Space Adventure

A couple of weeks after the elimination of the Hand and the Draining of the Elder Vampire, I was heading to Knowhere under disguise. The plan was simple I had a forged identity that would get me a meeting with the Collector. My fake identity was Han Solo.

Carina: "The Collector will see you now."

I get up and follow her to the Collector. I had to disarm before coming in here but that didn't matter.

Collector: "Ah you must be Han Solo. I heard you have a very special cargo you wanted to sell to me."

Han: "Yeah here it is."

I place the case on the table and open it to show 6 Dragon Balls.

Collector: "Ah, these must be the Dragon Balls you told me about. You said that all 7 are required to grant any wish but only 6 are here. Why is that?"

Han: "I have collected these over the years and I haven't found the last one. I am in a spot of trouble with a cartel so I need the money to pay my debt off."

Collector: "Hmm, I have never heard of these before. How can I be certain you are telling me the truth?"

Han: "I guess you can't but even if I was lying you could hunt me down later. If that isn't good enough you could also go by the fact that they are radiating energy and that they at least look nice."

Collector: "Where did you say these originated from again?"

Han: "Namek the homeworld of the Namekians. Though that's where they were first created. The planet was destroyed a long time ago and these have been lost across the universe. Every time someone gathers them and makes a wish they separate themselves across the universe once more."

Collector: "I am willing to buy them because while I cannot guarantee the authenticity of your story I haven't detected a single lie from you since you got here. This is the price I am thinking of."

I look at the price and see it is technically fairly low for what the Dragon Balls are said to be able to do. Though I imagine this is a bit of a test.

Han: "Surely a higher price can be offered. These can grant any wish and I have spent years gathering these."

The Collector seems to think for a minute about what I said.

Collector: "You make a fair point. This is the most I can offer. If that is not good enough then you can try finding someone else to buy these. I do imagine you would struggle to find a better price anywhere else."

Han: "Sigh, okay. I accept your offer."

The transfer is made which is the exact moment I was waiting for. As soon as the transfer is finished I grab a blaster from my inventory and knock out the Collector with several stun rounds. He doesn't even have time to be shocked before he is knocked out.

Carina: "What did you do?"

Han: "Now before you activate those security drones I suggest you think for a minute. I am going to steal everything in here and I will also set everyone free. You can resist and die with him or leave the area and happen to not be present when the Collector is killed. Your choice but you better make it quick."

Carina: "I don't know what you are talking about I am not here right now. I was in my quarters at this time."

As Carina walks away I begin using Drain Knowledge on the Collector. I can immediately tell I won't be able to use Drain Knowledge for several months. After I am done with the Collector I find he is in a coma instead of dying. I start to identify everything in the Museum and release all the living beings. After I confirm everyone is gone I start selling everything but 1 item.

[Name: Key Of Horus

Created By Horus To Be Used To Enter The Egyptian Divine Realm. Must Be Used On The Ankh Door. ]

'I will need to check where this leads. If possible I might need to clear it out but I don't think that will be the case. The Ancient Egyptian religion died many centuries ago and I have never heard of any Egyptian Gods doing anything recently. I guess there is only one way to find out.'

In total, I walk away with 18 Million system points and many Millions of Credits. I also have the potential to get a Trillion more from the Collector's bank accounts. It will take a bit of time to sort through the many thousands of years of memories.

'Oh yeah before I forget'

I grab the Collector and take his brain-dead body with me so Orochimaru has an experimental subject. I double-check and make sure everything is good. I then hop into my captured pirate ship and make my way out of the system.


After a long session of tearing apart the Covenant ship and analysis, I sit down in the break room. I look to the other members here.

Lex: "So what was Galvan Prime like growing up?"

Faraday smiles like he is reminiscing about something.

Faraday: "It was peaceful. Galvans are a very peaceful race and we prefer to learn and talk than to fight. I had a pretty great upbringing, Galvans are schooled for many years so that we can become future scientists or plumbers. I lived a fairly normal life for a Galvan. From what I gathered Galvans live our lives not all that dissimilar to Humans or really any sentient race in the universe. We play while young, get a job when we grow up, and try to pursue our passions."

Lex: "What was your passion and did you get to experience it before coming here?"

Faraday: "I wanted to be a scientist my whole life but I was rarely given much of a chance to show off my talents. I was not at the top of my class and unlike other Galvans I like weapons and war machines and how to make new ones. The higher-ups never liked my ideas. I made numerous inventions but most were never used. The argument was often the same. The current model works fine or your creation is too violent. Before I came here I only had a single invention accepted and it was one of my non-military ones. After a while, I think I just gave up. I got a different job as a repair worker and was killed before I came here."

Lex: "Ah you died before coming here as well?"

Faraday: "I am pretty sure I did. I went to bed and suddenly I was here and during my sleep, I have vague memories of pain and then silence. I have gone through the different scenarios and murder or accident is the most likely."

Lex: "I thought you said Galvans are very peaceful. Why would you think murder is possible?"

Faraday: "I can't say for certain it would have been a Galvan. I was at my home on Galvan Prime when I died. I had nothing in my house that could have killed me and something outlandish like a meteorite is basically impossible to be responsible for. Thus the most likely is either murder or some sort of freak accident that can't be accounted for. Whatever the case I don't care too much as I am doing my dream job now. I have a passion for this kind of work so if I was murdered I don't think I would even be angry at them. I might even thank them."

Lex: "Interesting point of view. What about you Tails what was your life like?"

Tails: "I spent most of my life working with my best friend Sonic. We had many adventures. I was bullied as a kid for having 2 tails. Early on in my life I lost my parents and was sent to an orphanage. While the first few years were tough it all changed when I met Sonic. I admired him for his positive attitude in even the toughest situations. He was the one who taught me I could use my tails to make me go fast and even fly."

Lex: "He sounds nice. If it's not a sore subject you mind telling how you ended up accepting this summons."

Tails frowns but speaks anyway.

Tails: "I died. It was a mission where Sonic and I had to stop some crazy lady who had got some McGuffin and had ultimate power. I had made a device that would drain her power and thus defeat her. Unfortunately, the device got damaged and couldn't be remotely activated. I planted the device and then activated it but I didn't expect that the device couldn't contain the power safely and it blew up. I tried to outrun the blast but I didn't make it. I was so embarrassed when I realized I got killed by my own invention that I didn't even read the summoning contract and just accepted it. I don't regret being summoned since I can still do my work but I wonder what could have been in the afterlife. I have redesigned my last invention trying to fix my last mistake I don't plan to use it but I figure I want to prove I could have suceeded safely."

Lex: "I can somewhat relate. One of my last creations almost saw the enslavement of all sentient life in the universe. I fixed the problem mind you but it cost me my life and would have resulted in my complete annihilation. No soul, no resurrection, nothing I would have been erased in every way but memory."

Faraday: "I have done some research on the other summons and usually our situations are the norm. Most of the stories I have been told or read all came from individuals who died. The only sort of exception I have found so far is the AI Monika. But I understand she has died many times before. I find it to be interesting how that happens."

Lex: "I am not sure we will ever get a true answer to how the summoning works. I asked Rio before and he told me that the summons he has got so far have been random. I think he said he was going to buy a summon. I think it was some old monarch or something."

Faraday: "Hmm, maybe with a non-random summon we will see a difference. I will ask Rio when I get the time."

Lex: "Oh have you talked to him before?"

Faraday: "Yes, we had a very long chat on the device I found and also on technology in general. He wanted to mimic Galvan technology as it was in perfect harmony with nature. I believe the device I found should be delivered today or tomorrow at the latest."

Lex: "I was wanting to ask about the device you 2 found. What did you learn about it?"

Faraday: "Unfortunately not much. We could tell it was a computer or archiving tech but it was in a language that all my inventions and my brain couldn't decipher. I also couldn't hack into it. Whatever made it was a very advanced civilization. I think even Azmuth couldn't crack it. Oh, you 2 probably don't know who that is. He is known as the First Thinker and is the most brilliant of the Galvan race. He is well-regarded as the smartest being in five galaxies. His inventions were something truly special. The most famous is the Omnitrix. a device that allowed anyone to transform into any species that had a DNA sample scanned in it. If the self-destruct was activated it could destroy the entire universe."

I am nearly shocked out of my chair by such a statement.

Lex: "Why would he create such a deadly self-destruct? It seems completely unnecessary. I thought Galvans are supposed to be peaceful?"

Faraday: "I don't know why he made it so powerful but I do know several of his inventions were a bit too dangerous or short-sighted. Most Galvans wouldn't say anything about these possible problems as he would rarely listen to others. But despite his shortcomings, he was still an unmatched genius."

A ship alert goes off telling us that the tests we had running are done.

Lex: "Ah, looks like it is time to head back to work. I think if this test is successful we will have working miniaturized shield generators."

Tails: "Let's hope so as I don't want to have to refigure the energy supply formula. I also don't want to get electrocuted by another prototype."

Lex: "Well it is my turn to be a test subject anyway."