Hail Hydra!


I was heading to the Pentagon to do work on Liberty Prime as I was told today was the day that Hydra was going to destroy it. Thus I needed to be seen heading there but not arriving so everyone thought it was a coincidence that I didn't get killed. Another surprising thing they will be doing is launching the Helicarriers early.

'To be fair they are already capable of flying the only thing that is not done yet is some internal structures and some of the guns aren't installed yet. But with the 40% of weapons it already has it should be enough to succeed in their plan.'

The reason Hydra is launching the Helicarriers early is because they don't want to risk my robots becoming hostile and damaging the Helicarrier. That and their plan to assassinate President Ellis is likely to fail. 47 has done an excellent job protecting the president and gathering evidence on the Vice President. Without a doubt, Hydra will move to their plan B. I hear sirens and see a cop pulling me over.

'Which means the plan has started and Hydra wants to delay me and prevent me from interfering.'

The window is rolled down and I can sense the cop is surprised. Which means he isn't a Hydra agent.

'He was probably given a tip that my car is suspicious and is checking it.'

Rio: "What seems to be the problem officer."

Beagle: "Now there better be a darn good explanation for this."

Rio: "Oh there is. You see around a year I was in a terrible car accident. It was so bad that I was told to never drive again. So Dr. Medicine assigned me a seeing eye bear to help me get around."

Beagle: "Is that right then where's your doctor's note?"

Rio: "Right here officer."

I handed him the note along with the paperwork that had Honeypants registered with me. He reads the info.

Beagle: "Please wait here while I check this in the system."

I wait for a few minutes and he comes back with a smile on his face.

Beagle: "Sorry for the hold up my computer was being slow. I checked the papers and they are all good. Drive safe and thank you for being patient."

Rio: "Of course officer and thank you for your service."

We drive away and I get a message that the assassin who tried to kill the president was captured. The assassin announced that the South would never surrender and killed himself. The Vice President has disappeared along with his guards. And the satellite is beginning to fire. I use the Gate Spell to take Liberty Prime and put it in my inventory. Then I look up and see numerous missiles crashing down on the Pentagon. After a minute of firing it stops and then launches more at different places in the area. The shockwave makes us pull over.

'And so it begins.'

POV Widowmaker

I recieved info for this assignment to eliminate a politician who worked for Hydra but has fallen out of favor recently. I knew they were using me to eliminate Natasha but I didn't care I wanted to see if I could beat her anyway. The other widows requested I bring Natasha in. As for the targets well I knew they were all scum and I had no reason to let them live. The targets get out of their car and I know it is time to eliminate the enemy.

Widowmaker: "Target is in sight. I am taking the shot now."


Three shots were taken and all were headshots. Natasha grabbed a sniper and tried to find me.

Widowmaker: "You are dealing with someone out of your league."

I take another shot and the bullet goes straight through the scope of Natasha's sniper rifle. Then I take another shot to blow up her cover. She runs behind a building and I decide to get her to come to me. I have set up a few Venom Mines that use Magical Plants as ingredients. While she is resistant to poisons and toxins she can't defend against magical poisons as well. I speak into my comms.

Widowmaker: "The spider has taken the bait. Prepare for extraction."

I watch as Natasha gets closer to my position I don't shoot her so she thinks that I don't know she is approaching this area. Once she gets behind me she makes the dumb mistake of trying to approach me from behind. I smile.


Natasha: "Cough Cough!"

I turn around and switch my gun to submachine mode and open fire. She dodges the bullets pretty well be with the movements the poison spreads more. She gets hit by a few bullets which weakens her more. But she gets close enough that I have to jump off the roof and into a lower floor. She doesn't follow me immediately. I shut off the lights and put away the Widow's Kiss.

'Now to see if my CQC training has paid off.'

Natasha appears and she attempts to find me. I disarm her and enter CQC. I can tell even with the poison affecting her she is very well trained. If she was in perfect condition then I think I might lose but unfortunately for her, she isn't. I grab her stun baton and stick it into one of the bullet wounds.



When the baton stops, Natasha is smoking and falls over. I check to make sure she isn't faking by shooting a few stun rounds into her. It seems I was right to do so as she responds but is knocked out for real. I then put her limbs in specially designed cuffs that will be nearly impossible to break out of then I contact my ride.

Widowmaker: "Target down. Send in the Pelican."

Spartan: "Copy that."

POV Nick Fury


Car: "Fracture detected. Recommend anesthetic injection."

I reached for the Med-X and injected it.

Car: "D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area."

I look around and see I am surrounded.

Fury: "Get me out of here!"

They open fire with numerous automatic guns. Luckily my car is built to defend against such attacks.

Car: "Propulsion systems offline."

Fury: "Then reboot, dammit!"

After firing a lot they stop and I look over to see they have taken a breaching tool.

'This isn't small time.'

Car: "Warning! Window integrity compromised."

Fury: "You think? How long to propulsion?"

I get into the passenger seat and prepare my next move.

Car: "Calculating."

The Breaching tool hits my car and it nearly knocks over the car.

Car: "Window Integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures."

Fury: "Hold that order!"

They hit the window again and the car takes another hit of damage.

Car: "Window Integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised."

Fury: "Wait!"

The breaching tool hits again and the window is nearly broken.

Car: "Window Integrity one percent."

Fury: "Now!"

I activate the Heavy Machine gun and start opening fire on everyone I can see. I launch a few grenades as well.

Car: "Propulsion systems now online."

Fury: "Full acceleration, now!"

The car starts driving away while I try to eliminate anyone left.

Fury: "Initiate vertical takeoff!"

Car: "Flight systems damaged."

Fury: "Then activate guidance cameras!"

I get back into the driver's seat to take over control.

Fury: "Give me the wheel!"

I see that I am being followed and decided to contact Hill.

Fury: "Get me Agent Hill."

Car: "Communications array damaged."

Fury: "Well, what's not damaged?"

Car: "Air conditioning is fully operational."

Fury: "I knew I should have taken the LexCorp car today."

Car: "Traffic ahead."

Fury: "Give me an alternate route."

Car: "Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. All vehicles stopped. 17th Avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead."

I look ahead and see a traffic block. I try to break through but still get somewhat stopped. My pursuers catch up and start firing at me. I have to lean back to avoid the bullets that are fired through the broken window. I back into one person behind me and swerve to take out on in front. Then I break out of the traffic jam. Unfortunately, it seems my pursuers follow me. I fight with them but I don't have a gun. I try to take a gun from one of the pursuers who leans out their window to shoot at me. But I have to stop when my car warns me.

Car: "Warning approaching intersection."

The cars get t-boned and I drive away.


Car: "Calculating route to secure location."

I saw someone I knew about in the middle of the road ahead and I was worried.

'What is the Kraven doing here?'

He fires a gun but it seems to barely go far before dropping to the ground. I speed up to try and ram him but then an explosion happens under me. The car is flipped over and I am able to survive and quickly initiate the last-stand protocol. I start cutting into the roof of the car to escape and start the countdown. Kraven starts approaching but before he can get close I escape the car and into the sewers.

Car: "Last Stand activating in 3... 2... 1..."

I got far enough away to not get killed by the blast. After discussing it with the Techno Union, I installed something extra in all my vehicles. It would vaporize the car and the surroundings should I ever be almost captured. I could still feel the massive dose of radiation I just recieved even with the Rad-X I took it was still very high.

I need to get some Rad-Away and soon.'

I stumbled my way to the nearest safe house.


Authors Note:

This is the first part of the Hydra takeover. Black Widow was spared because the other Widows wanted her alive. She will likely join the Spartan Program but time will tell. Until next time Ciao.