Letting The Hate Flow Through You

I enter the base to see Sebas cleaning my room.

Sebas: "Hello Rio. I hope your expedition went well."

Rio: "Yes, it went flawlessly. Now we just wait and see the results. On another matter how goes Gardevoirs training?"

Sebas: "She has done flawlessly so far. If she continues as she is I can see her being ready in a week. I was told to let you know that the Mansion is ready to be moved into. What day should I schedule our move-in?"

Rio: "How about the 12th? I think I am mostly open that day. I only need to be ready in the afternoon for movie night. Which you are coming to. You missed the last 2 and you will not miss this coming one."

Sebas: "I shall set everything up. I also assure you I will be there for the movie night."

Rio: "Good now I believe I need to get ready for a meeting in 30 minutes with, General Ross if I am not mistaken."

Sebas: "You are correct Rio."

30 Minutes Later...

Rio: "Good afternoon gentlemen. I am eager to hear what you have to say today."

Ross: "I am here to negotiate a contract. Here are the terms."

I read them and I am somewhat disappointed with the offer. I place it down and look at Ross.

Rio: "This is an interesting offer. 20 Billion for a new combat robot. While I am willing to accept the money I cannot accept the exclusivity agreement. Before you start threatening me you should know I have been offered similar deals from several countries. One offered nearly 3 times your offer with an exclusivity contract. Another offered 15 Billion and requires no exclusivity agreement. So I am going to be blunt and say your offer is nowhere near good enough for me to accept and if I cannot do my business in this country then every country in the world would pay anything for me to move there."

Ross frowns deeply and I can feel his anger and hatred surging at my statements.

Ross: "You are an American citizen. Shouldn't you want to save your fellow countrymen from dying in the war?"

Rio: "The US needs me more than I need them. As for the countrymen dying, that is not my problem that is the government's problem for going to war for no strategic reason other than because they could. My tech can be theoretically deployed to foreign theaters but I am not willing to sign an exclusivity agreement. Those are my terms. If you have to talk to someone I will give you the rest of the hour to do so otherwise I will ask you to leave."

Ross is practically seething in rage and I can tell he is so very close to attacking me. If he does he will be stunned before he can even stand up.

Ross: "I will go make a call. I will be back."

As Ross leaves I think of who I should sell the theoretical war droids to.

'Russia is the most likely since they are giving me money for only my products no other strings. I wonder if they found the man I wanted to see.'


'Well, what do you know I ask and I receive. Perfect they found him. Now tomorrow I can go meet him.'

Ross enters the room again with slightly less rage.

Ross: "Here are the updated terms."

I read them and see that the terms changed but in exchange for the exclusivity agreement, they are only offering 12 Billion.

Rio: "Hmm I can sign this but don't expect any results for likely around 2 years."

I worry for a second as Ross seems on the verge of having an aneurysm.

Ross: "Can you explain why it would take so long to make a simple modification?"

Rio: "Well the modification might seem small to you but I will likely have to rebuild the entire chassis and rework the programming. Moreover, currently, my company is working tirelessly to get the new Excavator robots operational as they are estimated to make my company billions of dollars. We are close to launching them and many other companies and countries have preordered them. Beyond that I have other contractual obligations to others I must fulfill first. My company is private so I don't have stockholders to please but I do have to ensure my company stays afloat. After all, you will never get the war droids if my company goes bankrupt."

Ross surprisingly seems to calm down a bit after thinking about what I said.

Ross: "I can see where you are coming from but the government would require at least a prototype before 2008 if you sign this contract."

Rio: "I can guarantee I can get a working prototype by the beginning of 2008. Do you have any other issues or should I send this to legal so it can be signed soon?"

Ross: "I have nothing else. Thank you for your time. Have a nice day."

Rio: "You as well."

After Ross leaves I settle everything at the company then go home to settle in for the night so I can get up early the next day to meet the person I was looking for.

The Next Day...

I arrive at a seemingly unimpressive house in Russia. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

(Everything past here is spoken in Russian)

???: "Hello, who are you?"

Rio: "I am Rio and I am looking for Viktor Reznov."

???: "You have the wrong home please leave."

Rio: "Before I go I want to say that Dragovich lives."

Reznov: "What? Get in here now."

I come inside and I am led to a simple living room. Reznov pulls a gun on me.

Reznov: "Who are you and who sent you?"

Rio: "As I said earlier, I am Rio and I was sent by no one. I am here to talk to you and give you an offer."

Reznov: "What is this offer?"

Rio: "I can give you back your youth and a chance to kill Dragovich with your own hands. In exchange I want you to overthrow the Russian government and install Anastasia Romanov as the Empress of Russia."

Reznov is so astonished by my offer that he drops his gun.

Reznov: "What? Are you insane or stupid? How can I trust anything you said?"

I use a magic spell and grow wings to sell my point of trustworthiness.

Reznov: "Dear god. Are you an Angel? Can you really give me back my youth?"

Rio: "No I am not an Angel but I can give you your youth back and potentially immortality if you want it. If you do really well I can resurrect Dimitri Petrenko. All of this can be yours if you give me your eternal loyalty. Unlike Stalin, I won't abandon you and if you request it prior I will resurrect you if you die."

I summon a basic magic contract with everything I have offered so far with the penalties of breach being death for me and his soul for him. Reznov reads it and thinks about it before signing it.

Rio: "With that, the deal is made. Here is the Potion of Youth Drink it and you will return to 20 years old. I will have your records show that after you attempted to escape Vorkuta you were captured and used as an experimental test subject which led to your reversed age. Anastasia will have the story that she was kept in cryostasis after being captured by the Soviets later in her life. Dragovich will be delivered to you tomorrow, as will Anastasia. Any questions?"

Reznov: "Yes how exactly do you want me to overthrow the government? Further, how do I convince the people to return to the Empire of old?"

Rio: "You will have a lot of resources given to you and a file on the corruption in Russia. Also, their contact with Hydra which you can spin as a fascist group. I believe in your abilities to galvanize the Russian people. Many want change or for the Motherland to return to the glory days before the Communists. People rarely realize the past sucks and instead, look back with rose-tinted glasses. Right now Russia is rotting from inside and a war hero like yourself will make many listen to you. Oh and wear this amulet at all times it will make you more charismatic and it creates a magic shield that recharges over time."

Reznov: "I knew Russia was corrupt but I never imagined they would team up with the Nazis after what they did to us. I won't fail again, I will restore the Motherland to its former glory."

Rio: "Now once you start to settle yourself reach out to the Techno Union and purchase a large amount of Sentinels. They will protect you and will never betray you."

Reznov: "Understood. I only have one last question. What are you?"

Rio: "I am an Alicorn. An immortal race that has the ability to move the heavens themselves."

Reznov: "Good to know I didn't make a deal with the Devil."

Rio: "You couldn't even if you wanted to. I had Hell destroyed and all the Demons and devils killed."

Reznov: "Gulp. I see. I have no further questions."

Rio: "Good then I will see you whenever I see you next. Enjoy your new life and have a wonderful day."

I teleport in a flashy way to further sell my mystical nature and appear in the Astral Realm. I quickly exited and headed to the base. Once I get there I see Yang setting up a prank outside my door and decide to mess with her. I transform into a certain Wabbit and walk up to her.

Rio: "Eh, what's up doc."

Yang: "AHH! Who are you and where did you come from?"

Rio: "There's no need to panic I am just on a friendly stroll. I saw you and thought I would ask what's up."

Yang: "Are you a Pokemon or something?"

Rio: "What's a Pokey-Man?"

Yang: "Well it's a... Uh, I guess I don't really know. A Pokemon is a Pokemon. You know a Pokemon."

Rio: "Well I am no Pokey-Man but I sure look like a normal rabbit to me."

Yang: "I am pretty sure Rabbits don't look like you."

Rio: "Well I guess we will disagree to agree."

Yang: "Yeah I... Wait I think it's supposed to be agree to disagree."

Yang turns back to me but I am not there making her look around to find me. She sees me as I am opening a door that wasn't there before and walking in.

Yang: "Wait where are you going?"

Yang runs over to the door and opens it to see nothing but a wall.

Yang: "What the heck?"

Yang looks all around the door but can't figure out where I went. Meanwhile, I am standing behind her.

Rio: "Hey, you aren't using it right. You got to open it like this."

I walk past her and open the door and inside is a small room. I then close it.

Rio: "See like that."

Yang: "Thanks. Wait a minute how are you out here? I just saw you enter that door?"

As Yang quickly looks back I am gone again.

Yang: "HUH? How is he doing that?"

Yang hears the door open and she quickly turns back to see the door closing. She quickly opens it and tries to rush in only to smack her face into the wall.

Yang: "Ouch my nose."

Yang's nose bleeds a bit. I appear next to her and hand her a handkerchief.

Rio: "Here you go."

Yang: "Thanks."

Yang quickly realizes who gave her the handkerchief and goes to grab me but I am already not there.

Yang: "Okay this is officially getting old. Get out here you stupid rabbit! Or else I will be having rabbit stew tonight."

I open the door look right at her and blow raspberries at her and then slam the door shut. Yang rushes to the door and decides to grab the nearby tools to nail the door shut.

Yang: "That will teach that dumb rabbit. I need a drink."

As Yang leaves to get a drink I immediately open the door and mock her.

Rio: "That will hold that stupid rabbit. Hehehe."

I quickly vanish as Yang hears me and rushes back. She sees the door has disappeared and sees a note on the wall mocking her words with the signature of Bugs Bunny. Yang yells.

Yang: "Curse you Bugs Bunny. I will have my revenge."

I decide to appear behind her in my human form.

Rio: "Eh what's up with the screaming? You see a ghost."

Yang: "No I just saw a really annoying rabbit."

Rio: "Sure you did. If you got scared by a spider or bug you can just say so I won't judge."

Yang: "No, I swear I saw a rabbit. He was walking through a door on the wall and he could talk. He gave me a handkerchief. See."

Yang goes to show me the handkerchief only to see it's not there.

Rio: "Oh okay. Yeah, I totally see what you mean."

I slowly start to back away from her like I think she is crazy.

Rio: "I am just going to go now. As I have stuff to do. Yeah, stuff."

I quickly make a run for it.

Yang: "I am not crazy! I know what I saw. I will prove to you that there is a rabbit in this base."

I get to my room and burst into laughter.

'Ah, that was fun. I always wanted to do a Looney Toons bit. I suppose that's another thing off the bucket list. Time to go to bed.'


Authors Note:

So just so everyone knows this story will only have pieces of the COD games. I will probably only use stuff up to the second COD Black Ops. As for why Reznov lives well there is a fairly strong theory that he escaped Vorkuta after all. As for why the Russian Empire, well it fits best with the Crystal Imperium and I can use the chaos of a civil war in Russia for the story. As for where Anastasia is coming from, she will be a purchased summon from the movie Anastasia. If you have any other questions let me know. Until next time Ciao.