Worldly Affairs


Rio: "So we recieved some attacks?"

Trench: "Yes, several Pirate attacks as well as a concentrated attack from what I believe is one of Thanos' main fleets."

Rio: "Any damage to our ships?"

Trench: "None, they didn't even manage to deplete the shields by 1%. Both fleets were massacred. It was mostly thanks to the Interdiction Mines. A few pilots got to experiment with the N-1s and the X-Wings. Here is the data."

I take the file and read over it.

Rio: "Hmm, both performed excellently but weren't able to show off their complete capabilities due to the weak opponents. Do you have an opinion?"

Trench: "The N-1s have the advantage in accuracy and speed, but the X-Wings have more power. Personally, I prefer using Trifighters due to their vastly superior capabilities. And they are much cheaper to produce."

Rio: "So you believe that organics are also unneeded in starfighter combat."

Trench: "Not completely, but overall yes. The Trifighters are just better in every conceivable way, and while organic pilots may be a bit more creative, unless they are a Force Wielder, they can't compete with the Trifighter AI."

Rio: "You aren't the only one to say so. The real difference is when Battle Meditation is involved. That is why I am hesitant to give up on organic pilots completely."

Trench: "Hmm, indeed, that is a fair point. I assume this is also concerning your request to summon all our fleets to fight the Empire."

Rio: "Well, maybe. I admit that I hope that I can convince you to support the deployment. There is no risk for our troops. And while we may lose our fleet, the gains will be massive in exchange. Not to mention the experience our troops will gain from it."

Trench holds up one of his left arms.

Trench: "I understand what you are referring to, but the BCA would be hindered greatly. Not to mention, Thanos could attack again. How can you be certain now is the right time?"

Rio: "We are in a great position. Thanos is cautious, so he won't act again until he knows how to win. The Kree and Nova Empire are either on their deathbed or are about to join the war. The only other group would be the Federation, but they are also focused on the war, so no one is in a position to attack any of our territory. As for the BCA, the single Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser should be enough for now. Especially once we get the rewards I am expecting. If we get it, we will be able to make capital ships in minutes."

Trench: "Sigh. I will consider it. The next strategy meeting is in a month, but I will let you know if you can count on my support before then."

Rio: "Thank you. I will send you the details of my proposal later."

We part ways, and I head back to my office on Earth. I had other reports to go over. The biggest news to hit recently was the succession of Alaska and Hawaii from the USA. Both joined the Crystal Imperium when we showed we could support them. The US was unable to do so as they didn't have any naval vessels that could carry enough supplies. Other big news was the following countries joining the Imperium. UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Canada, Norway, Greenland, Sweden, Finland, Czechia, The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Almost all of them joined for protection. The Russian Royal Family was given the UN Securtiy Council seat. The English Royal Family was given the UK seat. Lastly, France signed a deal with the Crystal Imperium that made them vote and support us in exchange for cheap energy. It was thanks to them that we got the UK and Russian seats.

'Then there's the crap shoot that is the US right now.'

The succession of Alaska and Hawaii was major news, but that was just the start. New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont all succeeded as well and joined the Crystal Imperium. This made the US very unstable, and the government wanted to stop them but couldn't because, unlike them, our military is still fully operational. That and New York had a valid excuse, which was the leaked video of the UN Security Council ordering a Nuclear Strike on NYC. Combined with the fact that the military and government couldn't protect them. The US has had no choice but to stand down. Hydra is currently using the chaos of the world to try and make a coalition against the Crystal Imperium.

'Meanwhile, we have just started the open immigration policy, which has had millions immigrating to the Imperium. Oh, and I have a planned public appearance in my true form in a few weeks.'

It will have me come off as a magical creature that offers people the chance to change their race as long as they swear loyalty and meet some criteria. That and the advanced technology. The next big change is the influx of around 100 Million Equines. I went across the world and asked them to join, and all of them agreed. Some asked for their owners to come with, and I agreed as long as they could pass the test. Only a few hundred did. Which led me to the placement of Crystal City. The capital of the Crystal Imperium. I have made it into a truly massive but well-organized city. As it currently stands, it can support 125 Million residents before needing to be expanded. I placed it in the Siberian Wastes. I just transformed the entire area into a paradise on Earth. I also placed Minas Tirith. That city was placed on the East Coast.

'So far, the results have been great. Both cities are being populated well, and the cities are stable.'

The next big event was similar to the rest of Europe. Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, and Hungary have all been willingly annexed by Hyrule. Malta and Slovakia are on the fence about joining. Slovakia is torn between the Crystal Imperium and Hyrule. Officially, Hyrule is not an Ally of the Crystal Imperium, but we both have great relations. A few other groups joined the Crystal Imperium. Parts of China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan all joined. The countries in question were very unhappy about this but had no choice but to accept it. Especially when overnight, a massive 20 Meter Tall and 10 Meter Thick Wall was formed across all the borders. The wall was made of Wood Release and Reinforced Stone. It was impossible to go under, and going over would be stopped immediately. And due to the materials it is made of, it is highly resistant to damage.

'I am glad Toph was willing to assist me in making it. While she wasn't needed, she still made sure the walls were made right. I also find it amusing that everyone is baffled at how the wall appeared without anyone noticing. If Fury had hair, he would be losing it.'

There are a few other countries that are interested in joining but aren't sure yet. Those are Iceland and Taiwan. Both think they are fine as they are for now, but the populations are not sure if they want to join yet. Hydra and the Ten Rings have made an alliance and are supporting each other in expanding their spheres of influence. Most of Asia and the Middle East are under the Ten Rings' control. And now they are moving into Indonesia. Hydra, on the other hand, has near absolute control over South and Central America and is slowly taking control of Africa. They are also in control of Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Hydra has also made our control over France more complicated. It's because of them that France hasn't joined completely. They control the south, and we control the north. With a small amount of land in the middle that is pseudo-neutral territory.

'It seems like Hydra is trying to usurp control of the US.'

They have been stirring up trouble trying to get the US to fall into a civil war. Their hope is that the war would cause more radicalization and thus make an easier to control puppet. The US is massive and has a lot of population. Then I released the news that the entire world's Nukes went missing and the governments of the world hid the facts for more than a year. If before the world was a 4/10 on the panic scale it has gone to a 9/10. Most southern states are already puppets for Hydra they are just looking for that last match to ignite the powder keg that the US has become. It will just take one push in the wrong direction for the world to have worldwide revolutions, which is good for me as my land will be a utopia where they can flee to.

'And if what I am seeing is correct they are planning on assassinating President Ellis to make his Hydra member Vice President take over. It looks like it is time to call up Agent 47 to protect the president once again.'

The current president isn't very popular due to the numerous crises that have happened during his term. What Hydra and the government don't know is that California, Nevada, and Colorado are all under my control and have influenced the nearby states that should a civil war break out, they will join the Crystal Imperium for safety and security. If I had to put a date on the timeframe for the war, it would be before Winter. Hydra will want to start the war before Liberty Prime is ready. That and Project Insight is less than 4 months from completion. Not that Project Insight will help. As Team Galactic will be requisitioning it from Hydra. And Shield will cease to exist as Nick Fury is already finding some clues. This means the Avengers will also cease to exist as 2 of the 3 members are Fury's personal agents.

'Not that they will be needed as the Crystal Imperium can protect itself but for things outside my country the Teen Titans can deal with it. Which we just need to decide where they should be based. I think I should make an Island in the Atlantic and have the tower placed there.'

I look over the other reports but find that nothing else is of note. I move to create a presentation for the strategy meeting.


Authors Note:

Let me know if anyone has suggestions as to where the Teen Titans home base should be. They will be this world version of the Justice League as they have no oversight and can operate anywhere. Iron Man might join said group but they would likely be called the Titans and not the Teen Titans. A Map of what the world looks like in terms of control will be released in a future chapter. Same with the USA map once the 2nd Civil War begins. Until next time Ciao.