous point."

With that Jessie leaves and I start gathering the members and we head for a false escape route in the sewers.

Meowth: "I hate getting my fur wet."

I look at Meowth with a blank face.

James: "Whatever. All of you move it."

As soon as the Team Rocket members make it a mile or two they explode into smoke. I on the other hand keep going with Meowth.

James: "You know you could dispel now."

Meowth: "Oh whoops I got so into my role I forgot I was just a clone."

Meowth dispels into smoke and I teleport to the Astral Realm where I remove my disguise and return to my normal looks. I quickly check the XP from the kills.


[Enemies Killed + 950 XP]

Rio: "Mission Complete." (StarFox Meme)

I clean myself up and then teleport to the base.

As Rio leaves a dark smoke appears and from the smoke, a blue cat-like eye manifests and looks around.


Authors Note:

In loving memory of Rachael Lillis the voice actor of Jessie and Misty from the Pokemon anime. That show was a great part of my childhood and I got inspired to use it in the story. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have a nice day. Until next time Ciao.