Moive Night

Authors Note:

Two chapters today because I alluded to a movie night a few chapters ago. I will not be playing the movie scene by scene but I will have characters comment from time to time.


I was sitting in the living room in my mansion getting the snacks all settled for movie night when Sebas entered the room.

Rio: "I am glad you could make it."

Sebas: "I wouldn't miss this for the for the world sir. The last one I went to was very enjoyable."

I waited a bit longer for everyone else to join. The people who could make it were Lex, Seto, Sebas, Yang, Lucario, Gardevoir, Tails, Orochimaru, Mal0, Milotic, Monika, and Cuire. Faraday, Tex, and Renamon were busy. Paarthunax was just too big and he was busy taking a nap.

Rio: "Now that everyone is here whose turn is it to choose a movie?"

Lucario: "I think it is Sebas's turn."

We all look at him and Sebas seems surprised but moves to the movie library to choose one. It takes him several minutes but he eventually chooses one. The one he chose is one I actually quite like.

Sebas: "I think this Incredibles movie sounds interesting."

Rio: "Then let's start it. Oh before we start has everyone taken care of their business?"

Everyone: "Yes."

Rio: "Good then let's begin."

Cuire: "Oh the poor kitty. Stuck in a tree must be so scary."

Rio: "It reminds me of the time Lucario got stuck on the top shelf in the kitchen and couldn't get down."

Everyone but Lucario laughs at that thought. Lucario is blushing and trying to hide his head.

Lucario: "Rio stop embarrassing me."

Yang: "Oooh, that had to hurt. I am not sure if even my semblance would make me not feel like crap after that crash."

Lex: "Those old cars wouldn't protect those criminals at all when they crashed if they hit a tree at that speed. I would be surprised if they weren't in intensive care for a month after that crash."

Seto: "Maybe with superheroes around the safety technology in cars also improved more than our universes."

Yang: "Hoh boy that Elastic Girl has some moves. I love how you can see Mr. Incredible break for a few seconds as he realizes what she implied."

Tails: "Woah that was an impressive save the calculations he must have done on such short notice to intercept the man who jumped would need to be exact or the man wouldn't be saved."

I just laugh at that.

Tails: "What?"

Rio: "Nothing, just I find it amusing that you think so logically while watching all the movies."

Tails blushes then stops talking to me.

Everyone is shocked when the scene about suing the hero starts.

Orochimaru: "That is quite despicable to do. I would expect betrayal from an enemy ninja but not from the citizens, I would be fighting for. Moreover, they are idiots if they think getting rid of heroes will solve anything."

Lex: "Hmm, I am torn on this matter. On one hand, I can agree that normal humans should be able to fight for themselves but on the other hand what of all the supervillains. I hold no illusions that if all the heroes from my world disappeared the villains would stop committing crimes."

Yang: "Couldn't the heroes just become vigilantes instead?"

Rio: "Probably not the government would find them and arrest them."

The little boy on the tricycle makes everyone burst into laughter at the quiet stare and Mr. Incredible slowly setting the car down and acting like nothing happened.

Rio: "Ah that dinner is like my first life's family dinner. At least before the assassination."

Everyone looks at me with confused looks.

Rio: "Everyone has had an assassin come after them at some point."

Lucario: "I am pretty sure that's not normal."

Rio: "I mean, yeah now that I think about it that is probably weird."

Monika: "Are you going to tell us the story behind your statement?"

I pause the movie so I can tell the story real quick.

Rio: "There's not much to tell, I made something that a certain country really didn't like they sent agents to kidnap my brother and brainwashed him to kill me. It failed and when the country figured that out they blew up my family home with everyone directly related to me in it. Then I may or may not have gone a bit John Wick and caused the entire nation who angered me to collapse."

Lex: "How did you even do that? I thought you had no superpowers back then."

Rio: "Oh I didn't back then. I just invented a Stealthboy-like device and infiltrated the country and planted a lot of bombs in many houses of all the high-ranking people in the country then called them before setting them off."

Orochimaru: "Kukuku, I see that you are good at getting revenge. That probably explains why you seem to have a talent for subterfuge and assassination."

Rio: "Yes yes, lots of stuff but let's return to the movie."

When we get to the job offer scene many are a bit skeptical.

Mal0: "That is a bit odd. They just reach out to a retired hero like that. And right after he was fired."

Seto: "This Mirage character reminds me of Pegasus. Especially how she talks."

Everyone was paying a lot of attention to the fight scene between the Omnidroid and Mr. Incredible.

Lex: "Impressive robot but I can't help but think that the self-learning is both too dangerous and yet also lacking. Mr. Incredible took it out fairly easily. not to mention the droid is very large and bulky making it questionable useful against anything other than infantry."

Rio: "Before any of you get any ideas, No we will not be making these things."

When we get to the discussion about capes Lex speaks up.

Lex: "I always wondered why so many heroes had capes. They really are impractical. The only one I know of having a functional cape was Batman. Then again I suppose that isn't a surprise."

The reveal of Syndrome was something no one was expecting.

Rio: "Not too bad for the infiltration of the facility. Does anyone know why he did so well?"

Gardevoir: "There was no digitial surveilance right?"

Rio: "Correct, if there was digital surveillance then many of the things Bob did would have failed as he would have been caught. Does anyone else recognize any other mistakes he made?"

Mal0: "Many people he took out weren't restrained and could have reported fairly quickly after being removed. The person sent into the water might have been able to warn the others if his equipment was waterproof."

Rio: "Correct, he took a lot of risks but given his limited powers he did okay. That being said he was sloppy on a few occasions and his plan to get through the lava was incredibly risky. As for him getting caught there isn't much he could have done about that but he shouldn't have stopped to try and see what hit him. He should have trusted his suit capabilities and should have fled as quickly as possible. As he saw earlier he might not be able to defeat Syndrome so thus his main goal should have been exfiltration."

The Plane scene comes and some are upset others are curious.

Seto: "Lex you know more about these things but if that was a government plane wouldn't shooting it down bring more attention to them?"

Lex: "It depends, if Syndrome has corrupt politicians in his pocket he might be able to sweep it under the rug. It also depends if the flight was officially sanctioned which I doubt it is. If I were in their shoes I would have allowed the plane to land and then either detain them or let them inspect for whatever they came for. I have dealt with government inspectors before you can usually sway them into ignoring anything you want if you can bribe or blackmail them."

Yang: "So shooting down the plane was likely a bad move."

Lex: "Yes, though I suppose technically he might be thinking that if even if there is an investigation it will be too late for them to stop him since it seems there are less than 10 hours until his plan is enacted. So maybe he wanted to eliminate the small risk the plan could have. But again it is a risky move with possibly high rewards."

The next scene that catches attention is the infiltration by Elasticgirl.

Rio: "A fairly good infiltration but I am curious if anyone has something to point out."

Lucario: "She should have tried to expand herself in order to escape the door when she got caught. Her abilities also seem to have some limitations. The best thing she did was dispose of the knocked-out soldiers."

Rio: "Yes some of her mistakes can be ignored as she is likely very rusty in using her powers. We also can't know her exact power limits so we can't say for certain what she could and couldn't do. Still overall a good infiltration."

Seto: "Those hovercraft seem extraordinarily dangerous to the pilot and everyone around them."

Yang: "I love cool rides as much as the next gal but I don't think I would want to ride in one of those deathtraps."

Lex: "They are also incredibly impractical. I can somewhat see the idea being they are able to cut through the jungle but it seems like a massive money sink for a dangerous and questionable vehicle."

Rio: "I know what you guys mean but I think they are just supposed to look cool as this is a children's movie. Though I like how they sound like Swoop Bikes. Reminds me of memories of me stealing them to escape the law."

Monika: "Wait, you stole bikes? When?"

Rio: "When I was an orphan on Serenno I had to make tough calls. Serenno was one of the more safe Outer Rim worlds but it was still neglected by the Republic. I often had to steal to survive or at least I did till Count Dooku took me in. Serenno was pretty bad before Count Dooku came and straightened it out. If there is one positive of living on Earth is that living as an orphan is easier here than in the Outer Rim."

Everyone goes quiet for a bit as I realize I brought down the whole mood.

Rio: "Okay enough with that sad topic let's get back to the movie."

Eventually, we get to the famous quote scene. "When everyone is super, no one will be."

Lex: "An interesting idea but a bit flawed. Once he sells the inventions everyone will be the same on the surface but eventually, someone will find a workaround or superpowers will just be boosted by the inventions."

Seto: "That and people will still have special powers or unique talents that I question if Syndromes tech can really stop. I mean I don't think anything he has shown could stop Rio if he wanted to fight."

Rio: "Hmm, it depends if I have magic or not. If I don't then it might be a harder fight but then again psychic powers are just broken in general. I mean how do you stop me from reaching into your skull with the Force and squeezing it?"

Orochimaru: "I think it would also be difficult to buy the tech he will be selling meaning the rich would likely just get stronger. Corruption would likely flourish if they now don't have to worry about anything being able to stop them."

We laugh at the Super Suit scene.

Rio: "You know what is even funnier? Monika show them Fury file 3."

Monika: "Sure thing."

The movie is paused and a video is played.

Nick: "What do you mean we lost where this Santa went? We are the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division we have the best resources in the world and you are telling me we lost track of a fat man in a red suit riding a sleigh!"

Agent: "Sorry sir. We have looked everywhere but we just lost him at 0400Z in England. There are no other signals to track."

Nick: "Get out of my office!"

The video ends. It takes a few moments before everyone connects the dots and laughs.

Yang: "Wait are you telling me that Nick Fury has the same voice as Frozone?"

Rio: "Yep, and technically he shares the same voice with Samuel L. Jackson. That actor is in many famous movies. A famous line he is known for has several swear words but is about snakes on a plane."

That causes everyone to laugh more at the idea of the director of Shield screaming about snakes on a plane.

Rio: "Okay we had our fun now let's continue the movie."

When Syndrome appears and immediately gets destroyed I hear a facepalm and look over to see Lex groaning.

Lex: "You have to be kidding me. Did he seriously think this idea of his through at all? I mean his acting is very obvious and then he didn't think to make sure the robot didn't actually hurt him. It's one of the first things you should consider whenever creating a robot or android."

Rio: "You would be very surprised how few people actually think about adding in a safeguard like that."

Everyone winces at the jet engine tearing up Syndrome.

Yang: "Oooh, that was not a pleasant way to go. I think I will get Ruby to not wear a cape. Once she gets summoned that is."

Yang looks at me and winks. I am confused about what she is trying to imply so I just look away.

Lex: "I doubt a non-super could survive that. I think a lot of supers from my work might not survive that."

Seto: "I am starting to rethink the overcoat I usually wear."

When the credits begin to roll I stand up.

Rio: "Thanks everyone for coming to Movie Night. If any of you need a quick ride home I can open a portal for you."

One by one everyone leaves via a Gate or they go to their room. That is everyone but Mal0.

Rio: "Do you need something?"

Mal0: "Yes I just wanted to let you know I have set up a reservation at Omelette Du Fromage at 7 pm 4 days from now. I will meet you here and I expect you to drive me there."

Rio: "Oh yeah, I thought you forgot about that part of my payment. Sure I will be waiting then. Just send me a text before you head here so I can get ready."

Mal0: "Sure, I will keep in touch."

After that she leaves and I am left to clean up and go to bed.

'I love these movie nights. Always nice to take time out of our busy schedules to spend time with each other.'


Authors Note:

A nice little chapter of everyone having a nice time watching a movie together. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Until next time Ciao.