It was the day after the invasion and the destruction of Kamar Taj. I got a system alert yesterday but was so busy I didn't look at it until now.
[Quest Issued The Infinity Question]
[This Quest Has Three Possible Outcomes. When One Is Chosen The Other 2 Rewards Become Impossible To Claim. The Options Are As Followed.
1. Keep The Infinity Stones = Medium Reward
2. Sell The Infinity Stones = High Reward
3. Destroy The Infinity Stones = Massive Reward ]
'Hmm, all three are interesting in the fact that they don't specify what the rewards are. Now let's think about what I want to do. Keeping the Infinity Stones would take some time before I would be strong enough to use them. If I even can use them together. Even Thanos couldn't do that without crippling himself. And he is a Mutant Eternal. They are basically designed to use such cosmic items. And the stones are not that great if you know how to work around them. They only work in the Universe of origin. If you create a bubble that places you outside said Universe the stones are useless. Or a Boomtube. Some of the stones are useless as long as I exist.'
I move on to the second option.
'If I sell the stones I can get a profit but it's not clear how much. From the wording it seems like I would get the points for selling it then the quest reward on top. It would be a one-time deal. I can't get any other rewards if I choose this. Then obviously I would be losing a couple of stones that are at least somewhat useful. But then again I already have a few items that are as strong or negate the effects of the Infinity Stones. And they don't have the home Universe only rule. So are the Infinity Stones that valuable to me?'
Then I move on to the third option.
'This one is definitely the riskiest. If I chose the first I could always sell the stones later. If I sold them then I could get the system points. But if I destroy them then it's a done deal. Even if the rewards are really good they would make me lose out on a lot of points. This option just seems like the worst of the three options. So it's going to be one of the first 2 options.'
I pace around my office debating the 2 different options. I ended up asking how many System Points I would get if I sold them. The answer was 1 Billion if they were sold as a set. This combined with the fact I needed System Points made me heavily lean to the second option. Eventually I came to the answer and chose the second option.
[Quest Complete The Infinity Question]
[Second Option Chosen Issuing Rewards
1 Billion System Points Bonus (On Top Of 1 Billion From Sale)\
1 Zap Plate
1 Pixie Plate
1 Longinus
1 Temp Summon Kyogre And Groudon 1 Month
1 Reality Stability Perk ]
'Wow, these are just crazy good. If this was the high reward I am scared of what the Massive reward was. Now let's see what these do.'
{Name: Zap Plate
The Third Being Raged, Raining Down Bolts Of Anger. Grants The Wielder Control Of Simple Electronic Based Beings. Makes The User Immune To All Electricity Based Attacks And The User Can Move Freely Through Electronics. Grants Omega Level Electrokinetic Powers. Size Can Be Reduced To Allow Wearing By Non-Pokemon. If All Plates Are Collected Then Arceus Can Be Summoned For Free. }
(AN: Basically Rio when using the plate can connect to droids, robots, or other electronic beings and control them or destroy them. The fewer the targets the stronger the effect. But a sufficiently complex or massive being could resist the effects. Especially since like the Infinity Stones using them for too long can damage the user. But he is very much better than Zeus with his Electrokinetic powers. }
{Name: Pixie Plate
The Original One Is In All Things. The Original One Is Nowhere At All. Makes The User Immune To All Fae Or Dream Based Attacks And The User Can Move Freely Through Dreams. Grants Omega Level Dream Manipulation Powers. Size Can Be Reduced To Allow Wearing By Non-Pokemon. If All Plates Are Collected Then Arceus Can Be Summoned For Free. }
{Name: Longinus
Longinus Is A World Class Item With The Power To Erase Anyone Regardless Of Power. The Cost Of Using The Item Is That The User Is Erased Alongside The Target. Cannot Be Avoided. Cannot Be Resisted. Cannot Be Undone. Only Memories Of The Beings Will Be Left And If The Beings Live Via Memories Then They Will Be Erased As Well. Can Only Be Used Once. Can Never Be Obtained Again Once Used. The Summoner Does Not Have To Be The One To Use The Item. Anyone Can Use Longinus. Cannot Be Stolen Or Destroyed. Those Erased Can Never Be Resurrected And Their Titles Or Positions Can Never Be Filled. }
(AN: The last line refers to something like how Sheogorath had the hero of Kvatch Mantle the title of Daedric Prince of Madness. But if say a skeleton mage used the item then others can still be a skeleton mage. But if it was used on the The God of Evil then that title and position would never exist again. The effect applies to any Universe Rio travels to but not before he goes there. }
{Name: Temp Summon Primal Kyogre And Groudon 1 Month
Summons Primal Kyogre And Groudon For 1 Month At The Peak Of Their Power. They Will Not Fight Each Other. They Will Be Loyal To The Summoner. Any Effects They Cause Will Remain After The Summoning Ends. }
{Name: Reality Stability Perk
The User Becomes Immune To Reality Manipulations, Rewrites, Warping, And Attacks. Does Not Make The User Immune To Effects That Don't Fall Into The Previously Mentioned Types. Cannot Be Erased From Reality Unless The User Uses An Item Like Longinus. Creates A 3-Meter Bubble Around The User That Anchors Their Existence. Makes Reality Manipulation In The Universe Of The User Harder To Do Without Users Consent. }
'Okay, wow, that is just wow. These are some really powerful items. Longinus is my ultimate trump card. And I can just have a random undead use it. I hope I never have to use it but I could if I have to. I now have 7.5 Billion System Points. This means once I get the Star Forge Schematics I can buy the darn thing. Zap Plate is just the item I was looking for. Now I could do the Nier Automata Trial. The Pixie Plate is interesting. If I fought Nightmare Moon in the Dream Realm I would win easily. Well as long as I could defeat her before I ran out of time to use the plate. The Perk is great as now Reality Warpers are much less of a threat. Hopefully, I never run into one but just in case and all that. As for the summons well they can be used to speed up the terraforming of some planets. Well once we solve the Magnetosphere problem. As an atmosphere is useless if it just gets stripped away.'
Next, I looked at the gains I got from repossessing items from Kamar Taj and selling the corpses of the Chitauri. I kept some bodies and tech for research but I made sure nothing was left for Hydra or anyone else to mess with. The last thing I needed was Hydra making some kind of doomsday weapon. Or dealing with some supervillains. I got 47 Million from selling everything in Kamar Taj. I got 2.5 Million from the Chitauri remains, tech, and some more metals I sold off. My next targets for selling would be Heaven and Ta Lo. I already had access to Ta Lo I just needed to deal with the Dweller In Darkness. But the Great Protector agreed to help me and later join me once the Dweller In Darkness is dealt with. Luckily, I have the perfect weapon to deal with it. As he is an evil-aligned being Dawn Breaker is the perfect weapon. As for Heaven, I plan on using them to kill Morgana and then take the realm once they are weakened.
'All I need to do is lure Morgana as I know Heaven will gladly fight her if I suggest making a trap in Heaven. From what I know only 3 Angels are left. Uriel, Celeste, and The Gatekeeper. Morgana is weakened but should still be able to defeat the remaining Angels. Of course, I will send some Archangels and Cherubims to help. Which should get rid of 2 enemies with one stone. Speaking of enemies.'
I send Bill Cipher to Vishanti's dimension to deal with them. I guessed that Bill had a 75% or so chance of dealing with everyone in that dimension. But if he failed I could send another temp summon to finish the job. Either Doomsday or Sheogorath. Unless the Goose would work. Or the Imperium might just be strong enough to finish off Vishanti. Actually, Metroman might be able to do it as well. I don't know much about what Metroman is so I can't say if he is magically weak like Kryptonians.
'With Bill that should mean that only TOAA, Death, and the Phoenix Force remain. But of the three, only Death has any presence in this Universe. And that is only with Agatha. Which is on everyone's kill list. Not to mention Death is greatly weakened. Maybe I should send Sheogorath to cause some Chaos. Hmm, no instead it is time to unleash the bane of all things existence. THE GOOSE.'
I summon the Goose in Death's realm to really annoy her.
'That should keep her very annoyed and occupied for a month. Is it petty? Yes. Do I care? No. I should set up the Grand Palantir to watch what the goose does. It will be wholesome fun for the entire family.'
POV Death
???: "HONK!"
Death: "What was that?"
I look down and see a goose.
Death: "How did you get in here? Or better yet how are you not dead? Whatever, I guess I can see what a goose soul looks like."
I look down and see it has bitten my foot. At first I ignored it but then it started hurting.
'Wait that hurts. WAIT HURTS!?'
Death: "F#%$@^ @*&$^&@ *(@&^&*@(#)!@ @&$^&@**@!!!!!"
(AN: You can play the Sailor Mouth censorship from Spongebob or the classic Beep censorship if you want the authentic experience. )
Rio: "Good thing I have the automatic censorship setting on. But just in case don't try that at home. Or else you will get to eat soap."
Chrysalis and Lucario nod their heads and then we go back to eating popcorn while watching Death get bamboozled by a waterfowl.
'Ahhh, this is the life.'
Authors Note:
I decided to sell the Infinity Stones as they have too many drawbacks and they are not that useful for Rio. That and story-wise they remove any tension. But if you disagree let me know why in the comments. And in case you are curious no the goose can never be stopped. The only way its reign of terror will end is when the summoning is over. Until next time Ciao.