Cancelling No More Mutants

After I drop off the Collector with Orochimaru I check in with Tex about the Hand.

Tex: "We have captured a finger and have taken over 90% of the Hand's assets. The total value we have gained from them so far is 7.8 Billion USD. We also have obtained a few samples of Dragon Bones. Said samples are with Orochimaru."

Rio: "What about the last finger, where are they?"

Tex: "We lost track of him in Northern China. He seems to have fled there after learning that the Mandarin is dead. The finger only managed to take a dozen guards and a small amount of wealth."

Rio: "Unfortunate that they have escaped but just keep an eye out for them. If you find them I am authorizing you to eliminate them first and obtain the body afterwards."

Tex: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Has the removal of the Hand caused any movements in Japan?"

Tex: "Yes, Japan's underworld has been greatly diminished and the entire country is in chaos as many officials are being removed from their positions as we revealed their corruption. We have used this opportunity to expand our control of the country vastly. Most of the people we have put into the positions are loyal to us as long as we continue to benefit them."

Rio: "Excellent. Now are we ready to move on priority targets 5 and 6?"

Tex: "Yes, our forces are ready to begin an attack once you arrive to lead them."

Rio: "Then I will be heading over there now."

Before I teleport over to Sokovia I use the Talisman to look like Sephiroth. Once I arrive I quickly make many shadow clones and set up the plan.

Rio: "Begin the attack in 15 minutes."

I use Perfect Unknowable and fly into the base. It takes about 12 minutes to arrive at the holding cell of my targets. Once I arrive I use the Force to quickly snap the necks of priority targets 5 and 6 also known as Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. I then vaporize the bodies to leave no chance. I wait for the system to confirm the kills before I speak into my comms.


[Powerful Targets Killed +3600 XP]

Rio: "Targets eliminated."

I move on to my next targets which are Baron Strucker and the storage facility here. I cut down everything and everyone in my way as I ran to his position. I hear a boom signifying that the attack has begun.

POV Strucker


Strucker: "What is happening?"

Soldier 1: "We are being attacked."

Strucker: "By who?"

Soldier 1: "We aren't certain but here is what the cameras have caught."

I look at the footage and I am baffled by what I see. A large group of identical people in a strange combat suit with neon teal hair in a bowl cut. They have a yellow G with black outlines on their chests.

[Image Here]

Strucker: "Who the Hell are these weirdos?"

Soldier 1: "We have no idea, sir."

Strucker: "Divert everyone we can to stop the attackers."

Soldier 2: "Sir, we have an intruder! They went to the containment cell and killed all the subjects there! They now seem to be coming this way!"

Strucker: "What! How? Nevermind activate every defense we have and kill them before they reach here."

I quickly look at the footage of the intruder and see a man with silver hair and a single black wing. I am stunned by the power of the one-winged angel as he cuts through everything in his way. I quickly realize we won't be able to stop him.

Strucker: "I am evacuating hold the intruder off as long as you can. Hail Hydra."

Soldiers: "Hail Hydra."


I sense Strucker moving from his original position and I begin to take a route to intercept him. I have to quickly jump back as the corridor in front of me explodes and collapses.

'Well crap, I guess I will have to go through the control room anyway.'

Rio: "M, I need you to run interference on the control room and make sure they don't blow up the base with us in it."

Monika: "Got it."

I quickly make my way to the control room cutting down walls, doors, turrets, and people who get in the way with my fake Masamune. Once I approach the control room I use the Force to kill everyone inside. Once inside I quickly plug in a USB to give Monika greater access to the facility. Then I run down the escape tunnel to catch Strucker. I arrive right as his jet is powering on. I use the Force to knock everyone inside the jet out. Then I shut off the jet and killed everyone but Strucker.

Rio: "Target captured. What is the status of the attack?"

Tex: "With M taking over the defenses we have quickly eliminated most of the base personnel. A few holdouts remain in a section of the facility that had no automatic defenses built."

Rio: "Good, capture any scientists you can and kill the rest. I will be moving to my last objective. Once all hostiles are dealt with begin scrapping procedures and once done blow up the base."

Tex: "Yes sir."

I head to the nearest clone to deliver Strucker.

Clone: "I can take him from here."

Rio: "Thanks, oh before I forget let me remove his suicide pills and devices. There he is all yours."

After the clone leaves I start to run to the storage facility. Once there I start to sell everything save a few items. One I found to be quite interesting.

[Name: Eye of True North

The Eye of True North guides the user to anyone or anywhere they desire. ]

'I will keep this until I can do the same with a spell. This should help me find the Ankh Door.'

After I finished selling everything I gained 289k points. I move to leave the base as all my clones start to take everything of slight value from the base.

1 Hour Later...

Rio: "Is that the last of the valuables?"

Tex: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Even the corpses?"

Tex: "Yes sir."

Rio: "Well then set off the fireworks."

With my orders, the base is set off and an explosion goes off and the entire area is turned into a crator. I am shocked by the size of the blast.

Rio: "How much explosives did they rig to the base?"

Tex: "Several low-yield nuclear warheads."

Rio: "What!? They are a bunch of lunatics. I'm glad that I am not their ally."

Before I leave I check how much XP I got from all the kills.

[ + 6700 XP ]

[Level Up x5 ]

[Level: 24]


'I think I got 20 XP per soldier so I killed 335 via myself and clones. Much more than I usually get but I suppose this is the first time I have used so many clones. Time to head home before all the clones dispel.'

I leave to my manor and collapse into my bed as the exhaustion from the several hundred clones is dispelled. I immediately fell asleep not seeing that I had a visitor in my room who didn't leave as I fell asleep instead just watched me.


I read the report of a missing spider from one of the labs and I think of the warning Rio gave to me about them.

'I suppose this means Spiderman will debut soon. That also means many villains will start appearing as well. Hmm, how can I use this to my advantage?'

I thought for a while about what I could use it for and concluded that I would ignore it for now as I have little to gain from interfering. That and I lacked the funds to spare for any meaningful investment. I then turn to the most recent report from Dr. Curt Conners.

'Some promising results. I wonder if Orochimaru wants to join the project. I will ask him later. Now let's look at the Diluted Stimpak sales. Hmm, they are performing how I expected. The Improved and Super versions are selling slightly under what I expected.'


Authors Note:

The Stimpaks are being sold as the Diluted version which is called the standard or normal Stimpak in the story. They then have the normal version which is called the Improved version. Lastly, the Super Stimpak is still called the Super Stimpak.


I check to see if there are any reports of people managing to reverse engineer the Stimpak and see that many have tried all have failed. I decide to use the connections in Japan to quickly spread into their market. Then I move on to the project of the Vankos. I am fairly disappointed by what I see.

'I think they will never complete the project at this rate. All the prototypes they built so far are too slow and clunky. I can't wait to get rid of those 2.'

I move on from the disappointment to the promising project that Dr. Otto Octavius is in charge of. Now that Fusion power was invented by me he is now wanting to improve the tech even further.

'Maybe I should ask the others if we can add him to the new reactor project. His mind is more than good enough to work on energy-based projects. The only problem is loyalty but I can look into getting his complete loyalty.'

I received a message that the Sokovian base was destroyed and that all objectives were completed. I started to look over the schematics and research data that was sent over.

'The research is similar to my Superman cloning project. They clearly were far from succeeding but still, they tried some things I never tried. Hmm, this Weapons X program is interesting. I will need to find this Stryker and this Logan Howlett. I suppose that is all for later.'


Authors Note:

So I hinted in a comment that Wanda was on a kill list and well I imagine some of you would be upset over this but I figured Rio wouldn't let a speedster live and if the speedster is killed then Wanda needs to go as well. I also wanted to introduce Spiderman as I alluded to like 20 chapters ago. Besides that, we also see that the Wolverine is in this story and most likely no other mutants.